Marcy’s Birthday Celebration

Singing Happy Birthday to Marcy

Today was Marcy’s birthday and we had quite the birthday celebration. It started off early as we all went out for breakfast to Watercourse, one of Marcy;s favorite restaurants. Then we all went to a 90 minute yoga class where they had a separate kids class so Marcy and I could enjoy our own class. Then it was home to rest up for a while before cake. We bought some delicious cupcakes at breakfast and we all sang Happy Birthday before devouring the cakes.

Playing soccer at City Park on Marcy's birthday

Playing soccer at City Park on Marcy’s birthday

It was a beautiful day in Denver, in the 50’s, and we decided to ride our bikes to the park. We took the soccer ball, Jude has been really into soccer lately and we played for almost an hour – although Anna was done well before that and decided to ride her bike around the lake with Marcy. With all the cold weather we have been having the lake was frozen solid so we ventured out to walk on it, although we stayed close to the edge the whole time.


Walking on the ice at City Park

Marcy volunteers at Jude’s class once a week for handwork, which these days is knitting. It used to be on Thursdays but when she got a part time job at a yoga studio she switched it to Tuesdays. That is Anna’s day off school so now she comes along as well. She is under strict instructions to be quiet and observe while Marcy is helping out in class.

Anna loves finger knitting so much she did it while waiting in line at the post office

Anna loves finger knitting so much she did it while waiting in line at the post office

Anyway, this past week Anna asked Marcy to teach her how to finger knit. To say she loved it is an understatement. She spent the rest of the day doing it every second she could. In the post office, before dinner, even as we were reading books before bed, she wanted to do finger knitting.