Our outdoor table is showing at least 18″ of snow from this week’s storm
They initially said it was going to be a minor storm – just 2-4″ on snow. They they changed it to 6-10″ and finally as it was in full swing they said it would be 12-14″. The official total downtown was around 19″ and I think we easily had that much at our house. At one stage every major highway out of Denver was closed as we endured the worst snowstorm for several years.
The good news was that none of us had to go anywhere. The kids were on Spring break, I decided to work from home and so we rode it out here. In the afternoon Marcy took the kids to the museum which was open but closing early. I didn’t leave the house all day except to do some shoveling and to go for an evening walk.

Jude checking out the snow in shorts, t-shirt and boots
The snow was thick and heavy, a joy to shovel… And many of the trees in the neighborhood suffered some damage with downed branches – we had a few decent sized branches down for the old spruce tree in our backyard.

Taking an evening walk in the knee-deep snow
After dinner that night we decided to take an evening walk to enjoy the quiet and check out the snow. So, we all dressed up in our snow gear and ventured outside. The kids were really into it, literally diving into some of the snow drifts. It was certainly a storm to remember.

Jude on top of what we thought was a snow drift but ended up being some small trees.

Our neighbors built an igloo in their front yard which the kids thought was very cool
I had my 50th birthday the day after this big storm. I decided I didn’t want a big celebration, instead just a nice quiet dinner with the family. Marcy brought the kids downtown to the office where we enjoyed some birthday pie before taking a nice pre-dinner walk. Then we went to Ocean Prime, an upmarket steakhouse on the same block as the office. It was one of the best meals I have had in a very long time.

After a sumptuous 50th birthday dinner at Ocean Prime
Today was Easter. The kids were very much looking forward to it and they woke up excited to find out what the Easter Bunny had brought. There were eggs all around the living room and throughout the backyard.

Some highly focused Easter Egg hunting on a cold Easter morning
They received a nice Easter bounty of chocolate, candy, books and toys. Anna got a nice doll house cupboard and a miniature tea set while Jude got a new bike. He actually knew all about this because he has grown out of his old bike. And today was a beautiful sunny day, although it was a little brisk so he was able to test it out. We all went for a family bike ride this afternoon.

Jude taking a first ride on his brand new 27-gear bike