Going on an Adventure

We have been reading these series of books about Uncle Wiggily for some time now. They are great children’s stories and the main character, who happens to be a “bunny rabbit gentleman” is always having an adventure. So, both Jude and Anna have latched on to this idea and are often wanting to go for an adventure (particularly Jude).

The adventures that Jude most wants is walking in the forest, I think because this is where Uncle Wiggly has his adventures. Luckily we have some great walking trails near our place and on Saturday we went for an adventure through the forests of Sydney Harbour National Park. When it was time to turn back Jude was disappointed, he really wanted to keep going to the zoo – which is where the trail through the national park ends. I said we would do it on the next Jude and Daddy date.

Another book that is popular with the kids right now is Stanley the Manly Ferry – Marcy just recently bought the kids book series. So on Friday we all caught the local ferry in to Circular Quay and then hopped on board the Manly ferry. It ended up being a gorgeous day and we caught the ferry back to Circular Quay as the sun was setting. Here is a picture of Jude staring out at the sunset – I wonder what he is thinking?

This past weekend was Mother’s Day and on Saturday my whole family got together (with the exception of Mark who had to work) to have lunch with my mum. We took this photo because this is almost certainly the last Mother’s Day we will all have together. These outings are challenging for my mum, she is exhausted by the end of them although she seemed to enjoy the meal. The days of taking my mum out to a restaurant are certainly numbered, some time in the next few months she will likely be unable to take outings like this.

On a brighter note, we celebrated Mother’s Day for Marcy on Sunday and she decided she wanted to hang out on the beach. The day was a bit chilly although the water was relatively warm but most people avoided swimming. Not Jude, though. We took the surfboard along and he wanted to take it out and catch some waves. It was a nice one-foot swell, perfect for little kids and Jude caught two waves on his board (lying down) before deciding it was too cold.