School Photos and a Sleep Away Weekend

Jude's official 6th grade photo

Jude’s official 6th grade photo

It is school photo time so here are the official photos for both Jude and Anna. They are just the cutest kids you will ever see…

Anna's official 4th grade photo

Anna’s official 4th grade photo

Anna had the day off school on Friday because of teacher conferences. Marcy and I met with her teacher and she is doing really well even though she still doesn’t love it at her new school. Then on Friday afternoon Marcy drove Anna to the mountains because she had a sleep away camp at Keystone Science School. It was called: Tech in the World of Fashion and Trends in  Outdoor Recreational Gear, and it was part of their Girls in STEM program and was for girls in 3rd to 8th grade.

Showing off her headband design at REI in Dillon on Saturday night

Showing off her headband design at REI in Dillon on Saturday night

Anna loved it. She made a headband using the latest high tech materials which she presented at REI and Marcy was there to see it. Anna made some new friends as well and intends to keep in touch with some of them.

Jude enjoying donuts before his community service morning

Jude enjoying donuts at the start of his community service morning

Meanwhile Jude and I stayed home in Denver. On Saturday we did some community service that is required as part of his school. We went downtown to Volunteers of America where we got our assignments. We were to rake and bag leaves for some senior citizens around town. Our group of three families were assigned to three houses in the Hilltop neighborhood.

On Sunday we were supposed to do the Candy Run in Wash Park but it was cold and snowy and neither of us wanted to go so we stayed home and watched the Premier League soccer.

Anna showing off her new look

Anna showing off her new look

Finally, Anna went to the hairdresser this week and decided to get some color in the hair. She choose the aquatic color and she loves it. The color will last 6-8 weeks.

Halloween 2018

Anna carving her pumpkin

Anna carving her pumpkin

Halloween was on a Wednesday this week. So both schools had some serious Halloween fun. At Anna’s school the day was basically filled with trick or treating around the DU campus Anna said they just had two classes all day. Lots of candy and fun. Jude’s school had a Halloween parade and lots of candy there as well.

That night the kids were initially not all that enthused about trick or treating but once they got going they were really into it. I took them around the neighborhood and they produced a major stash. Jude left very little for the Switch Witch while Anna donated about 1/3 of her candy.

Jude dressed up as our cat, Pickles, while Anna was a Roman goddess

Jude dressed up as our cat, Pickles, while Anna was a Roman empress

On Friday afternoon Marcy had her first Ridhwan weekend in five years and she decided to stay up in Louisville at a hotel. Jude had his first ever school dance and I took him and our neighbor Thomas to it. Anna came along to drop them off and then we went on a little shopping date at the mall. Jude arrived home just before 10pm and he had had a great time. They did some face painting and he hung out with his school friends most of the night. Not much dancing was done at least by Jude and his friends.

Jude after his school dance with his face painted

Jude after his school dance with his face painted

Saturday morning was cold and rainy. We felt for sure that Anna’s soccer game would be canceled but we got an email at 7:45am, saying her 9am game was still on. So, we scrambled to get Anna out the door and we arrived 15 minutes before game time. It was drizzling throughout the game and pretty miserable from a spectator standpoint. But Anna was into the game and she played really well again. She was unlucky not to get a goal as her team lost again. The kids thawed out with some hot chocolate at Starbucks after the game.

Anna taking a free kick in her rain-soaked match

Anna taking a free kick in her rain-soaked match

Sunday was a little nicer. Anna baked some muffins in the morning and then had a playdate with a school friend. Meanwhile Jude and I went to Colorado Journey miniature golf. I dropped Jude back at home and picked up Anna to take her to her cello recital at her old school.

Playing mini golf at Colorado Journey

Playing mini golf at Colorado Journey

She is still taking cello lessons from the teacher there so she was invited to play. Anna loved being back and seeing a few of her old friends.

Anna during her cello recital

Anna during her cello recital



Jude’s Week Off and a Beautiful Fall Weekend

Jude relaxes with Picky on "the cloud"

Jude relaxes with Picky on “the cloud”

Jude had the week off from school and as he is wont to do he spent a lot of time relaxing at home. There was soccer on TV almost every day and of course he spent time with Pickles, our cat. He and Marcy did a few outings, they came into my work for lunch one day but Jude generally had a low key week. He even said by the end of it he was looking forward to going back to school Monday.

Enjoying chocolate crepes on the last day of the farmers market

Enjoying chocolate crepes on the last day of the farmers market

Saturday, the kids and I had a haircut and on the way back we stopped at the farmers market in Cherry Creek. It was the last weekend and we wanted to stock up on the tamales that Jude loves. It was such a beautiful day and the kids decided to get some yummy chocolate crepes. Saturday afternoon Anna had her soccer game. She had another strong game even though her team lost again. Saturday night Marcy and I had our first date in many months when we went to our friend Maggie’s 50th birthday party.

After raking leaves in the front yard Jude decides to jump in the pile

After raking leaves in the front yard Jude decides to jump in the pile

Today was an even nicer day so we used the opportunity to get some yard work done. Jude and I raked leaves in the front yard and Marcy did the backyard. Anna meanwhile got out the archery set and played with the neighbors most of the day. And of course, Jude and I watched some of the Broncos and Packers games as well as the Arsenal game this morning.

Anna and some neighbors trying to light leaves on fire with a magnifying glass

Anna and some neighbors lighting leaves on fire with a magnifying glass

Golf, a Recital and Picky Brings Us a Present

Pickles brings us a present, her first mouse

Pickles brings us a present, her first mouse

We have been letting Pickles out a couple of times a day now for several months. But one day this week she decided to return with a present for us for the first time: a little mouse she had found on her travels.

Making smores at Halloween at the Zoo

Making s’mores on the gas fireplace at Halloween at the Zoo

It was a gorgeous weekend. Both days were warm with barely a cloud in the sky. Saturday, Anna had her soccer game where she played really well again. Then she had a play date with one of her school friends. On Saturday we went out to TAG Burger and then to the zoo for their Halloween celebration. The kids made s’mores and we checked out all the pumpkin carvings they had made. And of course, we saw the animals, those that were still awake in the dark.

Jude showing his style at Harvard Gulch

Jude showing his style at Harvard Gulch

This morning after chores were done Jude and I went to play 9 holes at our local Par 3, Harvard Gulch. Jude has really improved this year, particularly off the tee and giving him two shots a hole it was a very close match. He would have beaten me but for some bad putts on the last hole.

Practicing for her cello recital

Practicing for her cello recital

Anna had a tennis lesson while we played golf and then when she got home she needed to practice for her cello recital. We have kept up cello lessons for Anna and she has been practicing daily. Her cello teacher came over to our house for the recital and Anna went through all the songs in Book 1 of her cello lessons. She played beautifully.

Riding back from the store with a backpack full of groceries

Riding back from the store with a backpack full of groceries

Anna wanted to make us dinner from her Raddish cookbook so she and I rode to the store and bought the ingredients and then together we made dinner. Anna insisted on riding home from the store with the backpack full of groceries. Marcy spent the afternoon working on the yard.

First Snow of the Season

Anna's birthday dinner celebration at Benihana

Anna’s birthday dinner celebration at Benihana

Baba and Grandpa were here for the first part of the week while I was off on a business trip to DC. I arrived back just in time for Anna’s birthday celebration dinner at Benihana. We were going to do this Sunday night but Anna had a big day last Sunday and we decided to postpone it until Wednesday night. We had a nice family dinner and Anna had a great time.

Anna with one of the gymnasts on the DU team

Anna with one of the gymnasts on the DU team

We said goodbye to Baba and Grandpa on Thursday morning as they drove back to Iowa. On Friday night Jude and I went to a soccer afternoon at his school. They had a parents vs staff vs kids soccer game. I played on the parents team, it was my first real soccer game in about 30 years but it was fun. Jude also had a a great time playing on the kids team, they ended up beating the staff team which they all thought was really cool. While we were doing that Marcy and Anna were at DU watching the girls gymnastics team practice for their homecoming weekend meet.

He may be almost 12 but he still likes to sit on my lap sometimes

He may be almost 12 but he still likes to sit on my lap sometimes, watching Anna’s game

It was a gorgeous fall day on Saturday and we rode down to the farmers market for lunch. Then Anna had a soccer match in the afternoon. She had another good match but their team lost again in a close game.

Anna clearing snow off the back porch in our first storm of the season

Anna clearing snow off the back porch in our first storm of the season

On Sunday morning we woke up to snow. We knew it was coming but it was still a bit of a shock after such a beautiful day on Saturday. We had a nice quiet morning and then I took the kids to Spider Monkey so they could get some exercise. We got home and Jude and I watched the Broncos game while Anna decided to bake some chocolate cookies with a recipe she got as part of this cooking club we got for her birthday.

Anna hard at work in the kitchen baking chocolate cookies

Anna hard at work in the kitchen baking chocolate cookies

Anna Turns 10!

Anna at her birthday breakfast at "berries and cream"

Anna at her birthday breakfast at “berries and cream” aka Original Pancake House

The excitement built up all week in our house as we all got ready for Anna’s 10th birthday. We had a whole weekend of activities planned. Anna had a day at Elitch’s planned with a school firend, this was her third visit this year which means she used all six kids tickets that she won earlier in the summer. This was also the first time she was tall enough to go on any ride and she was particularly excited to go on this crazy roller coaster called the Mind Eraser.

Anna with a school friend at Elitch's

Anna with a school friend at Elitch’s

When Anna got home from Elitch’s she received a surprise. Baba and Grandpa had driven from Iowa to surprise Anna for her birthday and stay for a few days. Last night we ordered pizza and watched a movie.

Baba and Jude celebrating Anna's birthday dinner at home

Baba and Jude celebrating Anna’s birthday dinner at home

This morning we went to our traditional breakfast at a place the kids call “berries and cream”. It is actually called the Original Pancake House but we always get berries and cream when we go there and we have been going there for birthdays for almost 10 years.

Anna celebrating with her old and new school friends

Anna celebrating with her old and new school friends

Anna decided she wanted a small birthday party with just a few friends from both her old school and new school. They had a blast playing games, including four square on the street. We also setup a piñata on the play set in the backyard and that was a big hit.  We had burgers and hot dogs for lunch and then, of course, there was cake,

Anna getting ready to take a swing at the piñata.

Anna getting ready to take a swing at the piñata.

After her own party Anna was actually invited to another party at this climbing gym. So, by the time she arrived home around 5:30pm she was exhausted. We were going to go out for a fancy dinner but we decided to wait until Wednesday when I am back from my trip.

Jude after his cross country run at Colorado Academy

Jude after his cross country run at Colorado Academy

Jude was a trooper this weekend. It is never easy when your sibling is getting all the attention and for the most part he was pretty good. You could see he was happy for Anna which was nice. On Saturday morning we went to a cross country meet for Jude at Colorado Academy. He ran his heart out and finished first in his team and 107th overall. Not bad considering he was competing against eighth graders.

A Cross Country Race and a Block Party

Jude finishing his first cross country race

Jude finishing his first cross country race for his school team

On Tuesday afternoon Jude had his first cross country race for his school. It was a meet with about two dozen other private schools so there were probably more than 500 kids there. I was flying home from a conference in Miami and this event just happened to be close to the airport. So, I was able to make it to see the last part of his run. He pushed himself really hard and came in the top half of finishers, not bad considering he was racing against all middle schoolers (up to eighth grade).

We had a pretty quiet weekend. On Saturday I made my first batch of green chili for the season in preparation for our neighborhood block party today, a chili cook-off. Anna played soccer on Saturday afternoon and then we came home and tested out the chili for dinner. It was too spicy for the kids but I liked it and it was a hit at the block party.

The neighborhood kids at the block party

The neighborhood kids at the block party

We enjoyed the block party this afternoon. It was good to spend more time with the neighbors and the kids had a great time playing all afternoon. There was badminton, spike ball, jenga, soccer in the park and the climbing of trees. The food was really good too, with some good chili choices.

Wisdom Teeth Surgery and Potted Potter

At Dart Warz an indoor nerf run shooting place

Anna, Reed and Jude at Dart Warz an indoor nerf run shooting place

I had my wisdom teeth out on Thursday night so I had a pretty quiet weekend. I was feeling low energy all weekend and didn’t want to do much of anything. Marcy took Anna and Reed to the pool on Saturday afternoon and then to Dart Warz, I had a nap while they were away.

Old friends since 2 1/2 years of age...

Old friends since 2 1/2 years of age…

Today, we had a quiet day at home. I watched some soccer, football and golf and I accompanied Jude on a 5k around the park (I rode my bike).

This evening we went and saw a show at the Newman Center at DU called Potted Potter. This was a Harry Potter parody where two actors pack all seven books into a 70-minute performance. The four of is went and had a blast, it was a hilarious show that the kids enjoyed as much as us.

Jude’s Fourth Fourteener: Mt Sherman

At the summit of Mt Sherman

At the summit of Mt Sherman

This weekend Jude climbed a fourteener with me for the fourth year in a row. This time we decided to climb Mt Sherman near Fairplay, to get out of the front range and the crazy crowds on 14ers these days. We drove to Fairplay on Saturday afternoon staying at a hotel that night. We were up bright and early this morning to drive to the trailhead and we were on the trail before 8am.

Mt Sherman is a relatively easy hike as 14ers go, just over 2,000 feet of vertical and a six mile roundtrip hike. We were back to the car in 4 hours 20 minutes, the quickest 14er we have done together. Then it was off to lunch in Fairplay where Jude wanted to go to a sports bar to watch the Packers game.

Enjoy lunch and the Packers game after the hike

Enjoying lunch and the Packers game after the hike

Friday night we went to a function at Jude’s school and then Jude had a sleepover with one of his new school friends there. Anna was up first on Saturday, that in itself is a first, and when we came down for breakfast it was all set up for us. Then she decided to make herself a giant pancake. It was all very sweet.

Anna made breakfast for everyone on Saturday and a giant pancake for herself

Anna made breakfast for everyone on Saturday and a giant pancake for herself

Anna had her second soccer game on Saturday. We all went to watch and it was another super hot day. But Anna was undeterred. She ran all over the field and was easily the best player on her team in my opinion. They lost 3-2 and Anna was hot and exhausted afterwards. But she had a birthday party to go to right after soccer so she got changed and went to Spider Monkey to play. It was quite an energetic afternoon.


A Sick Family and a Trip to China

Marcy took this great closeup of a bee in our backyard

Marcy took this great closeup of a bee in our backyard

I left town for Shanghai early Tuesday morning, which also happened to be our 14th wedding anniversary. We had our annual China conference and it was a whirlwind trip for me. I arrived on Wednesday night, the conference was Thursday and Friday and then I flew out Saturday lunch time. The conference went well, although it was a bit smaller crowd than last year.

While I was away both kids were sick each taking a day off school. Marcy then felt sick herself so it was a pretty miserable week all around in the Renton house.


Opening the Day 2 Keynote stage in Shanghai

I arrived home on Saturday afternoon and drove straight to Anna’s soccer game. She is playing on a new team this year in a different league and she likes it a lot. She had a really good game and her team drew 3-3. Today, we were all pretty low energy so we rode our bikes to the farmers market, caught some of the DU women’s soccer game (Anna got some free tickets) and then Jude and I watched a bit of football.