Yet Another Weekend in Lockdown, Thank Goodness For Our Neighbors

Jude protecting his goal at the neighbors house

Another week of digital school and another weekend of absolutely nothing on our calendar. It is starting to get old. I learned this weekend that quarantine comes from the Italian word for 40 days, which is how long we have now been unable to go about our normal life. But at least we have the neighbors for the kids.

There are three families on our block with kids aged between 8 and 13. We made the agreement when this all began that we would let the kids play as they always have. And on weekends they have been spending a lot of time together. They played an epic game of cops and robbers today that lasted hours. And several afternoons this week they were playing on our trampoline or playing football in the park. Our kids lives would be very different if they didn’t have others to play with.

Enjoying berries and cream for dessert

Both kids had to do some homework today and of course there were chores. Anna mowed the front lawn, our first time this year. I baked my now traditional Sunday sourdough loaf and went for a run. One thing I am trying to do these days is get fitter. I am spending a lot of time on the Peloton as is Marcy. Then there is multiple walks to the park with the Olive. And then Anna spent some time making cute filters for a picture of her.

Anna “crowns” Queen Olive