A Nuggets Game With Anna

Anna and her friends wearing their new Nuggets hats

On Saturday night the Denver Nuggets basketball team held a special Scouts Jamboree night and Anna’s girl scout troop was invited. I went along as a chaperone. There were probably around 500 girl scouts including several from Anna’s troop. After the game the girls were all invited down to the court to shoot some baskets. It took forever and by the time Anna got close to the front she was getting really tired so she opted out and we went home.

At the Nuggets game with my girl

Apart from that it was a pretty quiet weekend. Anna had gymnastics, Jude and I went for our Saturday run around the park and we watched some football. Jude was delighted that the Packers won and move on to the NFC Championship game next Sunday.

Anna did a shadow day at ISD on Friday so it was Jude, Anna and Elise in the car. On the way back from school Anna and Elsie decided to dress up Olive. While she doesn’t seem that happy about it she does look adorable.

Olive being dressed up by Anna and Elsie