We Move Into a New House….Again

Anna and Jude roasting marshmallows on our last night in our old house

Anna and Jude roasting marshmallows on our last night in our old house

Our friends think we are funny. Since Marcy and I got married in 2004 we have lived in a total of seven houses. Now, one of those was in Australia where we went for six months in 2012 and then we rented for a year after we got back. Still, that is a lot of houses. And now we have moved again – back to the Wash Park neighborhood where we lived from 2004-08.

In some ways we will miss our old house. We did some great renovations to it in 2014 and we loved a lot about it. But it was too far from school and the tiny garage was an issue. Our new house has a big yard, a two car garage and most importantly, is just a few minutes from the kids school. At least with Denver’s hot real estate market we got all our money back we put into our old house and more.

Jude discovered a little window nook in the basement of our new house

Jude discovered a little window nook in the basement of our new house

It has been a busy week. We closed on our old house on Monday, our new house on Tuesday. I was in New York on Wednesday and Thursday and then we moved on Friday and Saturday. Needless to say Marcy has done 99% of the work with the move and she pulled everything together really well. She was a workhorse and by Sunday night most of our main floor was packed away.

Anna showing off her star shaped candle that she made at the school Holiday Fair

Anna showing off her star shaped candle that she made at the school Holiday Fair

Saturday was the annual Denver Waldorf School Holiday Fair. This a highlight of the calendar for the kids and we arrived at 8:30am even before the fair opened. I volunteered in candle making as well as the balance challenge but the kids, particularly Jude, wanted to be off with their friends a lot of the day. Anna still did all the crafts but Jude played “an epic game of tag” that lasted for several hours. He and his two friends at least stopped to get a caricature of themselves done at one point.

Jude and his two best school friends with their caricature

Jude and his two best school friends with their caricature

Sunday was spent unpacking and watching football of course. We walked up to our new local sports bar to watch the Broncos as well as the Packers game. We have a couple of neighbor boys who are Jude’s age and they played together in our basement for a while today. We have met some of the neighbors and they seem nice – and there are quite a few kids on our block which is great.

Jude Turns 10 in Sydney

Jude catching a wave at Manly Beach

Jude catching a wave at Manly Beach

We had a wonderful second week in Sydney. The weather was great, with barely a drop of rain the entire week. So, we spent a great deal of time at the beach. There was a lot of boogie board riding, Anna even tried her hand with a surfboard, she made it to her knees, but she decided to save getting on her feet until next time. We played some beach volleyball and there was lots of just playing in the water and the sand.

Anna catching a wave on a surfboard for the first time

Anna catching a wave on a surfboard for the first time

The big event of the week was, of course, Jude’s 10th birthday. He decided that he wanted to catch the ferry into the city and go to Sydney Tower, the tallest building in Sydney, where they have an open observation deck. It was pretty cool, we were up about 900 feet in the air with a glass bottom floor, but it was very safe – we all had to wear special suits and were chained to a railing. There was about 12 people in our group and everyone sang Jude Happy Birthday while we were out there.

On the outdoor observation deck at Sydney Tower 900 feet up

On the outdoor observation deck at Sydney Tower 900 feet up

After that we went to Darling Harbour to visit the Wildlife Experience which is basically a small zoo. We spent a lot of time here when we lived here in 2012 and Jude remembered it fondly. Then we caught the ferry back and met up with Uncle Ian, Aunt Leila and Sarah for dinner where we had a very nice birthday celebration for Jude. Then the next day Jude got birthday phone calls from his family in Iowa because of the time difference it was Nov 23rd there on the 24th in Sydney. Jude loved the fact that he basically had a two day birthday.

Jude getting friendly with a large Australian lizard

Jude getting friendly with a large Australian lizard

After that we had more beach time and then a final visit with my Dad at the nursing home where Anna took a turn at chess with him, and then it was back on the plane to Denver. We were all very sad to leave – both kids said several times that they were really going to miss Sydney. I think it was the best trip we have ever had to Sydney. As the kids get older they can do so many more fun things and they both love the beach. Best may be that they travel better and adjust to the time changes easier than when they were younger. They are already counting down the time until we visit again.


Anna playing chess with her Grandpa on our last day in Sydney

Chess, Oysters and Family Time in Sydney

Visiting 90-year-old Grandpa Renton at his nursing home

Visiting 90-year-old Grandpa Renton at his nursing home

Our first full week in Sydney has been a good one. We have had nice weather with barely a drop of rain and have spent a lot of time at the beach. We started off the week with a trip to see my Dad. He had recently turned 90 but has been in better health recent weeks than he has been all year.

At one of our favorite restaurants, the Sydney Oyster Bar, where Anna tried her first oyster

At one of our favorite restaurants, the Sydney Oyster Bar, where Anna tried her first oyster

We had a great time in the city this week. We caught the Manly Ferry in and then went to the Australian Museum, one of the kids favorite places. Then on the way back we stopped at the Sydney Oyster Bar, one of our favorite restaurants that is right on the Harbour. There Anna tried her first oyster although it was not a pleasant experience for her. Jude had his third oyster ever and while he did not enjoy it he managed to eat it.

Walking around the rocks from Manly to Shelley Beach

Walking on the rocks from Manly to Shelley Beach

We have been to the beach every day since we arrived. The weather has been great and while the water is chilly (around 69 degrees) it feels good on the warm days. The kids have been spending time on the boogie board catching waves and are now both able to do this unassisted. We have also spent some time at Shelley Beach where there is a beautiful bushwalk around the headland. While there is a popular walking path from Manly to Shelley Beach the kids prefer to do it the hard way and scramble over the rocks.

Grandfather and grandson playing chess

Grandfather and grandson playing chess

One day this week we went to visit my dad and we borrowed my brother’s chess set to bring with us. Jude is quite a keen chess player and my dad used to also be quite good when he was younger. Both of them were looking forward to playing as it is one of the few activities that a 90 year old and a 10 year old can enjoy together. Jude ended up being too good for my dad but they both enjoyed the game.

The kids playground at the zoo was a popular spot

The kids playground at the zoo was a popular spot with Sarah, Jude and Anna

On Saturday we spent the day at the zoo. Aunt Robyn came along as well as Ian, Leila and Sarah. Jude and Anna loved seeing their cousin again and enjoyed watching the animals with her as well as playing on the kids playground.

Jude's birthday week celebration begins with Uncle Mark and Aunt Robyn

Jude’s birthday celebration begins singing Happy Birthday with Uncle Mark and Aunt Robyn

Sunday, we spent the whole day at the beach. Then in the afternoon Uncle Mark and Aunt Robyn came over to kick off Jude’s 10th birthday celebration. We went out for dinner at the local pub and then came back to our apartment for cheesecake and an early birthday celebration.

In Sydney for Two Weeks

Anna reading her poem by Grandma Patience's gravesite

Anna reading her poem by Grandma Patience’s gravesite

This past week has been about getting ready for our trip to Sydney. We had decided earlier in the year that we would spend two weeks in Sydney around Thanksgiving for Jude’s 10th birthday. Also, my father just turned 90 so we wanted to spend some time with him as well. We left Denver on Friday night and arrived in Sydney on Sunday morning.

The tradition now when we get to Sydney is to drive straight from the airport to my mother’s grave. I know she would appreciate us honoring her in this way as she was always the one who was most excited to see us when we came to Sydney. Anna read a poem she had written and we all honored her in our own way. It was a special time for me.

Anna and Jude's first swim in the Pacific Ocean for over 18 months

Anna and Jude enjoy their first dip in the ocean at Manly

Then it was on to the beach and our apartment in Manly. We are staying in the same building as last year just a different unit. It is 50 yards to the beach and we have a patrolled area right in front. Both Jude and Anna just love the ocean. They were jumping over waves, giggling and splashing around for ages even though the ocean was cold (around 69 degrees). The unit came with a boogie board and Anna was out there catching waves again and again.

Jude playing catch with his cousin Sarah

Jude playing catch with his cousin Sarah

On Sunday afternoon, Ian and Leila came over with their daughter Sarah. Jude and Anna have been really looking forward to seeing their cousin and they loved playing with her. They played some catch and kicked the ball around our unit and then we all went down to the beach and had some dinner together. It was a great first day of our trip.

Jude and Anna with their Australian cousin, Sarah who is 20 months old

Jude and Anna with their Australian cousin, Sarah, who is 20 months old

Halloween and a First Trip to Dave & Busters


Jude and his school friends as blue balloon boys on Halloween night

On Halloween night Anna and Jude went their separate ways with their school friends. It was the warmest Halloween night we have ever had in Denver. I wore a t-shirt while following the boys around trick or treating. The kids had a blast and of course picked up a bucketful of candy.

Anna as Harry Potter with some school friends about to got trick or treating

Anna as Harry Potter with some school friends about to go trick or treating

Both Jude and Anna stayed home the day after Halloween. It was not really candy-induced, they both had colds. Anna’s took a turn for the worse which resulted in a trip to the doctor and a revisit to the masks and inhaler. But she was back at school by Thursday.

Jude panning for "gold" on his field trip

Jude panning for “gold” on his field trip

It is somewhat embarrassing that Jude is in fourth grade and I have not yet been on a field trip with his class. They have several a year so I decided this year I would go on one field trip for both kids. Jude’s class went to Four Mile Park in Denver this week where they got to see how pioneer life was back in the 19th century.

We had a pretty quiet weekend which was nice given how busy we have been the past few weekends. Jude’s soccer season is over now but Anna had one last game on Saturday morning.

Anna and me outside Dave & Busters today

Anna and me outside Dave & Buster’s today

Anna has been excited about going to Dave & Buster’s since I first took Jude there almost two years ago. So, today we had another Anna and Daddy date and I took her there. We had promised after she turned 8 I would take her there. She had an absolute blast. Even after building it up for months she was not disappointed in the slightest. She proved a natural at the car race. We raced against each other and by the third race she beat me fair and square. We could have stayed there for hours but we stayed just over an hour for her first trip. Next time, I think I will take both kids because Jude wants to go back.

Pumpkins and a Trip to the Farm

Visiting Sunflower farm on a school trip

Visiting Sunflower farm on a school trip

This week Anna’s second grade class went to Sunflower farm, a trip that they do every year. Marcy went with them and Anna got to pet the cow, played with chickens, did a zip-line and rode on a tractor.

Friday was the annual Halloween Journey festival at school and all the kids got to dress up in costume and play fun games. Jude dressed up his blue balloon man outfit which has its own built in compressor so he looks like a big balloon. Anna dressed up as Harry Potter.

At the school Harvest Festival dressed as Harry Potter

At the school Harvest Festival dressed as Harry Potter

This weekend was mainly about soccer. On Saturday Anna had two games and Jude had one game that took up the entire morning. Sunday, Jude had a soccer tournament where he played four times in short 25 minute games. Jude did well, scoring his first two goals of the season – one each day.

Anna practicing before her game started on Saturday morning

Anna practicing before her game started on Saturday morning

During a break from the soccer we went to the pumpkin patch to pick up some pumpkins. Then Jude and Anna carved their pumpkins, something they have done every year. Marcy commented that this is really the first year that she has not really helped at all – the kids did it almost completely by themselves.

Carving pumpkins the day before Halloween

Carving pumpkins the day before Halloween

School Photos and Fall Leaves

Jude's official school photo 2016-17 year

Jude’s official school photo for 2016-17 year

We received the school photos this week. While I know I am biased aren’t they just the cutest kids you have ever seen.

Anna's official school photo for 2016-17

Anna’s official school photo for 2016-17 year

After our busy trip away it was good to have a normal weekend. Although Saturday was a little crazy with Jude playing soccer in Colorado Springs and Anna having a double header with her team in Denver. We had to go our separate ways and it took up most of Saturday.

Jude's soccer game in Colorado Springs had a beautiful view of the mountains

Jude’s soccer game in Colorado Springs had a beautiful view of the mountains

Today we talked about doing some kind of outing but we ended up staying around the house all day. Jude had lots of homework to do and they both had their chores. With no Broncos or Packers game today we had the whole day free. Marcy and I filled out our voting ballots and we all got caught up on stuff around the house.

Anna dig some raking of leaves and enjoyed playing in her big pile

Anna raked some leaves and enjoyed playing in her big pile

Anna’s Delayed Birthday Weekend in Orlando

Anna's birthday cake in Florida

Anna’s birthday cake in our Orlando hotel room

It was delayed a week because of the hurricane but we made it to Orlando for our trip to Harry Potter World. I came straight from London, having just finished our LendIt Europe conference. I met up with everyone on Thursday night. Then on Friday we went to Universal and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

Both Jude and Anna were excited. It was nice to see Jude get into being a kid again after shunning most childlike things over the previous few months. Harry Potter world is divided into two parts. There is Diagon Alley where all the wizarding stores are and then there is Hogsmeade with the Hogwarts School. They are connected by the Hogwarts Express which you take from Kings Cross Station just like Harry did in the books.

Waiting for the Hogwarts Express on platform 9 3/4

Waiting for the Hogwarts Express on platform 9 3/4 at Kings Cross Station

The favorite attraction for the kids was Hogwarts. It was really cool with a giant replica of the building from the movies with many of the rooms as well. Then there was a great ride that we all loved where you essentially get to fly around with Harry and Ron and even get involved in a Quidditch match. We did that ride about 7 times.

There was also many roller coasters and the rest of Universal Studios to explore. We did a little of this but we spent most of our time in Harry Potter World. The good thing is that the height cutoff was 48″ for most of the rides and Anna is now 49″ – it was only the crazy roller coasters that she couldn’t go on. But they both enjoyed the Hippogriff roller coaster outside Hogwarts.

Riding the Hippogriff roller coaster together

Riding the Hippogriff roller coaster together

Universal was really crowded every day and so we decided on Sunday to rent a car and go to the beach. We drove to New Smyrna Beach where Marcy was able to see the house where her Uncle Lynn and Aunt Judy lived (and where she lived one summer). We then went down to the beach which was nice although the water was not that clean because of the recent hurricane. But give our kids sand and water and they enjoy themselves.

On the beach at New Smyrna

On the beach at New Smyrna

On the last day the kids got to buy the special gifts that they had decided on. Jude chose the chess set – it is based on the chess pieces in the first movie. They are very ornate and he loved them. He and Anna played with them on the last night in Florida. Anna decided to get the quills and ink so she can practice her penmanship.

Playing chess by the pool on the last night

Playing chess by the hotel pool on the last night

Anna Turns 8

Anna waking up to a table full of presents on her birthday

Anna waking up to a table full of presents on her birthday

We were supposed to be in Florida this weekend. But the first hurricane to hit Central Florida in 11 years changed our plans. Anna was initially very upset but we just delayed our vacation a week and she got to spend her birthday at home.

Anna was so excited to be turning 8. She had her birthday celebration at school on Thursday and then finally the big day came on Friday. Anna woke up to a table full of presents as you can see here. Then Marcy and I took her out of school for a special birthday lunch at Park Burger.

Anna's birthday cheesecake

Anna’s birthday cheesecake

Marcy had made a cheesecake at Anna’s request instead of a birthday cake. So, we had the neighbor kids come over and sing her happy birthday and have some cake. That evening Anna decided we would order pizza and watch the Sound of Music in the basement.

Speaking of our neighbors, it was a something of a bittersweet day on Friday. Our kids and their kids have become great buddies over the last 3+ years. And Friday was their last day in their new house. They are moving and we are all sad.

Our neighbors spent so many hours on our playset but now they are moving

Our neighbors spent so many hours on our playground but now they are moving

The other big news this week is that we will be moving soon as well. We placed an offer on a house in Wash Park and it has been accepted. We just have to sell our house first – it went on the market on Friday night and we already have had a few showings.

The funny thing is that we had just decided to stay put for a while after thinking about it very seriously when we found out our neighbors were moving. But Marcy was still getting the emails of new houses when they came on the market – this one came up and we both loved it.

If all goes well we will be moving at the beginning of November. And so far so good. We are already under contract to sell our house for full price, in less than 48 hours after it was listed.

A Weekend of Soccer and a Birthday Party

Jude on the attack

Jude on the attack

It was quite the week. While I flew out to New York early on Monday morning for four days Marcy had to deal with sick kids. Jude woke up Monday with a bad cough and didn’t go to school for two days. Then by Thursday Anna had caught it and she had to stay away. But they both made a good enough recovery to be in their school Michaelmas play on Friday.

At the end of the school Michaelmas play singing the chorus together

At the end of the school Michaelmas play singing the chorus together

Jude was pretty much better by Tuesday afternoon, though he did have to miss soccer practice. And then on Wednesday they had a class field trip to Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs which Jude really enjoyed.

Anna in her new birthday dress at the 2nd grade fall birthday party

Anna in her new birthday dress at the 2nd grade fall birthday party

Marcy’s parents came out this week for a special Grandparents Day celebration at the school, which included the Michaelmas play. Then Jude had the first of his three soccer games on Friday night which they came along to. Then today, we had Anna’s birthday celebration. The second grade had a joint celebration for all the fall birthdays, including Anna.

Jude discovered a small snake at the Botanic Gardens in Chatfield

Jude discovered a small snake at the Botanic Gardens in Chatfield

We all drove out to the Botanic Gardens at Chatfield south of Denver. They had a corn maze and the kids all spent some time wandering around in there. They also had a bounce house and other fun kids activities.

Anna’s birthday month has arrived and we allowed her to open her presents from Sydney as well as something from us. She loved all her clothes and was excited to try them on.

Anna in her new mermaid blanket

Anna in her new mermaid blanket that we bought her for her birthday

Finally, tonight after starting book 1 more than 2 1/2 years ago we read the final pages of book 7 of the Harry Potter series. Just in time for our trip to Harry Potter world in Florida for Anna’s birthday.