Homecoming Week at South High School

the cheerleaders in action at the homecoming football game

This was homecoming week at South High School and there were all kinds of festivities. The big homecoming games were on Friday night. First, the varsity soccer team played at 5pm. They had an easy win, 5-2. But what was really cool, for us at least, is that the cheerleaders came by in the second half to cheer them on. So, Jude was on the field with Anna and her team cheering them on.

Taking a break at the football game

The main event, of course, was the football game. Marcy and I volunteered to work at the concession stand but they let us out just before halftime so we could watch the cheerleaders perform. They were great.

About to head out for the Homecoming Dance

On Saturday night was the homecoming dance. Anna was really looking forward to it and we bought her a new dress for the occasion. Jude was less enthusiastic (and he declined to have his photo taken) but they went together at around 7:30pm. Anna had a good time but was home by 9:30pm, Jude about half an hour later. Marcy and I used our free night to play backgammon for the first time in decades.

Jude’s official soccer photo

The official photos of the soccer team came out this week. Jude looks great in his varsity uniform.