Going on an Adventure

We have been reading these series of books about Uncle Wiggily for some time now. They are great children’s stories and the main character, who happens to be a “bunny rabbit gentleman” is always having an adventure. So, both Jude and Anna have latched on to this idea and are often wanting to go for an adventure (particularly Jude).

The adventures that Jude most wants is walking in the forest, I think because this is where Uncle Wiggly has his adventures. Luckily we have some great walking trails near our place and on Saturday we went for an adventure through the forests of Sydney Harbour National Park. When it was time to turn back Jude was disappointed, he really wanted to keep going to the zoo – which is where the trail through the national park ends. I said we would do it on the next Jude and Daddy date.

Another book that is popular with the kids right now is Stanley the Manly Ferry – Marcy just recently bought the kids book series. So on Friday we all caught the local ferry in to Circular Quay and then hopped on board the Manly ferry. It ended up being a gorgeous day and we caught the ferry back to Circular Quay as the sun was setting. Here is a picture of Jude staring out at the sunset – I wonder what he is thinking?

This past weekend was Mother’s Day and on Saturday my whole family got together (with the exception of Mark who had to work) to have lunch with my mum. We took this photo because this is almost certainly the last Mother’s Day we will all have together. These outings are challenging for my mum, she is exhausted by the end of them although she seemed to enjoy the meal. The days of taking my mum out to a restaurant are certainly numbered, some time in the next few months she will likely be unable to take outings like this.

On a brighter note, we celebrated Mother’s Day for Marcy on Sunday and she decided she wanted to hang out on the beach. The day was a bit chilly although the water was relatively warm but most people avoided swimming. Not Jude, though. We took the surfboard along and he wanted to take it out and catch some waves. It was a nice one-foot swell, perfect for little kids and Jude caught two waves on his board (lying down) before deciding it was too cold.

Riding Horses and Motorbikes on the Farm

We spent all day at Robyn and Mark’s farm today and the kids really enjoyed the extended stay there. Jude and Anna both were able to go for a long horse ride and Jude watched Uncle Mark chop down a tree, cut firewood with a chainsaw, cut back a horse’s hooves, ride on a motorbike and much more. It was quite the day. Here is a video I shot today of Jude and Anna riding Cruz bareback through the paddock. They probably were riding for at least five minutes and both kids did well even when Cruz got a little frisky at the start.

Mark got out this motorbike and was riding around the property on it. Jude was a little uncertain and while he was happy to sit on it, he decided he didn’t want to take it for a ride.

Where was Marcy you might be wondering? She was in New Zealand. Yes, we have had some visa troubles. After being told by United Airlines that Marcy had a 12 month visa, when we called the Australian immigration people a couple of weeks ago we found out that it was only three months and Marcy was, in fact, staying in the country illegally. She had to leave within two weeks and then apply for a new visa while outside the country. So, this morning we dropped Marcy off at the airport and then I took the kids out to the farm for the day. It sounds like the visa was just a formality and we will see Marcy back in Sydney tomorrow night.

Last weekend we were also on a farm, visiting my friend Dicky on his Alpaca farm. But I don;t have any photos to share right now, because they are all on Marcy’s computer which is with her in New Zealand. Have some more next week.

Yesterday we stayed closer to home, venturing down to the Kirribilli markets and we had every intention of walking over the Harbour Bridge again and climbing up the pilons. There is a big park right underneath the Bridge and Jude and Anna had such fun playing in it that by the time they were done it was almost lunch time. Here they are studying the “gumnuts” they had picked from a tree.

Finally, last Sunday I had the pleasure of attending a full day music festival with some of my old uni (college) friends. Saw the Hoodoo Gurus at the Enmore Theatre (a fantastic place for live music) and had a blast. There was even a surprise appearance from one of my favorite bands, the Sunnyboys, from the early 80’s. Great times.


Easter and Some Bushwalking

One of my very fond childhood memories is going to the Royal Easter Show. It has been a Sydney institution dating back to the 1820’s and is one of the largest shows of its kind in the world. It is similar to the American state fair but on a very large scale. It is at the Sydney Showgrounds which these days is in Olympic park.

There are rides galore at the show and you can see every kind of farm animal you can imagine. With Jude and Anna we spent most of our time on the rides and then went and saw the chickens and horses. It was quite a big day and both kids fell asleep in the car on the way home – the first time that has happened in many months.

Last weekend was Easter and the Easter Bunny came and provided some yummy chocolates and other gifts for the kids. Jude was quite excited to get an chocolate bunny and I think it was gone before lunch. Both kids did an Easter egg hunt around our living room where they found some more chocolates and sometimes money inside the Easter eggs.

Yesterday, we went on a bushwalk in a national park not far from our place. It was quite the adventure for everybody and despite Anna having a bad fall at the start the kids had a great time. They were on the lookout for “treasure” which was basically just any interesting stick, leaf or shiny rock they could find (and there were many). We stopped for an early picnic lunch on this big rock by the trail. And yes, Jude did the entire walk in his pajamas.

Today I took the kids up to this great playground and met up with one of my old college friends and his kids. There is a cafe and big field for kids to play in, there is a bike trail, a fantastic playground and it is right on the water – a kids paradise. Both Jude and Anna had a great time playing with the other kids and we spent almost four hours there. Meanwhile Marcy went for a long hike and went to see a movie.

Speaking of Marcy – even though she is not doing as much yoga as she was in Denver, she still has enough strength and talent to do a handstand. I couldn’t even attempt this, particularly on the hard rock.

A Birthday, A Seaplane Ride and Some Pretty Birds

Last Saturday was my birthday, the first one I had spent in Sydney in 22 years. I had a great day with a visit to the beach in the morning, a family lunch, a visit with my mum and then prawns and champagne on Balmoral Beach for dinner. Anna actually snapped this photo of us – she is becoming quite the little photographer at the tender age of 3.

For weeks now we have been seeing the seaplanes near our place and when we were out on the Harbour. Jude has been asking for a long time to take a ride in one so this weekend we did just that. We drove over early to have breakfast at a local cafe by the water and then we caught a boat out to the waiting plane. Jude was very excited about it and he loved every minute of it.

I thought the seaplane ride was amazing. We went all around my favorite parts of Sydney – including the northern beaches and Pittwater as well as taking in all of Sydney Harbour. We did a figure eight loop around the Opera House and Harbour Bridge and here is one of the best photos I took.

Sydney has a lot of birds. Every morning we are woken up by the kookaburras making their loud and somewhat obnoxious call at the crack of dawn. And we have a tree right outside our balcony that is home to dozens of rosellas – a really colorful Australian parrot. They even come on to our railing some times, so I snapped this photo last week much to the delight of the kids.

Finally, I want to talk about my mum this week. She is one of the main reasons we are in Sydney for six months. She has Alzheimer’s disease and has been getting progressively worse for some time now. She recognizes me some of the time, but interestingly she recognizes my Dad all the time, at least until now. She has some very dear friends that she has known for over 60 years and we got them together for lunch this past week.

My mum, Pat Bernard and Betty Phillips met while working at Ryde Council in the early 1950’s and have remained good friends ever since. When my mum quit the council to become a full time mother just before my brother was born they kept in contact. In fact, until my mum moved into a nursing home a couple of years ago they had seen each other once a week for morning tea or lunch every week for several decades. With my mum’s declining health this is almost certainly their last lunch together. These women were so important in my mother’s life but now she barely even remembers them.

A Visit From the Fire Brigade

This weekend I went out of town for the first time since we had arrived in Sydney. There was a bunch of guys from my high school getting together in a town that was a about an hour and a half away by train. I received a phone call around 7pm from Marcy asking what the emergency services phone number was (it is 000 or as everyone here says, triple-0).

Jude had his fingers stuck in the bath tub drain. Yes, you read that right. Somehow with the suction of the drain he had three fingers stuck and they simply wouldn’t come out. So, Marcy tried olive oil and soap and nothing. So, she called 000 and the fire brigade came calling. They initially had no success until someone had the bright idea of ice (of course, that is obvious in hindsight). With that the fingers came out one by one. I was getting the blow by blow from Marcy via text messages and was relieved that everything was ok. I was not looking forward to a 100 km taxi ride back home if there was something seriously wrong.

In the end Jude was pretty excited about the whole ordeal. He loved telling me all about it and this is certainly one for the family history book. Tonight when I was giving him a bath when I pulled the plug on the drain he moved his fingers down there again, so I promptly pulled him out of the tub. I think he wanted to have the fire brigade come back for another visit. So, there will be no more staying in the tub while it is draining anymore.

I have talked before about how much we love where we are living. We are right on the harbour and have a beautiful foreshore walking trail outside our door. Last week we walked along this trail about 150 yards and saw a huge ocean liner anchored in the harbour.

Every Wednesday Jude has a halfday at school. So, once a fortnight I pick Jude up from school and we have a Jude and Daddy date, which usually involves going to Manly and having some lunch there. After lunch this time I took him up to North Head which marks the north entrance to Sydney Harbour. It is a national park and they have lots of interesting plants and insects not to mention a great view of the city.

Today, Marcy had a class so I had the kids all day. This evening I decided we go down to the ferry wharf to greet Marcy as she got off the ferry. When we arrived at the ferry wharf there were some people fishing and Jude was asking them all kinds of questions. They were good sports and gave Jude a hand line to test his luck. He actually had a couple of nibbles but didn’t land a fish. But the highlight was one the guys there actually hooked a pretty big octopus and Jude watched the whole thing, mesmerized. We decided we really need to get Jude a fishing rod.

Guinea Pigs and a Family Day at Luna Park

I think Jude would say the highlight for him of the past two weeks was having guinea pigs for a weekend. Anna’s preschool has guinea pigs and each kid gets to take them home for the weekend. While Anna enjoyed the guinea pigs, Jude was in heaven. As soon as we got home from an outing Jude would ask if he could hold one of them; sometimes he even wanted to come home from an outing specifically to see them. They were very tame and are used to little kids not so gentle touching. Both kids had such a great time that we signed up for another weekend later in the year.

The other highlight of the past fortnight was our family day at Luna Park. This is an amusement park right on Sydney Harbour and went there this past Friday. Jude is officially in kindergarten four and half days a week but by Friday he is exhausted so we are planning on taking him out of school most Fridays and the teachers are fine with that.

Anyway, Jude is a huge fan of Luna Park, in particular the Wild Mouse roller coaster. Marcy lost count of how many times they went on it but in the end she told Jude she needed a break. They take a photo of every car in one of the steep sections and we had to buy one of them – Jude looked just like this in all 15 or so rides they took.

This morning was one of the most spectacular sun rises I have seen in a long time. Jude even woke Marcy up to make sure she didn’t miss it. I took this photo from the office window.

These days Jude loves to run. He particularly likes chasing birds as we have mentioned but he also often falls behind when we are out walking because something has grabbed his attention. Today we went to the Australian Museum in the city and we walked back through a park and I snapped this photo of Jude running at full tilt.

Jude Starts Kindergarten and Rides Bareback on a Thoroughbred

Jude started Kindergarten 10 days ago and as expected it was a bit of a tough transition. He cried a lot and didn’t want me to leave him and the first day I took him home after an hour or so. The second day he was much better and after a week he has settled in nicely. He still wants me to stay when I drop him off but I can see that once I leave he is totally fine. He seems to enjoy school and has lots of stories to tell us when he gets home. Here is a photo of Jude with Marcy as he is about to go off to his Sydney school for the first time.

Last weekend we all ventured out to Aunt Robyn and Uncle Mark’s farm in the country. Jude and Anna had a blast – they got to ride horses and explore the 30 acre farm. They had a little dam that Jude explored in great detail – studying at the fish and all the insects – but his favorite part was definitely riding the horse. Here you can see Jude riding bareback on Cruise the thoroughbred and former race horse. Jude and Anna took a tandem ride on Cruise that I captured on video here.

Yesterday we decided to meet up with some good friends and take a walk over the Sydney Harbour Bridge. We caught the ferry into Circular Quay, met our friends and then walked over the bridge. It is probably a good couple of miles all told and Jude walked pretty much the entire way. Anna was a trooper and walked about half. Here we all are halfway across the bridge.

One of Jude’s favorite things to do these days is to chase birds. When we get to a park or the beach he just wants to run and try and catch a bird. He sometimes gets pretty close where he might be able to catch one but he gets scared when they start flapping their wings hard. Well today, we had a family lunch at a cafe overlooking the Parramatta River and there were plenty of birds around. Uncle Mark had some pigeons under his chair and he managed to grab one much to the delight of Jude – he went over to give it a pat on the head.

Jude Plays Cricket on Australia Day

We had a wet week here in Sydney although the rain did stop briefly for Australia Day on January 26th. We were planning on spending some time on the beach that day but instead we decided to go to a barbeque with some friends.

Here Jude was introduced to cricket for the first time. Jude has been curious about cricket ever since he saw some teams playing on the local field at Manly. He wanted to give it a try so on Australia Day Jude had his first taste of playing cricket – he did quite well, making solid contact with the bat several times.

This week also marked the first date for Marcy and I in many weeks. We had Alicia Miers (the daughter of a good college friend) come over to babysit for us. The kids love her so it was easy for us to leave. We had a great night – caught the ferry into the city and had champagne and oysters at the Oyster Bar that is literally right on the harbour. Then we had a seafood dinner at Doyle’s and a walk around the harbor foreshores, and we even caught at late movie. It was a great night.

Settling in at Our New Home on Sydney Harbour

After two weeks at the beach we moved to our more permanent home in Cremorne. While we would have loved to have stayed at the beach the drive to Jude and Anna’s schools would have just been too long. We estimated it would take 45 minutes each way to drive there from Manly and that is just too long in a car each way.

While we loved the beach we are just as happy with our new home. It is a three bedroom apartment in Cremorne within walking distance to the ferry and right next to some of the nicest walking trails in all of Sydney. Here is a picture Marcy took on my phone on an early morning walk a couple of days ago.

We tried to make the most of our last few days at the beach. Marcy and I rented a paddle board for the day which is basically a really big surfboard where you stand up and paddle. We each had a go and then the kids wanted to take a turn. Jude did pretty well holding the big paddle and pushing himself along.

Jude also tried his turn at the surfboard for the first time. This was also a gift from the Miers family (along with the boogie boards and many other things) and Jude enjoyed playing around on it. We were just in the quiet bay but it was good to get him used to the balance of the board. He likes the surfboard but he is just as happy playing the sand at the water’s edge.

One of the other advantages of our new home is that it is close to the zoo. So we took out a family membership and will likely be spending a lot of time there over the next 5-6 months. They have a pretty cool gondola that gives great views of the harbour as well as the animals in the zoo. It is also a hit with the kids.

From Denver to Sydney: The Big Trip

What a couple of weeks we have had. We celebrated Christmas and then it was time to get ready for our move to Sydney. This was complicated by the fact that we had sold our house so we had to get absolutely everything out of the house before we left. This proved to be a bigger task than we anticipated.

But we tried to keep the kids lives as normal as possible. We had one of Anna’s teachers, Cyndi, help out a lot and she was a godsend because she kept the kids entertained while we were getting everything ready. We went to the Zoo lights on our last night which has become something of an annual tradition which the kids really appreciate.

Then it was off to Sydney on January 2nd. The last day was certainly one of the most stressful I have had in recent memory. There was just so much to do to get everything completely out of the house. I had sold my car so we had a rental car that had to be returned. We had a storage unit to rent. Around noon on January 2nd (just seven hours before our flight was due to leave for Sydney) we realized that we needed another large storage unit. So, that was one of many hiccups that day. Then the taxi was late and we were not sure all of our 14 bags (yes, you read that right) would fit in to the taxi.

Once the taxi arrived it was all smooth sailing from then on. We got to the airport with some time to spare, the flights were on time, and what is more the kids were really well behaved and slept for 7-8 hours on the flight from LA to Sydney.

We made it to Sydney and met up with my brother who took some of the 14 suitcases home with him. Then it was time to check into our apartment and straight down to the beach. Jude and Anna loved playing in the sand and water.

On our second day we had a big family lunch gathering. Everyone was there except for Mark, Robyn’s partner, and it was really good to see everyone, especially my mum who I hadn’t spoken to for almost nine months (she is very hard of hearing and phone conversations are no longer possible). She seemed to have a good time along withe everyone else.

The transition to life in Sydney has been about as easy as we could have hoped. The kids did really well adjusting to jet lag – far better than we expected. The first morning they were up at 3:45am but then the second morning they slept through until 5:30am. And they are getting along better than ever. They have been playing with each other more and these pretend games will sometimes last an hour or more. Here they are on our walk down to the surf beach yesterday, deep in conversation.

Speaking of the beach we met Scott & Elaine, some old friends of ours, down at Manly yesterday. And they brought us some beach gear which included a boogie board for Jude and Anna. Jude jumped in right away and he loved it. If the water wasn’t so cold he would have been out there for hours. Anna will probably enjoy hers when the water warms up later in the summer. Here is Jude’s form on the boogie board.