The Annual Visit to Keystone from the Des Moines Family

Lily, Jude and Anna off to their first day of Keystone camp

Monday morning with Lily, Jude and Anna off to their first day of Keystone camp

We have been up in Keystone all week and, as they do every year, Marcy’s Des Moines family came out for a visit. Lily came out early with Baba and Grandpa so she could attend the Keystone Science School camp for the week. The theme for the week was the Physics of Flight so the kids had all kinds of activities around flight including indoor sky diving, zip lining, learning about helicopters, catapults and more. The kids had a blast.

Dinner at the Ski Tip Lodge with Marcy's parents

Dinner at the Ski Tip Lodge with Marcy’s parents

The big deal with camp this week is the Wednesday night sleepover. It was the first time that Jude and Anna had ever had a night away from their family and so we all approached it with some trepidation. But they had a good time although we think they did miss us and it wasn’t all that easy being away from home for the first time. But we took advantage of the night and went out for a sumptuous adults-only dinner at the Ski Tip Lodge in Keystone. Marcy and I had not been their since our second anniversary when Marcy was pregnant with Jude.

Celebrating Lon & Connie's 45th wedding anniversary atop Keystone Mountain

Celebrating Lon & Connie’s 45th wedding anniversary atop Keystone Mountain

The wedding anniversary for Marcy’s parents is on July 3rd. We all vividly remember 10 years ago going to a fine dining establishment, Alpenglow Stube, at the top of Keystone mountain. This was before kids when there was just six of us. Now, with five kids under the age of 10 the celebration is quite different. This year we caught the free gondola up to the top of the mountain and had a wonderful burger dinner outside. And with some cupcakes to finish the meal off.

Getting ready for the July 4 bike parade in Keystone

Jude, Anna and Lily getting ready for the July 4 bike parade in Keystone

Every year Keystone has a bike parade for kids on July 4. We have been participating in these parades now for many years and this year for the first time we had all five kids on bikes with no training wheels. Jude, Anna and Lily were the most keen, finding their way towards the front for the start of the parade. We spent the rest of the day at home and instead of going to fireworks that evening the kids decided to stay and roast marshmallows in the fire pit and just hang out by the fire.

Jude and Lily kayaking at Keystone Lake

Jude and Lily kayaking at Keystone Lake

Today, we rode our bikes down to Keystone Lake. All nine of us made the bike ride down and then we went out on paddle boats as soon as we got there. They let the kids kayak by themselves, so after the paddle boating first Lily and Anna and then Lily and Jude went out in the kayak on the lake with no adult supervision. They thought that was very cool.

Anna giving the thumbs up at her manicure

Anna giving the thumbs up at her manicure

I mentioned a few weeks ago that Anna is going through a major transition these days with breaking the long habit of sucking her thumb. She has done amazingly well with literally no slip-ups since seeing the doctor (actually an orofacial myologist) about this over four weeks ago. Today was a milestone because she had completed her calendar – with stickers filled in for every day and night she has spent without sucking her thumb. So, as a reward Marcy took Anna to get a manicure. And this was the first time that Anna had ever been able to get all 10 fingers done. Previously, we had always not included Anna’s left thumb because that was the one she sucked. It was a big deal for Anna to get all ten fingers done today.

To close out a great long weekend we all gathered around the TV this evening to watch the women’s World Cup Final. We all delighted to see the US team win – Jude most of all. He watched every minute of the game and was very excited with the win.

Fathers Day and Our First Swim Meet

Jude and Anna in the hammock on our back porch

Jude and Anna in the hammock on our back porch

This week’s post covers the past two weeks. Last Sunday was Father’s Day and it was a lovely day. We went for a bike ride and played some tennis in the morning and in the afternoon I watched the US Open golf. The kids even joined me for an hour or so. Then Marcy cooked a great dinner which we all ate outside.

Playing golf in the backyard on Father's Day

Playing golf in the backyard on Father’s Day

Having dinner outside on Father's Day

Having dinner outside on Father’s Day

Robyn and Mark bought Marcy and I a hammock for our wedding over 10 years ago. We have been meaning to use it and so when I was away in London before Father’s Day Marcy bought a hammock stand and put it up on our back porch. It was my Father’s Day present and it is so incredibly comfortable. I have to often compete with the kids as to who gets to use it.


Jude and Graham (our next door neighbor) wrestle in the front yard

One of the good things about this summer so far is that the kids have been spending a lot of time with our neighbors. Every day we are home they play together and for the most part they all get along great. Graham is six and looks up to Jude, but Anna also joins in most games and loves spending time with them. It is a shame they are going to be moving soon.

Jude getting ready for his next race at the swim meet

Jude getting ready for his next race at the swim meet

Today was the first ever swim meet for Jude and Anna. They both wanted to join the JCC swim team and so they have been going to training a couple of afternoons every week. They were both a little apprehensive about their first swim meet but they ended up having a great time. They both swam well, tried hard and enjoyed themselves.

Anna in her freestyle race at her first swim meet

Anna in her freestyle race at her first swim meet

School Holidays Begin With a Mountain Spartan Race

Anna with her Kindergarten graduation cape

Anna with her Kindergarten graduation cape

Tuesday of this past week was a special day for Anna – her graduation from Kindergarten. It seems like she has been in Morning Glory forever. She has actually been a student there the past two years but with Jude in this same class the two years before that she has been around this class for four years. But she was thrilled to be moving on to first grade – she is ready.

They had a beautiful graduation ceremony where each child sat in the front of the class and showed off the weavings they had made. The teacher then told a few anecdotes and gave each child a “graduation cape”.

On a Jude and Daddy date hiking on Green Mountain

On a Jude and Daddy date hiking on Green Mountain

Jude had one extra day of school, finishing on Wednesday. Then, on the first day of summer vacation I woke Jude up early (at 5:30am) and went on a Jude and Daddy date. It was Jude’s choice to do this hike and he loved it. We did an hour hike around Green Mountain and then to breakfast at Snooze, Jude’s favorite breakfast place. The hike was gorgeous. With all the rain we have had the mountain was truly green and the wildflowers were out in full force.

On Friday we headed up to Keystone for the weekend. It was our first visit for several months and the reason for going up was that Marcy was doing a Spartan Race in Breckenridge on Saturday. A Spartan race is an obstacle course that involves ropes, walls, water, mud, fire and this case snow and some pretty severe elevation changes. Marcy and her friends were doing the “Beast” – the longest course at almost 13 miles and 30+ obstacles.

Rachel, Marcy & Tina - the night before the "Beast"

Rachel, Marcy & Tina – the night before the “Beast”

Friday night we all went up to the top of Keystone Mountain for dinner and to enjoy the views. It was the first time they had Friday Afternoon Club this year and with pretty decent weather we gave it a try. While it was a little chilly the kids as well as the grownups all had a great time.

Jude running in the Kids Spartan race

Jude running in the Kids Spartan race

Saturday, it was over to Breckenridge for the Spartan Race. Jude and Anna were enrolled in the kids race which was a half-mile version of the Spartan obstacle course. They had to maneuver over fences, crawl through the mud, throw a spear and run. Jude was very determined to do well and he ended up coming in sixth place for his race. Anna also did very well in the race.

Anna going over an obstacle during the kids Spartan race

Anna going over an obstacle during the kids Spartan race

Anna, Griffin, Jude and Brody after the kids Spartan race

Anna, Griffin, Jude and Brody- muddy kids after their Spartan race

We had Marcy’s friend, Tina, and her family staying with us for the weekend. Their kids also went in the Spartan kids race. After their race we saw the mom’s off on the Beast and then we all went over to Peak 7 at Breckenridge where they have the kids area. The race is not much of a spectator sport as everyone goes off up the mountain on the obstacle course and we knew we wouldn’t see Marcy and her friends again for several hours. So, we had lunch and the kids went on the roller coaster there before lightning closed everything down.

Marcy gives Anna & Jude thumbs up just before she finishes the Beast

Marcy gives Anna & Jude thumbs up just before she finishes the Beast

We then went to the finish line of the Spartan course and waited. After about an hour or so we spotted Marcy coming in looking pretty good considering everything she had been through. The kids and I cheered her on over the last few obstacles, which were all extremely challenging. Marcy just got done when the race had a long lightning delay. So, we didn’t see Tina and Rachel for some time.

Eventually, everyone made it in and we had some elated but very tired racers. I was really proud of Marcy. She had been feeling a little under the weather the couple of days before the race but she came through the race feeling strong. I am sure she will be sore for a few days but she had a blast and wants to do it again next year.

Tina and Marcy - what an effort

Tina and Marcy – what an effort

Rock Climbing, Hiking and Football

Anna on the climbing wall at REI

Anna doing great on the climbing wall at REI

We had quite the active weekend. It started off on Saturday morning with a trip to REI. I have been in need a new bike for some time and now that I am biking to work quite a lot I decided it was time.

One of the great things about a trip to REI is their climbing wall. Members get to climb for free and we have been wanting to do this for a long time. Jude and Anna both did really well on the wall. Anna eschewed the beginner route, going for something more challenging, and she still made it all the way to the top. Jude needed a climb a little more challenging than Anna and he made it up with relative ease.

We watched Star Wars (Episode IV) on Saturday afternoon and then we all hopped on our bikes (I had my new bike) to ride to a friends party.

Anna and Jude running down the Mt. Galbraith trail just outside Golden

Anna and Jude running down the Mt. Galbraith trail just outside Golden

Sunday we decided to enjoy the gorgeous weather and head to the mountains for a family hike – our first one of the year. It was just under a 3 mile hike and the kids did really well. They had enough energy that they actually ran the whole way back to the car – we couldn’t keep up with them.

Jude showing his determination trying to score a touchdown

Jude showing his determination trying to score a touchdown

After hiking we drove straight to Jude’s flag football game. It was his last game of the season and it was his best game ever. He scored one rushing touchdown and would have had another if not for a poor refereeing decision. But most importantly he enjoyed himself and he said he would like to play again in the fall.

Gray blankie has been relegated to the window sill in our closet

Gray blankie has been relegated to the window sill in our closet

The biggest news of the week was Anna’s appointment with the speech therapist – we went to see her to start the process of weening Anna from her thumb sucking. This person was someone recommended by Anna’s kindergarten teacher and she was amazing. Since the appointment Anna has not sucked her thumb once. Not even for a second. She gave Anna a whole kit of stuff to support her in this process and Anna has had to call her every morning to check in with her.

While it has been a difficult process for Anna, she has done remarkably well. I expected going cold turkey like this after 6 1/2 years of sucking her thumb would mean many sleepless nights. But that has not been the case. This is why we have the photo of blankie here because while Anna is going through this process blankie needs to be out of sight.

Finally…Some Decent Weather


Anna watering our new grass

After what has seemed like weeks of rain we finally had some decent weather this week. While it has still rained a little pretty much every day the weather was been warming up and the mornings this weekend were simply perfect.

On Saturday we had a morning tea at school with Anna’s new first grade class for next year. We know the teacher, Miss Brittany, quite well because she has been one of Anna’s teachers in her kindergarten class. Marcy and I both think she is great, which is important when you consider that Anna could well be spending eight years with this teacher.

Yesterday afternoon we went on our first family bike ride to get ice cream of the year and then we stumbled on the Park Hill Arts Festival on our way home where Anna got the pretty dress you see above.

Today we went to church for the first time ever as a family. We have a local Unity church just three blocks away and have been wanting to try it out for some time. While the service was nice it was very much an older person’s church so we probably won’t be back.

This afternoon Jude had two football games so we all went down to watch him play there. And then our friend Wendy came over with her daughter Laura and we went to ice cream again. Wendy and Laura are spending four weeks in Australia starting in June so we chatted about good things to do and see.

Celebrating Jude’s Half-Birthday


Celebrating Jude’s 8 1/2 birthday at Cake Crumbs

We decided to stick close to home this holiday weekend without really any plans. The highlight so far, at least as far as Jude is concerned, was his 8 1/2 year “birthday” on Saturday. We always celebrate half-birthdays with a treat of some kind but no presents. Jude decided he wanted to go to Cake Crumbs, our favorite local bakery for cup cakes.

This weekend we have spent a lot of time in the yard. Marcy has been doing a huge amount of work weeding and getting our backyard in order. Jude and Anna have been helping some as well although they usually gravitate towards the play set after a while.


Anna enjoying the show at Casa Bonita on our Anna and Daddy date

Yesterday I went on an “Anna and Daddy date”, something we had not done in a while. I decided to take her to this place called Casa Bonita which is kind of an institution here in Denver. It is a very popular restaurant, not for the food at all, but for the kids entertainment. They have an indoor diving pool, with cliff divers, plays and all kinds of fun shows for kids.

It is a very popular place and I didn’t realize how popular it was until we arrived. The line to get in was easily 100 yards long. But we decided to wait it out (it was well over an hour before we got our seat) and Anna was glad we did. She loved the cliff divers who really put on a great diving show.

We continue to get a lot of rain so we have been trying to get outside when it is nice. Today, we managed some soccer and a playground session but the whole weekend and for that matter the last couple of weeks have been much wetter than normal.

Testifying Before Congress and the End of Soccer Season

On Capitol Hill about to testify before a Congressional committe

On Capitol Hill about to testify before a Congressional committe

There was a big day for me this past week. I was invited to testify before the House Small Business Committee on Capitol Hill and so I flew to Washington DC for 24 hours this week. It was quite an enjoyable session with the congressmen and women eager to learn about peer to peer lending.

After seemingly just getting started, the soccer season is now over. The Spring season is only six weeks and with us being away for two of them and then some washout weekends we only really had a couple of weekends of soccer. But they tried to make up for it this weekend with soccer both days. Both Jude and Anna liked playing with their team again.

Anna's soccer team with Coach Matt showing off their trophies

Anna’s soccer team with Coach Matt showing off their trophies

While we were away in Sydney we had some work done in our backyard. We finally had a play set put in after talking about it for years. When the weather has been nice they have both played on it a lot since we got back.

Jude, Anna & Lily on the new play set

Jude, Anna & Lily on the new play set

We have had some visitors this weekend. Lily and Baba caught the train out from Iowa to come for a short visit. They have trooped around to all the soccer games this weekend but also played quite a bit together at home. And tomorrow Jude and Anna are not going to school so they can be with their cousin and grandma for the day.

Lily, Jude and Anna being a little goofy at our kitchen table

Lily, Jude and Anna doing some drawing before bed at our kitchen table

Crappy Weather and Mother’s Day

Jude catching a wave on the boogie board

Jude catching a wave on the boogie board

This week started in Sydney with more crappy weather. The last few days there we hardly saw the sun at all and we had several days of rain so very little beach time. Monday was our last day and we were determined to get out and enjoy the beach. I organized with a good friend of mine to borrow some boogie boards for the day and off to the beach we went even though it was 65 degrees and cloudy. And the water was cold. But the kids enjoyed it, both catching some good waves.

Anna ready to go on the boogie board

Anna ready to go on the boogie board

The clouds finally departed late on Monday, just in time to see a spectacular full moon rise up out of the ocean. Then, on Tuesday morning we awoke to beautiful sunshine but we had a morning flight so we couldn’t enjoy it at all. The flight back went about as well as we could hope and Jude and Anna were very happy to be home.

The view from our apartment of a spectacular moonrise over the ocean

The view from our apartment of a spectacular moonrise over the ocean on our last night in Sydney

Our luck with bad weather continues. As Sydney enjoyed glorious sunshine after we left when we got to Denver it has been rain, rain, rain….and snow. We awoke this morning to 4″ of snow on the ground. We have barely seen the sun in two weeks.

As today was Mother’s Day we made the best of it. The whole family went to a yoga class and then we went and got donuts. This afternoon we spent at home and this evening Marcy wanted to go out to our favorite local restaurant, Chop Shop, which is just two blocks from our house.

Mother's Day dinner at Chop Shop

Mother’s Day dinner at Chop Shop

Horses, Alpacas and Rain in Sydney

Jude showing off his commemorative coin in from of the Opera House

Jude showing off his commemorative coin in front of the Opera House

The weather has not been kind to us this week. After a glorious weekend we had five days of rain this week which meant not nearly as much beach time as we would have liked. Luckily there are many other good things to do in Sydney and some of them are indoors. We went into the city on consecutive days to see the Opera House and the Wildlife Experience (a small zoo) and there was also Manly aquarium.

Jude and Anna fighting with their light sabres

Jude and Anna fighting with their “light sabers”

One of the great things about staying in Manly is that you have the beach, the harbour (with a short ferry ride to downtown Sydney) and the walk to Shelley Beach. We have done that walk many times and Marcy took the kids one day this week while I was with my dad and they had a blast. There is a also a nature reserve with a trail that leads to the Sydney Harbour National Park. On this day the kids saw an echidna in the wild and explored some caves as well. They also “fought” each other with sticks that were supposed to be light sabers after having watched a Star Wars movie the previous day.

Bareback horse riding down on the farm

Bareback horse riding down on the farm

This weekend we did two long trips out into the country. On Saturday we drove down to Uncle Mark and Aunt Robyn’s new farm. They have five horses and as soon as we got there Anna asked if they could go and ride the horses. One of them is a docile old thoroughbred named Cruise who the kids have actually ridden before three years ago when we were last here. This farm backs on to some pretty thick forest and when we went exploring Jude and Anna saw kangaroos in the wild for the first time.

The baby alpaca is curious about Anna

The baby alpaca is curious about Anna

On Sunday we went to my friend Richard’s farm where he keeps about 80 alpacas. There were six baby alpacas that had all been born in the past couple of months and the kids loved seeing them. Then Jude was put to work at feeding time – he had to fill the buckets with new grass and the male alpacas were very happy to see him.

Feeding the male stud alpacas at Richard's farm

Feeding the male stud alpacas at Richard’s farm

This past week we caught the ferry back to our old Cremorne neighborhood, where we lived when we were in Sydney. Jude recognized quite a lot of things and Anna even ran up to the “super axe hacker” tree where they spent some time carving three years ago. We also went to the old field, a place where the kids spent many, many hours playing and exploring. We all felt quite nostalgic as we had such a great time when we lived here in 2012.

Recapturing an iconic photo from three years ago on the Cremorne ferry

Recapturing an iconic photo from three years ago on the Cremorne ferry

Back in Sydney

At Mum's grave on the one year anniversary of her death

At Mum’s grave on the one year anniversary of her death

We landed back in Sydney on Tuesday morning this week amidst the worst rain/wind storms in more than a decade. There was a lot of flooding around Sydney which we mostly avoided but it was certainly not the weather we were hoping for.

We arrived back on the one-year anniversary of Mum’s death so we went straight from the airport to the cemetery to pay our respects. Then it was on to Manly Beach where we have an apartment booked for two weeks.

Dad with his three grandkids

Dad with his three grandkids

One of the reasons for the timing of this trip was to meet the new addition to the family, young Sarah Jane Renton who is just two months old. The kids were really excited to meet her and they loved taking turns holding Sarah. She is a very easy going baby and didn’t mind all the attention and camera flashes in her face.

Saying hi to my new niece for the first time

Saying hi to my new niece for the first time

One of the things the kids, particularly Anna, was looking forward to on this trip was the visit to Luna Park, the amusement park that is right on the harbour. When we lived in Sydney in 2012 Anna was too small to go on many of the rides so she was very happy to now be big enough to do the Wild Mouse and other rides.

On the Ferris Wheel at Luna Park

On the Ferris Wheel at Luna Park

While the weather has not been great we have had two nice days in our first week. And we have spent most of those days on the beach. We are literally 50 yards from the sand so it is very convenient. With sand and water Jude and Anna are happy campers and could easily spend all day there. There are a ton of surfboard riders at Manly Beach so Anna decided she wanted to give surfing a shot. We rented a board and she discovered it was a lot more difficult than it looks. The water is also quite cold so she didn’t last long. Jude also gave it a try and did quite well, catching a wave on his knees successfully.

Jude learning how to surf at Manly Beach

Jude learning how to surf at Manly Beach