Slip ‘n’ Sliding as the Weather Heats Up

Anna and Elsie taking on the slip ‘n’ slide

We had our first round of hot weather this week as the temperature hit 85 degrees on Thursday. So, Marcy dusted off the Slip ‘n’ Slide and set it up in the front yard. Anna and Elsie jumped in right after school.

Anna has been missing her school friends terribly so this weekend she made care packages for many of her friends. This included a card and homemade body butter, sugar scrub and foot cream that she has been working on for a couple of weeks. She then drove around this weekend delivering them to six of her friends. We kept the appropriate social distance but Anna was SO happy to see them in person again.

Jude has decided to take on the Peloton. He has committed to doing the Gold Challenge this month which is 150 miles on the bike. He is intending to do 5 miles a day every day for the month, he is 3 for 3 so far. Anna has said she will go for the Silver which is 100 miles.

Olive loves to lie on our bed

Olive loves quarantine. All of us are pretty much always home so she gets more attention than usual. She is one happy dog.

Yet Another Weekend in Lockdown, Thank Goodness For Our Neighbors

Jude protecting his goal at the neighbors house

Another week of digital school and another weekend of absolutely nothing on our calendar. It is starting to get old. I learned this weekend that quarantine comes from the Italian word for 40 days, which is how long we have now been unable to go about our normal life. But at least we have the neighbors for the kids.

There are three families on our block with kids aged between 8 and 13. We made the agreement when this all began that we would let the kids play as they always have. And on weekends they have been spending a lot of time together. They played an epic game of cops and robbers today that lasted hours. And several afternoons this week they were playing on our trampoline or playing football in the park. Our kids lives would be very different if they didn’t have others to play with.

Enjoying berries and cream for dessert

Both kids had to do some homework today and of course there were chores. Anna mowed the front lawn, our first time this year. I baked my now traditional Sunday sourdough loaf and went for a run. One thing I am trying to do these days is get fitter. I am spending a lot of time on the Peloton as is Marcy. Then there is multiple walks to the park with the Olive. And then Anna spent some time making cute filters for a picture of her.

Anna “crowns” Queen Olive

Spring Break for Jude at Home

Jude after a long ride on the Peloton

Jude had his Spring Break this week and we, obviously, spent the whole week at home. Luckily that is what he usually likes to do on his weeks off. This week, though, he was quite active. We bought a Peloton which arrived last weekend and Jude decided he would start riding it. And ride it he did. He rode 25 miles three days in a row this past week on top of his usual basketball as well as soccer and football in the park. He still had plenty of Minecraft time as well, and many episodes of his favorite show, The Office. Then today, we both ran a 5K around Wash Park.

Olive playing in the snow this week

While we have had some nice weather we often get snow showers in April. This week we had an inch on Monday and then Thursday about 4-5 inches. Olive absolutely loves the snow. When we let her outside she gets super active, burying her face in the snow, and sprinting around the yard. She also loves to go to the park and fetch the frisbee and if there are other dogs to play in the snow with that is heaven for her.

Volleyball in the front yard (with our new badminton net)

Thankfully, with warmer weather on Friday the snow was all melted by Saturday morning and our new badminton net arrived. Our last net was a cheap one and it broke after one season so Marcy decided to spend a bit more for a higher quality one. Anyway, the kids decided to break the net in not with badminton but with a game of volleyball.

One other game we played a couple nights this week after dinner was kickball in the park. We took a foursquare ball up to the park with cones for bases and then had a family game of kickball. Marcy had to do double duty, throwing Olive the frisbee while she was playing kickball.

Easter in Quarantine

Anna with the Easter eggs she painted

The kids have been really looking forward to Easter. With the world still in quarantine I think it was comforting for them to have a familiar ritual. So, we kept Easter pretty much the same as it always is. An Easter egg hunt, baskets filled with candy and presents. It was a very cold day with a little snow so the Easter egg hunt this year was indoors for the most part with just a few eggs on the back porch.

Getting ready to open all their Easter goodies

We decided today that we would let the kids eat whatever they wanted and have no limits on screens. We are usually pretty strict on both those things but it was a cold day and being Easter we thought it would be ok. We also bought them a new video game: Animal Crossing which Anna loved but Jude was not a big fan. Both kids loved the unlimited screens. Jude watched five episodes of The Office, his current favorite show and Anna watched a Hunger Games movie and some of The Office as well. Neither kid stepped off our property today but we did insist on some exercise so they each did a short session on our new Peloton which arrived this week.

Jude being a typical teenager and refusing to have his photo taken

Earlier this week it was Anna’s half birthday. The tradition is we get donuts and we were a little worried that it would prove difficult with so many places closed. But our favorite donut place was doing takeout so Marcy went out with Anna to get her an apple fritter, her favorite doughy treat.

Enjoying her 11 1/2 birthday

Life Centered Around Home and the Park

Doing the slack line in the park

We don’t venture very far from home these days. With a stay at home order in effect for the next several weeks our life consists of home and the park with the occasional trip to the store. Thank goodness we have Veterans Park less than 100 yards away, we are there several times a day with Olive. And after school one afternoon this week Marcy went and set up a slack line for Anna and one of neighbors to play on.

Football in the park on Saturday morning

We have been heading to the park with the football a lot this past week. Normally, Jude just wants me to throw him the football but Anna has started coming as well and we all went out both days this weekend. We even had an impromptu parents vs kids football game on Saturday that the kids managed to win.

In the park one evening this week

Marcy spent the past week working in the garage. She bought a new rack for the bikes and basically reorganized our entire garage. It looks really great now after she almost singlehandedly put up the rack and moved everything around. Olive, of course, followed Marcy around wherever she went although she was fine to hang out in the backyard when Marcy was in the garage.

Relaxing in “the cloud” with Olive

A Birthday and Candle Making

Enjoying a birthday hike in the foothills

Tuesday was my birthday. With Anna on Spring Break we were going to go skiing in Vail that day but that plan was thwarted by the coronavirus as the ski resorts all closed a couple of weeks ago. So, I had a quiet morning and then we went for a hike in Apex Park in the foothills. Olive came along for her first mountain hike. Jude had to stay home because of school. Then when we got home he and I went for a bike ride downtown.

Anna goes on the roof of the garage to retrieve basketballs

We have been playing a lot of basketball lately. We setup a net on our garage and Jude has been playing almost every day for the past couple of months (since Kobe Bryant died). Anna joins occasionally but Jude is developing a passion for it. He is getting really good, far more skillful than I ever was, and he is always asking one of us to play.

Anna and Elsie making candles from wax crayons

Today, Anna and Elsie decided they wanted to melt crayons and make candles. This was a major project that took up the entire afternoon. They cut up about 15 crayons, melted them down (in the microwave and on the stove) and made six candles. They were dedicated to their task and were really happy with the results.

Anna testing out one of her new candles on the front porch

Marcy spent some of the weekend trying to install a new storage rack in our garage. I helped out a little as it was quite the project and we still have more to go. But it did give Marcy a chance to do a bit of spring cleaning in the garage.

With so much of the afternoon taken up with candles Anna had the idea to roast marshmallows over the candles. They turned black pretty quickly but the kids didn’t seem to mind.

Roasting marshmallows on an open candle flame

The First Week of Online School and More Snow

Jude showing off his new creation

Both Jude and Anna began new schooling experiences this week with online school. Anna’s school was all ready to go first thing on Monday morning while Jude’s school eased their way into it with a Wednesday start. Both kids adapted to it quite well with video lessons using Zoom or Google Meet. While it is certainly not ideal they continue to learn and interact with their classmates.

Making a delicious carrot cake

One of Anna’s assignments for math this week was to make something with half or double the recipe. Anna chose a carrot cake recipe and she nailed it. It was absolutely delicious, one of the best carrot cakes I have had in a long time.

Anna (with Elsie on her back) going over a jump with Olive a bit confounded

We had a decent snowstorm on Thursday, about 6-8 inches. Of course, the one thing about online school is that there are no snow days. But at 3:30 with the close of school both kids were out enjoying it. Jude spent a good amount of time making a stout snowman that he proceeded to dress up in quite elaborate fashion. Anna spent her time making a snow wall.

Jude catching some air

Friday afternoon they hit the sledding hill at the park. And on Saturday morning they crafted the perfect jump. Anna was actually on the sledding hill all day Saturday. She even took the wheelbarrow up so they could make a bigger jump. It warmed up in the afternoon and much of the snow melted. But they were undeterred as they kept reinforcing the sled hill.

Anna and Thomas determined to keep their sled run going

Today was a bit warmer so by the end of the day most of the snow was gone. Jude and I went for a run around Wash Park, Anna went for a walk, Marcy did an online yoga class, I made some bread and then all four of us played some tennis in the late afternoon.

A Quiet Weekend and Pi Day

Anna with her delicious creation in honor of Pi Day

With the coronavirus canceling everything, there was no soccer, no gymnastics and thereby a completely open weekend. Marcy had a Ridhwan class which was moved online so she was out of action both days.

Yesterday, Jude and Anna laid low in the morning and then played with the neighbor kids a lot of the afternoon. I played some basketball and soccer with Jude and we went for a run around the park. Anna decided she wanted to make a pie in honor of Pi Day but as time got away from us that project moved to today.

After doing their chores this morning Jude and I went to the park with Olive for an epic doggie play date. Everyone decided to go to the park this morning and at one stage there were 12 dogs running around. Olive had a great time (and a great workout). Jude and I went to play some tennis but we had to go to Wash Park because with all DPS schools closed the South High courts were also closed. Anna spent all afternoon making a cherry pie and we enjoyed it for dessert tonight – it was simply delicious.

Olive chilling on our bed

Marcy did most of the Ridhwan weekend in our bedroom using Zoom. Olive, as usual, really wanted to be with her so she came in and lay on the bed for some of the time. This was a first, but Olive seemed quite comfortable with the new situation.

Another Ski Day and a Lemonade Stand

It was a gorgeous day in Keystone on Saturday

This weekend was supposed to be a family ski weekend but Anna had a birthday party she really wanted to go to on Saturday, and a gymnastics class, so it was just Jude and I again. We went up on Friday night again and spent Saturday on the mountain at Keystone. It was even warmer than the previous week and with barely a cloud in the sky. The snow was still excellent and Jude continued to get better at the bumps.

Olive enjoying the warmest day of the year

Today was the warmest day of the year so far. It was completely sunny until late this afternoon. Jude decided he wanted to get out the baby pool for Olive so she could enjoy some time splashing around. He played with her for ages.

Setting up their Lemonade Stand on historic South Gaylord street

Meanwhile, Anna and the neighbors were busy working on a lemonade stand. We bought several dozen lemons at Costco and Anna (with Marcy’s help) made lemonade. Then they put everything in a wagon and dragged it four and a half blocks to the historic block on South Gaylord. They did a roaring trade selling out of their lemonade and also selling a few boxes of girl scout cookies.

Also today, Jude picked up he new referee uniform so he is all ready to go as a certified referee. His own soccer season starts next weekend but he is still going to fit in some refereeing most weekends.

Olive Turns One, Skiing and a Girl Scout Camp

Olive with one of her new toys

Olive turned one this past week and the kids were very excited about it. They went to the pet store and bought a number of presents. Olive was happy to have the treats and the new toys, Although she ended up getting sick and Marcy had to take her to the vet but she recovered quickly.

A gorgeous day for skiing in Keystone

Jude was supposed to open the soccer season this weekend with the Ice Breaker tournament. But due to the snow we have had in Denver the tournament was canceled. So, Jude and I decided to take advantage of all the snow and head up to Keystone for a day of skiing. It was a gorgeous day, sunny and quite warm and the snow was excellent. We had a full day, skiing 20,000 vertical feet including some challenging bump runs in the Outback.

Jude has an altercation with a tree (he was fine)

Meanwhile this weekend Anna had a Girl Scout camp out near Bailey. It was an Olympics theme with each troop representing various different countries, Anna’s was Italy. She won a gold medal in the curling event (with beanbags) which was pretty cool. It wasn’t all fun and games though. We got a call on Saturday night from Anna. She had a bad fall while walking on an icy road and cut her knee. It was bleeding a lot and she was in pain. But she toughed it out and made it home this morning in good spirits.

Curling up with Olive on a Sunday night