A Blast of Winter then Beautiful Sunshine

Anna does the first snow shoveling of the season

Anna does the first snow shoveling of the season

We had our first snowfall of the season this week and it happened on a day when the kids were off school. Anna woke up so excited to see the blanket of white stuff on the ground. She immediately asked for her ski clothes and snow shovel and out she went to play. (Jude was still asleep at this point). It was only a couple of inches and the sun was out by lunch time so by the end of the day the snow had melted away.

One of the many things I love about Colorado is the weather. After that snowstorm we had a beautiful day on Saturday with 60 degrees and perfect sunshine. And both kids wanted to play football so I was happy to oblige. We have been watching a bit of football together and both kids have been enjoying it.

Playing tackle football in the backyard

Playing tackle football in the backyard

We started off playing tackle football between the kids but that proved a little rough. And after some tears were shed we switched to touch football although I still had to tackle them both when they had the ball. Jude was really into playing. Last weekend we played for 3+ hours after the Broncos game and this weekend we had long games both days.

Jude is proving to be quite a good runner. He is quick and changes direction well and seeing that I have to tackle him without hurting him he can be quite elusive. And he is learning some of the fundamentals of football in these games. I do make sure he scores the occasional touchdown to keep him interested. Often he and Anna will play one on one and he likes that because he scores pretty much every time. Anna can also hold her own and has outrun Jude occasionally to score.


Jude showing his speed in backyard football

After football it was time to play in the leaves. Marcy and Anna created quite the pile in the front yard. Both kids played in this pile of leaves for ages, with Anna even taking a rest lying down on her bed of leaves.


Isn’t playing in the leaves fun!