Anna Starts Soccer Refereeing

Anna in action on the soccer field

Anna has been asking about taking up refereeing for some time. Jude has been doing it for two years now and loves it. And while Anna doesn’t have the same passion for the sport that Jude does she has been playing it for many years now. She is on the team at Ricks and is playing every Monday and Wednesday.

So, on Saturday morning, while Marcy was driving Jude to his refereeing games I drove Anna to her day of training. She was given five minutes of training and then told to shadow with the regular referee (a 13-year-old girl). Anna really enjoyed it and so we signed her up. And she will have her first games refereeing solo this coming Saturday.

Jude practicing tricks in the park

Jude refereed four games yesterday but today was all about practicing his soccer tricks. He spent a lot of time in the park today (several hours) mostly by himself. He broke his record for juggling (884) and he completed a new trick for the first time. And he practiced some of the tricks he had already done before. In the morning we watched Arsenal have a good win and both the Broncos and Packers won so he was a happy camper by the end of the day.

Anna getting ready for her social – western theme

On Friday night Anna had her school social and it sounds like she had a really nice time. She was certainly dressed for it.