Halloween 2018

Anna carving her pumpkin

Anna carving her pumpkin

Halloween was on a Wednesday this week. So both schools had some serious Halloween fun. At Anna’s school the day was basically filled with trick or treating around the DU campus Anna said they just had two classes all day. Lots of candy and fun. Jude’s school had a Halloween parade and lots of candy there as well.

That night the kids were initially not all that enthused about trick or treating but once they got going they were really into it. I took them around the neighborhood and they produced a major stash. Jude left very little for the Switch Witch while Anna donated about 1/3 of her candy.

Jude dressed up as our cat, Pickles, while Anna was a Roman goddess

Jude dressed up as our cat, Pickles, while Anna was a Roman empress

On Friday afternoon Marcy had her first Ridhwan weekend in five years and she decided to stay up in Louisville at a hotel. Jude had his first ever school dance and I took him and our neighbor Thomas to it. Anna came along to drop them off and then we went on a little shopping date at the mall. Jude arrived home just before 10pm and he had had a great time. They did some face painting and he hung out with his school friends most of the night. Not much dancing was done at least by Jude and his friends.

Jude after his school dance with his face painted

Jude after his school dance with his face painted

Saturday morning was cold and rainy. We felt for sure that Anna’s soccer game would be canceled but we got an email at 7:45am, saying her 9am game was still on. So, we scrambled to get Anna out the door and we arrived 15 minutes before game time. It was drizzling throughout the game and pretty miserable from a spectator standpoint. But Anna was into the game and she played really well again. She was unlucky not to get a goal as her team lost again. The kids thawed out with some hot chocolate at Starbucks after the game.

Anna taking a free kick in her rain-soaked match

Anna taking a free kick in her rain-soaked match

Sunday was a little nicer. Anna baked some muffins in the morning and then had a playdate with a school friend. Meanwhile Jude and I went to Colorado Journey miniature golf. I dropped Jude back at home and picked up Anna to take her to her cello recital at her old school.

Playing mini golf at Colorado Journey

Playing mini golf at Colorado Journey

She is still taking cello lessons from the teacher there so she was invited to play. Anna loved being back and seeing a few of her old friends.

Anna during her cello recital

Anna during her cello recital