Snow Days, a Sick Girl and a Quiet Weekend

We had a snow storm on Wednesday that ended up closing school for two days although it really wasn’t that bad, barely 6″ of snow. But the kids were excited because that meant two snow days. Anna spent the time building a fort in the basement with one of our neighbors, where they napped, watched movies and hung out during the bad weather. Of course, there was also lots of sledding to be had.

The completed fort in the basement

The completed five-room fort in the basement

On Thursday Anna woke up not feeling well at all. She threw up a few times so she had a very quiet day in bed. Jude was unaffected and played outside quite a bit as well as enjoying more than the usual amount of screen time including a few movies.

This weekend Marcy had class and Anna was feeling a bit better although, as often happens with her, the illness had spread to her lungs and she was wheezing a bit. The little exercise she did left her coughing and feeling worse. So, we were back on the schedule of nebulizers several times a day and that did make her feel better.

Anna showing Jude the latest ipad game

Anna showing Jude her latest ipad game

Jude gets a bit antsy when he doesn’t get a lot of outside time. And his soccer game was canceled this weekend because of the snow. We did manage to play in the park each day and on Saturday Jude stayed out a bit longer and played in the standing water that was on the field. He came back completely soaked and full of grass from sliding on the snow-soaked ground. But he was happy.

Playing soccer in the park this weekend

Playing soccer in the park this weekend