The Manitou Incline, a School Social and a Sleepover

Conquering the Manitou Incline

Jude had the week off and he enjoyed a pretty low key week. He went out to his favorite breakfast place one day, and spent a lot of time playing with Olive and Marcy. Then on Friday he and Marcy drove down to the Manitou Incline, the 2,000 foot stairway near Colorado Springs.

Our young lady all dressed up for the school social

I had to pick up Anna from school that day and take her home to get ready for her school social. She was really excited about it and ended up having a great time. Then, right afterwards she went back to a friend’s house for a birthday party and a sleepover. She stayed up most of the night, saying she got to bed around 4am. Needless to say she was tired on Saturday.

Having fun at the sleepover

On Saturday, with Anna out after her sleepover, I gave Jude the choice of skiing or doing the Manitou Incline again for the second time in two days. He chose the Incline. It is such a great workout, Jude bolted up the 2,744 steps in 39 minutes, two minutes faster than his time the day before; I lumbered up 15 minutes behind him. Coming down the trail was tricky, as it was very slippery in places with the snow so we took it slowly.

It feels great to reach the top of the Manitou Incline

Today, we didn’t do much. The kids did their chores in the morning while I caught up on some work. This afternoon we went to Dave & Busters. Anna wanted to go there to celebrate the grades she received last semester. We took the neighbor kids and they all had a blast.

Lighting Anna’s amazing candle she made at the Waldorf Holiday Fair

This evening Anna decided it was time to light the candle she made at the Waldorf Holiday Fair back in December. She made a candle shaped like Santa’s sleigh and it burned brightly.

Jude is a Fully Qualified Soccer Referee

Jude about to shovel snow off the trampoline

Jude started refereeing kids soccer games last season. He really enjoyed it and was able to earn over $150 over the course of the season at $8 a game. Well, when you turn 13 you can become what is called a “certified referee”. With this extra training comes a big pay raise, to $20 a game.

So, we signed Jude up last week and he did his certification this weekend. This involved about 6 hours of online learning that he did during the week and then a full day on Saturday for the certification. He passed with flying colors and is now a certified referee with U.S. Soccer. He is playing soccer for the Rapids this Spring season so he won’t be able to referee a lot but we should be able to work his schedule so he can do a few games.

Anna making friends at the Cat Cafe

This afternoon Anna went to the Denver Cat Company, which bills itself as a “cat cafe”. This is a cafe that has about 15 cats up for adoption. Of course, Anna called us during her visit begging us to allow her to bring two cats home with her. We said no, one cat is enough for us. But she had a great time playing with all the cats.

Speaking of cats, with our neighbors away this long weekend Anna has been on duty to look after their cat. She takes her job seriously and goes over to feed and play with their cat every morning and evening.

More Snow and Mini Golf

Enjoying the snow day in the park

A couple of snowstorms rolled in this week and it meant a late start on one day and then Friday was a snow day. The kids, of course, were delighted. They spent some time sledding in the park and taking Olive out who continues to just love the snow. We had about a foot of snow for the week.

Olive in full flight at the park

Saturday was actually a nice day, it was sunny and warm so Jude and I were able to get out for our weekly run although it was pretty slippery and slushy. Anna had gymnastics and then we had food group on Saturday. For the first time ever we left Jude and Anna at home as they are both qualified baby sitters now. They did fine, just watching a movie and tv shows.

Absorbed in their devices

Today was another snowy day so after chores we decided to go down to Urban Putt for lunch and some putt putt. It was really crowded so it took a while but we were able to play a basketball game and skee-ball while we waited.

At Urban Golf indoor putt putt

Anna was not feeling great on Friday night so everyone, including Olive, piled in to bed to help her feel better.

Party in Anna’s bed…

The Art Museum, Girl Scout Cookies and the Superbowl Party

Marcy and Anna at the Art Museum

This past week Anna had two days off school so on one of the days Marcy took her to the Denver Art Museum. They wanted to go to the Monet exhibit but it was sold out so they went to the light exhibit and some really cool pieces.

Light effects at the Art Museum

This weekend the weather was gorgeous, unseasonably warm for this time of year. So, we were able to spend a lot of time outside. The kids played in the park with Olive a lot and Jude played football with the neighbors and came home claiming it was too hot. Then they all got set up for a water gun fight, so it almost felt like summer.

Getting ready for a water gun fight

Today was Superbowl Sunday and we had the annual party at our house. But several people were away or sick so it was our smallest gathering ever. It was still a lot fun and it was much easier to manage with fewer people.

Anna gearing up to sell Girl Scout cookies

It is that time of year when the Girl Scout cookies are out. And given Anna is now a Girl Scout she was very keen to begin selling them. She went to her troop leader’s house and ordered 50 boxes and within 24 hours she was nearly sold out.

In Paris for the Paris Fintech Forum

I was away for much of the past two weeks. I spent five days in London and then four days in Paris for work. I managed to get a nice walk around Paris last weekend and sent this photo to Marcy and the kids.

A Sad Packers Game

Getting ready for the Packers game

We had another pretty quiet weekend here. Saturday Anna had gymnastics and a birthday party in the evening and she and I went to the mall for a birthday gift and so she could help me pick out some new pants. Jude stayed home and played in the park with Marcy and of course we went for our regular weekend run around Wash Park.

Today was the day Jude had been looking forward to all week. The Packers played the 49ers in the NFC Championship game this evening. We got dressed up in our Packers gear and watched the game. But the 49ers played flawless football, particularly in the first half, and dominated the Packers. Jude was bitterly disappointed and turned to watching Glee for much of the second half.

Mother and daughter with their girl scout sashes

Anna has been doing Girl Scouts now for a few months and she has already added a few badges and pins. This morning Marcy dug out her old sash from 35+ years ago and took this really cute selfie.

A Nuggets Game With Anna

Anna and her friends wearing their new Nuggets hats

On Saturday night the Denver Nuggets basketball team held a special Scouts Jamboree night and Anna’s girl scout troop was invited. I went along as a chaperone. There were probably around 500 girl scouts including several from Anna’s troop. After the game the girls were all invited down to the court to shoot some baskets. It took forever and by the time Anna got close to the front she was getting really tired so she opted out and we went home.

At the Nuggets game with my girl

Apart from that it was a pretty quiet weekend. Anna had gymnastics, Jude and I went for our Saturday run around the park and we watched some football. Jude was delighted that the Packers won and move on to the NFC Championship game next Sunday.

Anna did a shadow day at ISD on Friday so it was Jude, Anna and Elise in the car. On the way back from school Anna and Elsie decided to dress up Olive. While she doesn’t seem that happy about it she does look adorable.

Olive being dressed up by Anna and Elsie

New Year in Iowa and the First Ski Day of the Season

Celebrating the New Year with confetti

We brought in the New Year in Iowa and as usual Baba supplied the confetti, balloons and special drinks. The kids all had a blast and were delighted to find some cash hidden in some of the balloons. Jude and Anna wanted to stay up until midnight so I stayed up with them. We watched some Curious George and then the Dick Clark New Year’s Eve special. Anna stayed up to watch the ball drop in New York and then decided it was time for bed. Jude stayed up until midnight and then went to bed immediately.

Anna enjoying the New Year’s celebration

The twins and Anna had been working on a surprise for us for weeks. On New Year’s Eve we found out what the surprise was all about. They were not just making us all one meal, they were making us breakfast, lunch and dinner. They printed a menu, Anna took food orders like a real waitress with Ella and Chloe hard at work in kitchen with an assist from Anna. They did a great job and everyone complimented them on their hard work.

Hard at work making lunch on New Year’s Eve

We left on New Year’s morning much to the chagrin of Anna and especially Jude. He really didn’t want to “ruin” his New Year’s Day by driving back home. But after a late start we made it home in good time.

Snuggling on the couch with Grandpa

Marcy had Ridhwan on the weekend starting on Friday afternoon. So, Jude, Anna and I decided to see the new Star Wars movie on Friday night which we all enjoyed. I thought it was much better than the reviews suggested. On Saturday we had a quiet day then on Saturday we drove to Keystone for our first ski day of the season.

Anna racing down the mountain

We had a full day of skiing from 10am until 4pm, although we did have a long break for lunch. Anna did a couple of extra runs during our break while Jude and I watched the end of the Saints-Vikings game. Both kids skied really well and despite some of the typical bickering the kids enjoyed their first day on the slopes.

Selfie on top of Keystone mountain




A Denver Christmas and Then a Trip to Des Moines

Christmas morning and ready to open presents

Christmas morning and ready to open presents

Christmas day arrived in Denver and the kids were excited as usual. After a flurry of present opening we spent some time outside. It was another relatively warm day in Denver so Jude and I went for a run and then we spent some time in the park in the afternoon.

Enjoying the park on Christmas Day

Enjoying the park on Christmas Day

On Boxing Day we packed the car and started on our trip to Iowa. We stopped halfway in Kearney, Nebraska and arrived in Des Moines in the afternoon of the 27th. The kids were so excited to see their Des Moines family.

Sharing presents with the cousins

Sharing presents with the cousins

With just over a month to the Iowa caucuses every Democratic politician is coming through Des Moines right now. We saw that Pete Buttigieg was in West Des Moines on Saturday night so we decided to go and see him speak.

Waiting for Mayor Pete to come on stage

Waiting for Mayor Pete to come on stage

Marcy was really keen to get there early so we ended up with a spot right near the front. We all enjoyed his speech and afterwards he came around and shook hands with people at the front. Both Marcy and I got to shake his hand.

Listening to Mayor Pete in West Des Moines

Listening to Mayor Pete in West Des Moines

Yesterday was a day of watching football for Jude and I, the other kids went to see a movie. Today, all the kids went to an escape room and managed to make it out with a few minutes to spare.

Making it out of the escape room

Making it out of the escape room

A Quiet Pre-Christmas Weekend

Olive being cute

Olive being cute

After our long weekend away in Mexico we decided to have a very low key weekend. We spent pretty much the entire weekend at home, stayed in each night and watched a couple of movies (Breakthrough and Sleepless in Seattle). And, of course, spent some time with the wonderful Olive and Pickles.

Jude and I went for a run yesterday, mailed our Christmas cards and we watched a bit of football. We volunteered at the local Unity church today and that was about the extent of the weekend.


Pickles taking it easy

Marcy’s Birthday Long Weekend in Mexico

Happy to be at the beach again

Happy to be at the beach again

This weekend we spent in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Sunday was Marcy’s birthday and a few weeks ago I asked her if she was interested in going somewhere warm for a birthday. After a couple of Denver snowstorms she was fully on board, so I cashed in some airline and hotel points and we were off Cabo.

We played a lot of football on the beach (and in the pool)

We played a lot of football on the beach (and in the pool)

We stayed at the Sheraton Grand Hacienda Del Mar right on the beach. We had a fantastic room, thanks to a lucky upgrade, that had separate bedroom for the kids. But we didn’t spend much time there with the kids making the most of their beach time. They went swimming in the ocean (it was really calm when we we there, and warm), played football, played games they just made up and raced after waves. And we spent quite a bit of time by the pool and hot tub as well.

Jude and Anna playing a game on the beach

Jude and Anna playing a game on the beach

As is typical in Mexico, there were all kinds of people selling their wares on the beach. Marcy got some great jewelry and Anna had her braided.

Showing off her new braids

Showing off her new braids

On Saturday night we decided to go into downtown Cabo for dinner. We wanted to get off the resort and we found a popular restaurant on Yelp. Afterwards we walked around town and both kids, particularly Jude, was struck by the poverty with old people trying to scratch out a living selling cheap trinkets. We also found a guy with an iguana who let Jude put it on his head for a dollar.

Jude making new friends in downtown Cabo

Jude making new friends in downtown Cabo

One of the highlights of the trip was the turtle hatching. The hotel nurtured some turtle eggs through hatching and kept them in a covered box on the sand. Just in front of the hotel is a natural egg-laying location, and the hotel has protected that area and help get the turtles to the sea. They tried a couple of times to release the turtles into the ocean but they weren’t mobile enough. Then on Sunday night they let the dozen of so hatchlings out and they slowly made their way into the ocean. This was about a 30 minute process, and at least 20 people were watching and cheering on the little guys.

A baby turtle trying to make it to the ocean

A baby turtle trying to make it to the ocean

Speaking of Sunday, it was Marcy’s birthday. Unfortunately, I picked up a bout of food poisoning on Saturday night so I spent most of the day in bed. We had an afternoon activity planned of snorkeling, kayaking and standup paddle-boarding. I could barely move so I had to skip it but the kids and Marcy had a great time.

Water sports with Cabo Adventures

Water sports with Cabo Adventures

They got back to the hotel quickly because they wanted to make it for the 5pm turtle release. Then we had Marcy’s birthday dinner at the hotel, I was able to rally for that.

After Marcy's birthday dinner at the hotel

After Marcy’s birthday dinner at the hotel

The trip was over all too quickly but we all really enjoyed it. We have had a cold fall with more snow than usual in Denver so it was great to get to the warm weather (it was 80 every day) and beach. The kids were especially sad to leave but Marcy vowed that we would try to have another beach vacation for her next birthday (a big one).