Anna out selling her fresh baked bread rolls to our neighbors
While we have been living in our new house almost two months now the weather has been pretty cold so we have not had a weekend where we could spend much time outside. But this weekend was different – sunny and in the 50s we made the most of it. Marcy and I both acknowledged how good it feels to be back in the Washington Park neighborhood, where we began our relationship and then our family many years ago.
Anna woke up Saturday morning with a burning desire to bake some bread and offer it for sale to our neighbors. Marcy eventually convinced her to follow a recipe rather than throwing some ingredients in a bowl as was Anna’s first impulse. By 9am the house was smelling of freshly baked bread and Anna was off around the neighborhood selling her wares. It was 25 cents a roll and by the time she was done she had made about $4, a haul she was excited about.

On a sunset bike ride around Wash Park
Both kids were invited to a birthday party on Saturday afternoon which meant Marcy and I were able to workout and then have a lunch date which was nice. Later that day Marcy took Anna for a bike ride, the first of the year. They enjoyed the beautiful sunset over the lake in our local park.

Jude and I had front row seats to the DU hockey game
Our neighbors had free tickets to the DU Pioneers hockey game that they couldn’t use and asked us Saturday morning if we wanted them. Jude had never been to a DU game (I had take Anna a couple of years ago) so he jumped at the chance. They were fantastic seats, in the front row not far from center ice. Jude got to experience the rough and tumble nature of a hockey game up close. He had a blast, not least because DU won the game easily 5-0. Best of all, we are within walking distance of the arena – a 15 minute walk door to door.

In shorts on a beautiful January day in Wash Park although you can tell it has been cold…
Today we sent to church for the first time in about a year. The kids were not keen on the idea and didn’t even want to do any of the kids activities. But Marcy and I enjoyed the service. Then afterwards we went for a family bike ride – the first one in many months. It was almost 60 degrees and it was warm in the sun. Jude and I kicked around a soccer ball while Anna tested out the ice in the creek. They also had fun throwing rocks on to the frozen lake.

Anna, a young lady of contrasts – in her boots as well as a pretty dress and sweater