Mary Poppins and Ninja Warriors

Anna with Mary Poppins and Bert the Chimney Sweep

Anna with Mary Poppins and Bert the Chimney Sweep

This weekend was a full one. I have been in China for 8 days so it was good to spend time with the family this weekend. Although Marcy and Anna did their own thing both afternoons this weekend. Today, they went to see the play Mary Poppins at the small Pace Theatre in Parker with some other friends from the gym. Anna absolutely loved it and came home singing and dancing to Mary Poppins.

Meanwhile, Jude and I had a weekend of football. Jude is a big Packers fan and they had a night playoff game on Saturday night so we watched the first half and then recorded the second half to watch in the morning. Sure enough at 6am this morning Jude came in to wake me up for the second half of the game. We finished it before breakfast and unfortunately the Packers lost but it was a great game.

Jude chasing the ducks in the park

Jude chasing the ducks in the park

I had to get Jude out of the house for some of the weekend. So, we went to the playground yesterday. Jude wasn’t into playing, instead he wanted to go and chase the ducks. Which was great for him to get some exercise, but not so great for the ducks who had to all fly off to avoid him.

Anna with real Ninja Warrior Meagan Martin

Anna with real Ninja Warrior Meagan Martin

While Jude and I were watching football yesterday Anna went to an event at a local gym with Marcy. Here there was an obstacle course and they spent time discussing goal setting and they got to meet a real female Ninja Warrior, someone who had not just been on the TV show, but was the first woman ever to complete the entire Ninja Warrior course, and she is a professional rock climber here in Colorado. Anna loved it and came home wanting to do pushups and all kids of exercises.

Anna and Marcy with matching outfits on their way to Mary Poppins

Anna and Marcy on their way to Mary Poppins. Anna chose matching outfits for them.

Finally, I spent much of the past two weeks in China with 4 days in Beijing and 4 days in Shanghai. It was an interesting visit, although the smog was really bad. And in Shanghai I got invited to have tea with the CEO of this pretty big company. They had a most elaborate setup for tea, complete with an ornate wooden table where they would prepare the tea. It was quite the experience.

Peter having tea in Shanghai

Peter having tea in Shanghai

The New Year Brings Time on the Slopes

Bringing in the New Year at the top of Keystone Mountain

Bringing in the New Year at the top of Keystone

We spent New Year’s Eve at home with a pretty quiet evening. We did a countdown with the kids at around 7pm and then they were up to bed as we all were getting up to go skiing the next day. On the first day of 2016 we drove up to Keystone for a day on the slopes. We couldn’t stay at our condo because we had renters so we just did another day trip, our second one in just over a week.

Anna showing her style in Keystone

Anna showing her skiing style in Keystone

Then today, with the renters gone we came up to Keystone again, this time to stay the night. The kids don’t go back to school until Tuesday so we are staying up tonight and will drive back Monday afternoon.

Jude doing great wearing Marcy's helmet

Jude doing great wearing Marcy’s helmet

Both Jude and Anna continue to improve. Jude was having a bit of a rough time, complaining of headaches, until we realized that his helmet was probably too tight. After switching at lunch time today with Marcy he was totally fine. So, we bought him a new one this evening because the kids and Marcy will head up the mountain again tomorrow but it will be a work day for me.

At Jungle Quest getting ready to go ziplining

At Jungle Quest getting ready to go ziplining

On New Year’s Eve day Marcy took the kids to Jungle Quest along with one of Jude’s classmates. It was an indoor climbing and ziplining place with lots of activities for the kids.

Anna acting out her puppet show

Anna acting out her puppet show

One of Anna’s gifts that she made for “the whole family” was a puppet theater. She made an elaborate cardboard theatre set as well as some finger puppets, then wrapped it all herself and put it under the tree to give to us on Christmas. Well, yesterday she set up the living room for her show which was one of the most adorable things I have ever seen. She was really into it and created a nice little story for all of us.

Christmas 2015

Our traditional Christmas Eve dinner in the living room

Our traditional Christmas Eve dinner in the living room

Christmas break began with soccer camp. We signed up both Jude and Anna for a half day soccer camp for two days at the place where Jude plays indoor soccer. Both kids loved it, which was good, because they have it again this coming week.

Going to see the new Star Wars movie downtown

Going to see the new Star Wars movie downtown

Then on Wednesday we surprised the kids by taking them to see the new Star Wars movie. Marcy got reserved seating for the matinee show and I took the afternoon off work so we could have a family movie day. While it was a little intense for Anna at times all four of us thoroughly enjoyed the movie.

After the first ski day of the season in Keystone

After the first ski day of the season in Keystone

On Thursday, Christmas Eve, we decided to go skiing. We have people staying at our place in Keystone so we just went up for the day. It was a bitterly cold day but we managed to get a few runs in. And by the end of the day, the kids were back to flying down blue runs.

Getting the goodies ready for Santa and the reindeer

Getting the goodies ready for Santa and the reindeer

We managed to get home by about 5:30pm and Marcy whipped together some dinner for our annual family Christmas Eve dinner by the tree. The kids were excited to get everything ready for Santa and the reindeer. Jude left his entire gingerbread house out and Anna left her gingerbread cookies and we left some carrots for the reindeers.

Anna playing with some of her toys on Christmas morning

Anna playing with some of her toys on Christmas morning

Christmas morning arrived with both kids up early and excited to see what surprises were in store. It was a cold and snowy day, yes we had a white Christmas, so we didn’t venture outside at all. Other than my trip to the Indian restaurant for our traditional Christmas dinner of Indian food – take out this time.

Jude playing with his football helmets - he

Jude playing with his football helmets – he arranged them for the playoff teams

The weekend after Christmas was pretty quiet. We spent a lot of time at home with the kids playing with their toys. In fact the only times we went out all three days was the trip to Colorado Ski & Golf yesterday for the kids skis and boot and then for a yoga class this morning. It was really nice to have an entire long weekend at home as a family.

A Snow Day, a Birthday and a Recital

Anna "snowboarding" on a sled in our front yard

Anna “snowboarding” on a sled in our front yard

This week we had the biggest snowstorm of the season with about a foot of snow in Denver. This meant school was closed and the kids had a snow day. They loved it. They played outside with the neighbor kids for a good chunk of the morning doing all kinds of things. Anna and Jude both tried their hand at “snowboarding” down the little hill in our front yard.

The snow day was on Tuesday which was actually Marcy’s birthday. It completely changed our plans for the day – Marcy was going to be spending most of the day at the school for her usual weekly volunteering and I was supposed to fly to Chicago that night. With the weather the way it was I decided to get an earlier flight and so Marcy was left to spend her birthday at home with the kids.

Jude playing the viola during their 3rd grade recital

Jude playing the viola during the 3rd grade recital

That night was supposed to be the third grade recital at school but the weather postponed it to the following night. I couldn’t make it but Marcy said it was very sweet and Jude seemed to enjoy himself. He is certainly progressing with the viola and he played some Christmas Carols for me this evening.

Celebrating Marcy's birthday at Jax

Celebrating Marcy’s birthday at Jax

Today, we had the last celebration of Marcy’s birthday. Part of what Marcy wanted was for the whole family to go to the regular Sunday yoga class we often go to. So, we did that and then we went out for lunch. We did not have a family meal on Marcy’s birthday because I had to leave town and we just realized that we had not had a proper celebration for Marcy’s birthday. So, even though we weren’t dressed for it we went to one of Marcy’s favorite restaurants, Jax, for Sunday brunch. It was delicious.

Anna decorating the tree

Anna decorating the tree

After lunch we went out to buy a Christmas tree. We got it home where Anna and Marcy, as is their tradition, spent the afternoon decorating it. By the end of the day we had a beautiful tree.

Another Visit to Santa Claus

Visiting Santa Claus at Zoo Lights

Visiting Santa Claus at Zoo Lights

We are not sure how many more years the kids will want to sit on Santa’s lap but both Jude and Anna were very keen to do so when we visited Zoo Lights recently. Our annual visit usually happens on Christmas Day but this year Marcy secured some free tickets so went in early December.

Riding the train at the school holiday fair

Riding the train at the school holiday fair (Anna is in the front carriage)

Last weekend was the annual school holiday fair. They have all kinds of crafts and activities for the kids and both Jude and Anna enjoyed it. Although Jude was not in to the arts and crafts as much this year as he was into playing soccer with his friends on the field.

In her Frozen outfit with her new Elsa gloves

In her Frozen outfit with her new Elsa gloves

Right after the school fair I took Anna to see Disney on Ice and their Frozen show. Anna, being a big fan of the movie, loved the performance with all the ice skaters. As always Disney did a great job. This was a full Anna and Daddy date, so we went out downtown for dinner afterwards. Anna has a favorite restaurant, the Vesta Dipping Grill, we had a lovely dinner there.

Marcy gets some skin cancer removed from her nose

Marcy gets some skin cancer removed from her nose

I was in San Francisco this past week but came home in time for Marcy’s surgery. She went in on Thursday to get some skin cancer removed from her nose. The procedure went quite well but Marcy was a little sore and tired afterwards and she has to take it easy for a few days. But they got all the cancer and Marcy should be good to go now. But wearing a bandage on your face is quite the conversation starter.

Anna had her last ice skating lesson for the season, so we all went to see her. I had not seen Anna skate since her birthday and she has really improved – she can skate backwards, on one leg and is so much faster than before.

A cold start to the swim meet

A cold start to the swim meet

Today was Anna’s last swim meet of the year. Anna and I were up bright and early to get to Westminster pool by 7am, Marcy and Jude came along a little later. It was a very cold morning after the snow yesterday, it felt a little strange for me going to swimming pool in such weather but it very warm inside. And as always Anna enjoyed her races and the whole swim meet experience.

Jude Turns 9 in Iowa

Jude's 9th birthday lunch at the West Des Moines Chipotle

Jude’s 9th birthday lunch at the West Des Moines Chipotle

The kids have been on Thanksgiving break this week so we made the trip to visit our Iowa family. Jude had a soccer game here on Sunday afternoon and he really didn’t want to miss it after missing the previous weekend’s game to see the Lion King. And he also really wanted to wake up Monday morning in Des Moines for his birthday. So, we decided to hit the road after his game finished, at 2:45pm, and drive through until we got to Baba’s house. We made good time and arrived right at midnight our time which was 1am Iowa time. The kids did well although probably only managed an hour or so of sleep before we arrived.

Jude blowing out his 9 candles with Ella looking on

Jude blowing out his 9 candles with Ella looking on

But Jude was very happy, albeit a little tired, when he awoke on Monday morning for his birthday. He enjoyed receiving all his presents as well as being the center of attention for the day. And he got to choose his birthday cake with Baba and Grandpa.

Jude brought his viola along so he could keep up his daily practice. Lily has recently taken up the cello so the two regaled us with some tunes before Jude’s birthday dinner.

A string duet with Lily (Jude in his Cristiano Ronaldo gear)

A string duet with Lily (Jude in his Cristiano Ronaldo gear)

The kids did lots of fun activities with their cousins: they went to the science center, played at the Dahlen’s house, and Baba hosted a special birthday party for Jude at a glass art studio where Jude made some lovely creations alongside Anna and all the cousins. They celebrated again with song and cupcakes.

One night we all went out to light the Chinese lanterns – these are like mini hot air balloons made out of paper and the kids love watching them rise into the air.

Anna about to let her Chinese lantern fly into the sky

Anna about to let her Chinese lantern fly into the sky under a full moon

The weather was so nice in Des Moines when we arrived. The grass was still green with the warm weather they had been having. On Thanksgiving day it took a turn for the worse with rain turning to ice. Luckily, we had nowhere to go as we sat inside and watched football and ate turkey. Baba and Grandpa cooked a delicious Thanksgiving meal with assistance from Marcy and Mandy.

All the kids decide it was time to pile on Daddy/Uncle Peter

All the kids decided it was time to pile on Daddy/Uncle Peter

On our last day in Des Moines, Baba and Grandpa took all five grandkids to see Disney on Ice while Marcy and I went to see a movie.

On Saturday morning it was time to go and we departed Iowa with many tearful faces. It was a great week and our kids really appreciate their time with the Des Moines family more and more. We made it back to Denver without incident and today has been a quiet day at home apart from Jude’s soccer match.

The First Snowstorm of the Season

Anna building a snowman in the back yard

Anna building a snowman in the back yard

Normally, by mid November we have had a few snowstorms, but not this year. It has been a warm and dry fall so far and it wasn’t until Wednesday of this week that we had our first storm. Anna was excited about it and decided to go out and build a snowman before school.

Jude jumping in to a pile of leaves he had just raked

Jude jumping in to a pile of leaves he had just raked

It was only a quick storm with 3-4 inches of snow and by Wednesday afternoon there was not a cloud in the sky and the ice began to melt. So much so, that by Saturday the snow was all gone and it was time to rake leaves. Jude and I did some raking and filled our compost bin.

The big outing this weekend was The Lion King. The musical is playing in Denver for the month and we bought four tickets for the matinee on Saturday afternoon. Jude was not happy about it, to say the least, because it meant he had to miss his indoor soccer game this weekend. After complaining about it bitterly he ended up being a good sport about it.

With two young actors of The Lion King musical

With young Simba and Nala of The Lion King musical

The Lion King was fantastic. It was the first show or movie we have ever seen where all four of us loved it equally. Even Jude who was so against going really enjoyed it. Although, he pointed out afterwards that we would have still rather gone to play soccer.

Anna in her 25 yard breaststroke race

Anna in her 25 yard breaststroke race

Today it was up bright and early for another swim meet for Anna. Marcy left at 7am to get Anna there in time for warmups. Jude and I followed a couple of hours later to see Anna’s last few races. Anna swam her heart out once again and she did well especially considering she is racing against girls who are sometimes 18 months or more older than she is.

Halloween and Weekend Sport

Anna as Laura Ingalls Wilder and Jude as Darth Vader about to go Trick or Treating

Anna as Laura Ingalls Wilder and Jude as Darth Vader about to go Trick or Treating

Last weekend was Halloween and we had another unseasonably warm night for trick or treating. Anna’s costume was a big hit with everyone they visited – the cute pioneer girl. Regardless, they both had a large stash of candy by the end of the night. They kept a small amount of this for themselves and the rest went to the “switch witch” who comes during the night and takes the candy, replacing it with toys.


Anna with Chad Wonder, the magician at the 1st grade birthday party

Anna’s 1st grade class did a group party on Halloween for all the kids with October birthdays – there are four including Anna. While Anna had her own party earlier in the month, the rest of the class organized a group gathering in the park with a magician for them all. We actually hired the same magician, Chad Wonder, for Jude’s 7th birthday a couple of years ago.


Carving pumpkins for Halloween

My travel schedule has been truly crazy of late. I have been away for most of the last three weeks with trips to London, Las Vegas and New York – all for conferences. But now I am home for a while and very happy about it. It has been a grueling few weeks and now I can settle in for some time at home with the family.

This weekend was busy but it was also nice that I did not have to rush off on another trip like I had to do the past three weekends. Jude had his first game of indoor soccer yesterday which he loved. Then one of his school friends came over for a playdate in the afternoon. Anna had ice skating on Saturday and today we were up bright and early for Anna’s swim meet that started at 7am where she swam in five events. Then it was Jude’s last flag football game of the season.


Anna is ready to go for her next race

It’s Pumpkin Time

With their new pumpkins fresh from the local pumpkin patch

With their new pumpkins fresh from the local pumpkin patch

The days are getting shorter and the nights are downright cold these days and the countdown to Halloween has begun. Today we went to the pumpkin patch after Jude’s football game. They have some good pumpkins to carve this week.

I have been away in London this past week for the annual LendIt Europe conference. It went really well but it has been an exhausting few days. This is just the beginning of my crazy travel schedule right now: London last week, Las Vegas this week and then New York the following week. All for P2P lending conferences.

Giving the opening speech at the LendIt Europe conference in London

Giving the opening speech at the LendIt Europe conference in London

For several months now we have been listening to all the Little House on the Prairie stories by Laura Ingalls Wilder. We listen to these books in the car on Audible and we also have the physical books now. Suffice it to say that we have all become big fans of these books.

Anna in her Little House on the Prairie outfit

Anna in her Little House on the Prairie outfit

Anyway, when the kids were thinking about what to wear for Halloween this year, Jude decided he wanted to be Darth Vader and Anna decided she wanted to be Laura Ingalls. So, Marcy went an ordered a 19th century Laura Ingalls outfit for Anna, and they used some yarn to make braids, just like Laura.


Anna and our neighbor having dinner on our back patio

Our neighbor Graham is a frequent visitor, both Jude and Anna enjoy playing with him. Once night this past week he stayed for dinner. Anna made a Halloween lantern, so they had candlelight while dining on the back porch.

Anna modeling her new outfit

Anna modeling her new outfit

Yesterday while Jude was having a play-date with one of his school friends Anna went shopping with Marcy for some new clothes. Anna loves clothes shopping more than just about anything else and she was so excited to try on new clothes and to make some purchases. She came home with this outfit above that she wanted to model for me right away.

Anna Turns 7 and Jude Goes to Lambeau Field

Anna with her school birthday cake

The birthday extravaganza continued for Anna with two more celebrations this week. On October 6th Marcy and I were invited to Anna’s classroom for a special birthday lunch. It was fun seeing Anna with all her school friends and to be there when they celebrated Anna.

Anna with her birthday donut

Finally after what seemed like months of build up Anna turned 7 on Wednesday this past week. She decided she wanted to do a family picnic in the park, particularly given the weather was supposed to be nice. She also decided she wanted a birthday donut. Now, we didn’t realize that donut shops even make birthday cake sized donuts but sure enough they did and Anna was very happy. We had a nice time in the park on a glorious fall evening and Anna got to try out her new rollerblades.

Anna testing our her new birthday rollerblades

After Jude’s soccer game on Saturday Jude and I went on a big trip. We promised Jude that for his 9th birthday I would take him on a trip and he decided he really wanted to go and see a Packers game at Lambeau Field. So, we jetted off to Milwaukee on Saturday afternoon and drove to Green Bay today for the game. We stopped along the way because Jude really wanted to see Lake Michigan.

On the shores of Lake Michigan half way between Milwaukee and Green Bay

It was a glorious day in Green Bay, sunny and 75 degrees. We had good seats, although calling them seats is generous. We sat on a hard metal bench but neither of us minded. Jude was thrilled to be in Green Bay and he was completely wrapped up in the game – he watched every single play of the game. The Packers won which was good and all the action happened down our end of the field.

At Lambeau Field

At Lambeau Field

Truth be told I had just as good a time as Jude did today. Even though I love the Broncos, I have been a Packers fan for many years and they have always been my #2 team. And it was a great experience being at Lambeau Field with Jude – it was a perfect day.

Anna at Glenwood Springs with Marcy

Anna at Glenwood Springs with Marcy

While Jude and I were going on this special trip Marcy decided that she and Anna would have an adventure as well. They drove to Glenwood Springs and stayed in the same hotel as they did with Jude last summer. They have had a fun weekend of rollerblading and soaking in the springs.