Anna’s Fifth Birthday


It has become a tradition in our family to celebrate a birthday by going out for breakfast. It is so much better than a dinner date for the kids and it gets the day off to a great start. On Monday this past week Anna turned five. So we all went to Snooze to celebrate.

Anna loved her birthday celebration. But after breakfast it was off to school for the day. When she arrived home the real festivities began. As soon as she walked in the door I stopped work and we opened presents and had cake. Marcy had baked a beautiful gluten free rainbow cake for Anna which she just loved.


Then it was on to the park for what we expected to be her birthday dinner. But after getting the picnic setup we decided it was a little chilly and the mosquitos were bad so we packed up everything and went home and had a picnic on the floor in the kids playroom. Anna loved her special day and Jude handled it as best he could. It was a little hard seeing his little sister getting all the attention so I kept reminding him throughout the day that it was only 47 days until his birthday.


Today I took the kids to Elitch’s and then we came home and watched the Bronco game. For her birthday I gave Anna a Peyton Manning Broncos jersey and she loves it. She wore it all day today and when we got home from Elitch’s both Anna and Jude watched the first half of the game with me. Then after the game we went and played football in our backyard. Jude said afterwards that he wanted to play football with other kids. We will see if he keeps this interest up but I think a team sport of some kind would be good for him.