Jude Digs For His Own Dinosaur Fossils

Look at the concentration on Jude’s face. Last week, with his own money, he bought a little dinosaur dig kit. He then got home and for the next couple of hours picked away at his piece of clay. By the next morning he had uncovered several dinosaur fossils and he was most excited.

Tuesday is fish day at our house. And Jude has been enjoying eating the whole fish. So Marcy would go to Whole Foods and they would pick out a whole fish to bring home and eat. These dinners have become part science experiment, part dinner for Jude as he would dig away at the fish head, poke out the eye and do other things that five year old boys like to do. Here he is with Anna as they both enjoy fish night (Anna had a salmon fillet, though typically she enjoys the whole fish as much as Jude does).

There is a field of dandelions near our house that has become a favorite of Jude and Anna. They have ridden their scooters down there several times in the past week. Jude likes to pick up the dandelion seeds and blow them into the air.

Today we had the Fergusons and Brieres over for brunch and Morgan brought along their new guinea pig. Jude was such a fan of the guinea pigs in Sydney and he was excited to play with this one (named Zipper). Here is Morgan, Anna and Jude enjoying Zipper’s company.