Off to New York, Baba and Grampsy Come to Visit

Bo and I open the conference in New York

It has been a big week. Marcy and I were in New York all week for our big work event, our first big in-person event in three years. Everything came together really well in the end but it was a huge amount of work and we survived on very little sleep during the week. We left Friday morning to come back home so we could get back in time for Jude’s soccer tournament.

Jude driving everyone to Mustards for lunch

Marcy’s parents came to visit and it sounds like everyone had a good time. Jude and Anna had school all week and Jude actually had finals but they got to eat well, going out most nights. They left while we were in the air but we were home in time for Jude’s first soccer game.

About to board The Intrepid (in the background) for a party

On Wednesday evening Marcy and I went to a party on the Intrepid aircraft carrier. We had never been and it was truly impressive. They have a bunch of planes on there and inside they have an actual space shuttle. It was also Fleet Week so there were a bunch of other navy vessels and sailors wandering around.

This was a big soccer weekend with Jude’s team playing in a tournament. They won their first game against a decent team 4-0, it was their best outing of the season with everyone working really well together. Jude got an assist on one of their goals. Their second game was one-sided, winning 6-0 against a weak opponent. Unfortunately, their third game was canceled due to thunderstorms.

Anna with one her friend’s kittens

Anna had quite an open weekend. She went to one of her friend’s houses because they had just acquired three kittens. So cute. Then we found out that Anna made it on to Elite Level 1 for cheerleading, she had tryouts the weekend we left and did really well. Elite level cheer is serious, we had to sign a long document agreeing to our commitment. Practices start next weekend.

Olive missed Marcy terribly