Anna’s Cheer Team Performs at the Blue Debut

The Cool Cats team with their coaches

Anna’s cheerleading team, the Cool Cats, has been working towards this day for several months. They have been training three times a week working on their Blue Debut routine and today, in Anna’s words, they “slayed it”.

Coach Eddie was delighted after they hit their first stunt

It was an excellent performance and in cheerleading parlance, they “hit zero” which means they had zero falls. We all made it down for the performance and were cheering on Anna’s team, the Cool Cats.

The pyramid at the end of the routine (Anna is second from the right holding up their flyer)

Anna was so happy it all went off without a hitch. The team had a couple of people off sick yesterday, but everyone came together and performed well under pressure.

Apart from that, it was a pretty quiet weekend. Jude and I went for a run, I cooked a couple of tasty dinners and Marcy did some work around the house.

Jude is still very focused on the World Cup Soccer, less than a week to go now.