Quarantine and Online School

In their matching cozy Costco jackets with Olive

It had to happen eventually. With the rise of Covid cases in Colorado it was only a matter of time before it impacted us directly. Anna has been doing cheerleading class for a few weeks now and one of her classmates tested positive. Anna has to quarantine for two weeks which ends this coming Thursday. So, she has been doing online school since she found out about it on Wednesday this week. About half of Anna’s class is doing online school now either because they are in quarantine as well or have decided to be safe at home.

Anna went to get a covid test today, she has no symptoms but we want to be sure. Jude is also very concerned about covid and didn’t want to go to school on Thursday after doing online school Monday to Wednesday. But Friday he was back and so far everyone feels good. We will get Anna’s test result back this week.

This weekend we decided to stay close to home. The highlight for Jude was a new haircut. It was so windy and cold yesterday we didn’t want to leave the house. Today, was a bit better, so Jude and I went for a run around Wash Park but we didn’t do much else.

Showing off his new haircut