Jude Goes Off to Camp

Everyone on the hammock!

With Anna away at camp Jude was an only child for a week. Every day Marcy would encourage Jude to go and do something and every day he would say he just wanted to stay at home. He is very much a home body and so he played a lot of soccer, did some runs and of course, played Minecraft. He and Marcy did play lots of SkipBo, and Marcy took him and Olive to go for a hike one day this week which he actually enjoyed.

One thing that we did this week was get a key to the All City Stadium training field. With the soccer goals now gone from Veterans Park Jude was getting most despondent about the lack of good soccer training options and Marcy did some investigating. For $25 you get a key to the training facility which is just 300 yards from our house. They have a full athletics track AND four soccer goals. Interestingly, Jude has most wanted to do some running at the track. He has done several 400m runs and 100m sprints at the track.

Hiking at Beaver Brook in the foothills

Anna came back from camp on Friday afternoon and she had a great time. She said many times that her camp counselors were the best ever and she loved the kayaking in the rapids. Anna’s camp was actually right by where we did white water rafting just a couple of weeks ago, she even recognized her campsite. Anna wanted a pretty low key weekend and today we just basically did some back to school shopping.

Great to have my girl back with us

This morning Jude went off to his camp. He is heading to Wyoming where they are having a multi-sport camp. This is also an Avid camp and Jude actually has some of the counselors from Windy Peak (his sleep away camp last summer).

Jude goes off to camp