Jude’s First Slumber Party and a Trip to the Zoo

Anna stand on the two oxen at the Zoo

Anna standing on the two oxen at the Zoo

This week was a first for Jude. On Friday night he went to a sleep over at one of his good school friend’s house. He was excited about it and it sounded like it all went really well. These are the friends that he plays with most at school and they all get along well. And for having four 9-year-olds in the one bedroom they apparently slept quite well.

On Saturday Jude did not have any soccer but Anna had two games. She played great in both games, scoring two goals in the fist one and playing goalie for a half in the second one and making some great saves. That night we hosted a dinner at our place with several of the fourth grade parents and that was quite a good night.

Today we went to the ski place to exchange out Jude and Anna’s skis and boots for the upcoming season and we got their free ski passes. Then this afternoon we rode our bikes to the zoo. It was a perfect fall day, cool but sunny and a great time to spend at the zoo.

Jude may be almost 10 but he still loves being held by him Mom

Jude may be almost 10 but he still loves being held by him Mom

Finally, today my father Jack turned 90. He is has been in a nursing home for about nine months but he is still in reasonable health and in good spirits. My sister took him out for lunch on the weekend to celebrate and posted this photo below on Facebook. And we all called him today and sang him happy birthday. We also booked our tickets back to Sydney this weekend, we will be celebrating with him in person in a couple of months and Jude will be turning 10 in Sydney.

Grandpa Renton on his 90th birthday

Grandpa Renton on his 90th birthday

A Rapids Game and a Gokart Race

At the Colorado Rapids soccer game with Jude

At the Colorado Rapids soccer game with Jude

This weekend both kids played soccer on Saturday and then I had a special “date” with each of them. On Saturday night Jude and I went to a Colorado Rapids soccer game. It was a good game and Jude had a blast, he loved seeing Tim Howard the USA goalkeeper in goals for the Rapids.

Anna driving a go-kart at the indoor track

Anna driving a go-kart at the indoor track

Several weeks ago Anna went go-kart racing for one of her friends birthday and she loved it. She has been asking to go back ever since. So, this morning I took her there on an “Anna and Daddy date”. She participated in four separate six minute races and by the end she was going around the track quite fast and was loving it. Then afterwards we went out for a special lunch near downtown.

At the Lowdown Brewery for a lunch date

At the Lowdown Brewery for a lunch date

A Field Trip and Another Lemonade Stand

Anna getting into the Bronco spirit on the opening day of the football season

Anna getting into the Bronco spirit on the opening day of the football season

On Friday Jude’s 4th grade class went on a field trip to South Park City in Fairplay. It is a re-creation of a Colorado mining town from the 1880s. Jude said it was the best field trip he had ever been on as he found it fascinating.

Jude at South Park City in Fairplay

Jude at South Park City in Fairplay

Back at school Jude decided to let his friends bury him in the sand where Marcy snapped this photo as it was time to go home.

In the sandbox at school

In the sandbox at school

Today was hot and sunny, a perfect day for our lemonade stand and toy sale. The kids went through their toys over the summer break and decided which ones they no longer wanted. So, the idea was to have a lemonade stand and sell the toys as well. The lemonade stand went really well but the toys were a harder sell. We only sold a small percentage of what was on offer so it is off to Goodwill for the rest of it.

The lemonade stand and toy sale

The lemonade stand and toy sale

A Camping Trip and a 14er

Anna, Jude and Santi loved helping with the campfire

Anna, Jude and Santi loved helping with the campfire

On Friday afternoon we left from school to go camping in Rocky Mountain National Park with another family from school. We did the drive over Trail Ridge Road to Timber Creek Campground and arrived there about 6pm. The other dad had gone early to secure us a couple of camping spots and he also did us the great favor of putting up our tent.

The kids were really excited to go camping and it took them a while to get to sleep the first night. The stars were simply amazing, the most I have seen in many years. The first night there was no moon and it was a clear night so you could actually see the Milky Way.

On Saturday we went for a hike just a few miles down the road from the campground. But the weather was not good and we arrived to a deluge of rain and hail. After waiting it out for almost an hour we decided to give the hike a try. After about 45 minutes the rain was getting heavy so we decided to turn back. The kids were wet and cold and wanted to warm up. So, we drove to the town of Grand Lake which was just a few minutes away.

Riding the go-karts with Anna in Grand Lake

Riding the go-karts with Anna in Grand Lake

The rain cleared when we got to Grand Lake but we ended up spending the afternoon there. They had go-karts and putt putt golf so the kids were happy. Then it was back to our campsite where it had rained but thankfully it cleared long enough for us to have a good dinner and a night by the campfire.

Rocky Mountain National Park is renowned for its wildlife and as we were driving near our campsite we saw a small herd of elk. Then on Saturday night a fox came visiting our campsite looking for food.

Jude and Santi played football as we were packing things away.

Jude and Santi played football as we were packing things away.

Sunday it was time to pack up our campsite and head home. We went via Trail Ridge Road again and stopped at the Visitor Center there which is above tree line at almost 12,000 feet and had spectacular views.

On top of Mt Bierstadt - Jude conquers his second 14er

On top of Mt Bierstadt – Jude conquers his second 14er

This morning Jude and I were up before dawn to do our second fourteener together. We left home just before 6am and headed to the Mt Beirstadt trailhead and hit the trail at 7:20am. It was a spectacular day with not a cloud in the sky. It was a little slow going early as there had been a frost the night before and everything was icy but within an hour most of it had melted and made the summit right at 11am.

Jude is definitely getting stronger as he was faster than on the way down after we got past the technical parts. And best of all he loved it. His favorite part: the view from the top (mine too). You really feel like you are on top of the world from the summit of a 14er.

Back to School and the Spartan Race

It was all smiles for the first day of school this week

It was all smiles for the first day of school this week

After more than 10 weeks of summer break it was back to school on Tuesday this past week. Both kids were really looking forward to it – they were both excited to be entering the next grade. And despite a full summer they were actually getting a little bored of being away from the stimulation of school. They slipped back into the swing of things right away and it seems like it has been a relatively easy transition.

Marcy and Tina flexing their muscles before setting out to tackle the Beast

Marcy and Tina flexing their muscles before setting out to tackle the Beast

On Saturday we all headed up to Breckenridge for the annual Spartan Races. Once again Marcy was tackling the Beast – which is a crazy 14 miles long with 30 obstacles along the way such as crawling under barbed wire, carrying heavy logs up a steep hill, climbing ropes or dunking yourself in freezing water. It is not for the faint of heart. Marcy and Tina finished in just over five hours and they were both so exhausted they cried at the end. Although Marcy has recovered well and was moving around ok today.

Jude flying over obstacles in the kids Spartan race

Jude flying over obstacles in the kids Spartan race

For the kids they had a 1 mile obstacle course featuring many of the same obstacles just kid-sized. Both Jude and Anna finished the race well and Anna was so excited she decided to do the little kids 1/2 mile race afterwards. So, she picked up two medals.

Anna climbing the rope in the kids Spartan race

Anna climbing the rope in the kids Spartan race

Showing off their medals after the race

Showing off their medals after the race

We couldn’t wait around for Marcy to finish because Jude had his first soccer game of the season at 3pm. So, we drove back to leave Marcy and Tina to complete their tortuous race. Jude had a great soccer game. His team won 6-0 with Jude setting up one of the goals and he played really well throughout the game.

Cheering on Jude at his soccer game

Cheering on Jude at his soccer game

Today was a quiet day at home after a very busy day for everyone yesterday. Jude and I played some soccer at the park and we had a short family basketball game.

A Haircut, a 5K and Elitches

Anna sporting her new hairstyle

Anna sporting her new hairstyle

The last week of school vacation turned into a pretty busy week even though we spent it mostly at home. We started off at the hair salon. After growing it out for over a year Anna decided that before school started she wants to get most of it chopped off. We all think it is an adorable new ‘do.

Climbing the walls, or at least the doorways, at home

Climbing the walls, or at least the doorways, at home

The kids learned a new trick this week courtesy of our neighbors. They showed Jude and Anna how to wedge your feet into a doorway and climb up. As you can see Jude got pretty high.

All dressed up

All dressed up

Marcy and I went to a wedding on Saturday for our good friends Rich and Maggie, the first wedding we have been to in a decade or more. So, Marcy and I both got dressed up so Anna decided she wanted to get dressed as well. She really wanted to wear a tie so I tied it around one of my winter jackets for an interesting look.

After the 5k many years of students gather around Mrs Clark

After the 5k many years of students gather around Mrs Clark

This morning we all ran a 5K in Wash Park, it was a charity event for some friends of ours from school. Jude did great, running his heart out to finish in 32 minutes while Anna took it a bit slower with her school friends. Marcy and I also completed the race well. Afterwards, we ran into Mrs Clark who taught both Jude and Anna two years of pre-school.

After the boat ride where we all get drenched

After the boat ride where we all get drenched

The city of Denver has a reading program encouraging young kids to read. If you go to the library and show them how much you have read they give prizes – both Jude and Anna won a free ticket to Elitch’s. So, today was the day we went. After finishing the 5K, we quickly went home and got on our swim stuff and headed to Elitch’s. It was quite the day. Anna is over 48″ now which brought so many of the rides in play for her now. I went on a couple of very intense roller coasters with her.

It was a long day and a busy weekend. We should all sleep well tonight.

Another Great Week in Iowa

Getting ready for a water balloon fight

Getting ready for a cousins water balloon fight

It was another full week in Iowa with lots of fun activities. There was a trip to the zoo, to Living History Farms, an indoor trampoline place and more. With the Olympics on there was a lot of watching swimming and gymnastics. One night I took Jude out on one of our Jude and Daddy dates – we went to putt putt golf and then dinner at a sports bar.

A trip with Grandpa in the Jaguar

A trip with Grandpa in the Jaguar

By the end of the week our kids were ready to get home. Jude especially was getting homesick, so on Saturday we made the long drive back. We had to drive in separate cars because Marcy had the new car she bought in Kansas City.

Jude's favorite thing to do, soccer in the backyard

Jude’s favorite thing to do, soccer in the backyard

Today was just a relaxing day spent at home. The kids stayed home all day enjoying some time with their favorite toys, activities and the neighbor kids. Anna decided she wanted to mow the lawn, even though the mower was pretty heavy for her, and even harder with the grass so long from being away, she managed to do a great job.

Anna mowing the lawn for the first time

Anna mowing the lawn for the first time

The Annual Summer Trip to Des Moines

A big Des Moines welcome

A big Des Moines welcome

We started off this week at a hotel in Kansas City where we were staying to buy Marcy a new car. We bought a new Ford Explorer and she drove it to Des Moines Monday morning where we had a big welcome. Jude and Anna wasted no time and within 30 seconds of arriving they were both jumping in the pool.

The five cousins are in the pool every day

The five cousins are in the pool every day

Since then the kids have spent a good chunk of every day in the pool but they have also done a few other activities. Baba always makes it fun with treats, games and outings. This morning they went out for pancakes at Perkins and they have had donuts and many other goodies.

Matching USA swimsuits

Matching USA swimsuits Chloe, Anna and Ella

The Olympics started this weekend and Jude, Anna and Lily are getting quite into it, particularly the swimming and the gymnastics. Tonight Anna and Lily were so motivated by the gymnastics that they spent over an hour doing handstands and flips as well as push ups and sit-ups. They were just full of energy all night.

Setting up for the cousins triathlon

Setting up for the cousins triathlon race

All five cousins enjoy triathlons so today Lily set up a family race. Jude, as always was super competitive and he ended up winning the race. This all happened while Nathan and I were away playing golf – we did 36 holes today so we were away all day.

Jude in action during the triathlon

Jude in action during the triathlon with Lily coming from behind

Gymnastics, Soccer Camp, a Triathlon and a Road Trip to Kansas City

Anna doing bridge and about to put one leg in the air at gymnastics camp

Anna doing bridge and about to put one leg in the air at gymnastics camp

This week week both kids were in camp – Jude in a half day soccer camp and Anna in a full day gymnastics camp. They both absolutely loved these camps. Jude was one of the best players in his soccer camp and he got to play with some English soccer coaches. Anna learned lots of new moves in gymnastic camp and also made new friends.

Getting ready for the swim in the Lone Tree triathlon

Getting ready for the swim in the Lone Tree triathlon

Yesterday, we got up bright and early to drive south to Lone Tree for a kids triathlon. It was their third triathlon and they were looking forward to it. Jude went in the 8-9 year old group and he did great. He really pushed himself hard almost to the point of exhaustion as he had the competitive juices flowing. He ended up coming second overall and he said “it was the greatest athletic achievement of his life”. He was clearly very pleased.

Jude determined to do well as he starts the bike leg

Jude determined to do well as he starts the bike leg

Anna was in the 6-7 year old wave and was also one of the strongest racers. Her triathlon was half the length of the 8-9 year olds but it was still a major workout for Anna.

Getting ready to take off on the swim leg

About to take off on the swim leg at the start of the race

Jude went to meet Anna on the run and cheer her on. We also cheered her on but she was really tired at the end. But she was a trooper and came in 5th girl and 8th overall. She is not as competitive as Jude but she was happy.

Our champion triathletes

Our champion triathletes

Both kids had a full day after their triathlon. Jude went to play with some school friends that turned into an all day outing with even more biking and swimming, and Anna celebrated a birthday with some of her own school friends at a neighborhood pool.

Then this morning we were up bright and early again as we drove to Kansas City. We are on our way to our annual Iowa summer trip but Marcy is looking to buy a new car after selling the Mini. There are two Ford Explorers in Kansas City and we met the dealer this afternoon and drove them both. So we are spending the night here and Marcy will try to buy one of them tomorrow.

Anna getting a turn in the front seat on the car ride to Kansas City

Anna getting a turn in the front seat on the car ride to Kansas City

Sunday Swim Meets

Anna has her coffee (decaf) and she is good to go for the swim meet at 7am.

Anna has her coffee (decaf) and she is good to go for the swim meet at 7am.

I have spent most of the last two weeks in China for our first LendIt China Conference, just getting back Wednesday afternoon last week. I was away for 12 days and I missed everyone terribly. Marcy surprised me by bringing the kids to the airport to meet me which was such a treat.

Both Jude and Anna are on swim team this summer and the past two Sundays there have been swim meets. Today, we were hosting one at JCC so both Marcy and I volunteered to help out. Both kids enjoyed the meet and it was such a nice day we stayed at the pool for a couple of hours afterwards.


Jude enjoying a post swim meet Gatorade

On Saturday Jude and I went to the robot exhibit at the museum. Everyone else had been before and loved it and Jude was keen to go back and see it. It was pretty cool with a robot soccer game, climbing robots, self-driving cars, drones and more.

Jude gets up on stage at the robot exhibit and tries to blow a small drone away.

Jude gets up on stage at the robot exhibit and tries to blow a small drone aways

While Jude and I were at the museum Marcy and Anna had a little hairstyle and mani/pedi party at home. Anna painted Marcy’s nails and brushed and styled her hair, and vice versa.

Anna painting Marcy's toenails

Anna painting Marcy’s nails

Jude had no camps this past week but Anna had a half-day art camp which she loved. She would be happy to be on camps the entire summer and Jude would be happy to stay home all summer. We have come to a happy medium with some camps for both kids.

At the Peace Hotel on the "bund" in Shanghai with the 2nd tallest building in the world in the background

At the Peace Hotel in Shanghai with the 2nd tallest building in the world in the background