Marcy and Anna’s Ski Weekend

In the hot tub at Keystone the night before ski team

In the hot tub at Keystone the night before ski team

I have been taking Anna to most of the weekends for ski team. We originally thought all four of us would go up to Keystone most weekends but Jude decided this year he really didn’t like skiing any more and so we only did that a couple of times.

Anyway, on Friday night Anna and Marcy drove up to Keystone. Our condo was booked out so we used some points to get a place at Keystone resort right on the lake for Friday night. As you can see they spent some time in the hot tub and pool. Saturday was a cold and miserable day in Keystone so Marcy decided not to ski. And then they had the drive back from hell, taking four hours to get home, a drive that takes an hour and fifteen minutes with no traffic.

Anna takes a selfie on the long drive home

Anna takes a selfie on the long drive home

Jude and I watched a movie on Friday night, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and then on Saturday we had a free day. We ran some errands, went to Chipotle and played football in the park with some of the neighbor kids. Marcy and Anna finally got home at 8pm on Saturday night.

Today, we went to watch the new movie, A Wrinkle in Time, which we all loved. It was such a great movie. Marcy and Anna had listened to the entire book on Audible in the car yesterday on their very long drive. This afternoon we hung out at home, did the family crossword puzzle and played some soccer at the park.

Doing the Family Crossword in the Denver Post with lots of clues the kids know

Doing the Family Crossword in the Denver Post with lots of clues the kids know

We had some sad news in the Dahlen family this week. They had to put their beloved dog Buddy down. He was an old black lab that had been part of the family for 15 years. The kids both loved him and were sad to see him go. Jude talked about Buddy quite a bit this weekend.

Doing a toast to the Dahlens dog Buddy while out for dinner on Thursday night

Doing a toast to the Dahlens dog Buddy while out for dinner on Thursday night

Jude’s Soccer Season Gets Under Way

Jude is very happy that Spring soccer is under way

Jude is very happy that Spring soccer is under way

This weekend marked the kickoff of the outdoor soccer season in Colorado. Yes, it is still winter but the Colorado Rapids begin their season every year with the Ice Breaker tournament on the first weekend of March. Jude was excited because he was promoted to the White team for this tournament after spending last year on the Blue team.

While Jude’s team won this tournament last year this year they did not do as well this time around. Jude played really well but his team did not do so well losing all three games in the Round Robin. But that didn’t bother Jude that much. He knew he played well and played hard so he was happy with the performance. Hopefully, this will mean during the regular season he will be promoted to White – we find that out this week.

Anna worked on crafts a lot this week, making her diorama and lots of pots and plates with her clay

Anna worked on crafts a lot this weekend, finshing her diorama and other things with her clay

Marcy got a call at lunchtime on Friday that Anna wasn’t feeling well. She had been coughing a bit all week but on Friday it got really bad. So, she had to miss ski team again. On Saturday morning while Jude was playing his first game Anna and Marcy went to the doctor. No strep or flu but they gave her some antibiotics because she had fluid in her lungs and we definitely want to prevent an infection. She is doing a bit better today.

Today, Jude had another morning game but we were back home by 10:45am. The rest of the day was spent at home watching a movie and relaxing.

Anna’s Ski Race in Breckenridge

Anna celebrating her successful race

Anna celebrating her successful race in Breckenridge

I spent the entire weekend with Anna in the mountains. We drove up Friday night and went to Anna’s favorite pizza place and then ice skating on Keystone Lake. Saturday, we were up bright and early for ski team. It was a cold day but Anna was toasty warm she said. I joined her for a few runs after ski team ended at 3pm and she took me on some really challenging black diamonds.

One of Anna’s closest friends at school is Reed. His family has a place in Breckenridge so we stayed there Saturday night. It meant we could sleep in a little later but it was still another early start to be there for the race meeting at 8:15am. It was a bitterly cold day, I think it was the coldest day of skiing I have had in over 20 years. The high was 11 and there was a 30 mph wind blowing. But Anna was a trooper the whole time.

She had two runs down the race course. The first run she was really pushing it hard and fell going over the jump. The second race, which I recorded below, she started slower and made adjustments and finished the race well.

Reed and his dad came to watch Anna race and we skied with them most of the day. It made for a really fun day that was about more than just the race. It was quite a long weekend away from home, we didn’t arrive back until 6pm Sunday night.

Meanwhile Jude stayed in Denver and chilled at home quite a bit. Our old neighbor Graham came over on Saturday, and Sunday he spent quite a bit of time with our current neighbors. Otherwise, he and Marcy watched movies and old Star Trek episodes. The original show is currently on Netflix and both kids are enjoying it.

Jude going up the climbing wall

Jude going up the climbing wall

Both kids had the past week off school so Marcy organized quite a few activities for them both. Earlier in the week they went to a climbing wall again.

Finally, Marcy took this cute photo below of the two of them watching Youtube videos. It was nice to see them getting along as that has been somewhat rare lately.

Watching YouTube videos on Marcy's iPad

Watching YouTube videos on Marcy’s iPad

A Climbing Wall and Winter Mini Golf

Anna on her school field trip to the indoor farm

Anna on her school field trip to the indoor farm

Once a year I go on one of the kid’s school field trips. On Tuesday, I joined Anna’s third grade class on their trip to the Growhaus, an indoor farm in North Denver. It was a fascinating place where they grow a ton of vegetables indoors and they introduced the kids to concepts such as hydroponics and indoor gardening. I think I got more out of it than Anna did, I thought the place was great.

Jude and Anna tackle the climbing wall at REI

Jude and Anna tackle the climbing wall at REI

This weekend I had class so Marcy took the kids to REI to do the climbing wall. They also did a bit of shopping there.

A game of putt putt on a mid-February day in Denver

A game of mini golf in shorts and a t-shirt on a mid-February day in Denver

Today, was the warmest day of the year so far, almost hitting 70 degrees. So, I left my class a little early and took Jude out to play some mini golf and then we went to the park to kick the soccer ball around. It was a little windy but apart from that it was a beautiful day.

Anna Gets Her First Library Card

Anna shows off her new library card

Anna shows off her new library card

There has been a lot of sickness floating around the school and Anna came down with a bad cough on Wednesday morning. She didn’t feel that had but we decided to keep her home from school for the rest of the week. And she missed ski team this weekend.

On a positive note Marcy and Anna used the time to go to the library and get Anna her very own library card. She was SO excited about this. She took out three books and since she had a lot of time on her hands she read them all in one day.

Early in the week Anna tried out stilts at school

Early in the week Anna tried out stilts at school

Jude managed to stay well although he complained of a bit of a sore throat. So far, this school year he has not missed a day of school for illness.

We had some snow on Saturday and it was a bitterly cold day. I had to go to work to get caught up on some things and the kids spent most of the day at home. Jude worked on his school project on the state of Mississippi. We spent a bit of time watching the Olympics and we saw the USA get their first gold medal in the snowboarding.

Cheering on the US team as we watch the Olympics

Cheering on the US team as we watch the Olympics

Today was a bit warmer and sunny which was nice. Jude had a birthday party downtown and then we went to our neighbor’s guitar recital which coincidentally was at the Waldorf School. Jude had a short kick of the soccer ball in the backyard but for the most part we stayed inside.

Catching a little outside time on this cold weekend

Catching a little outside time on this cold weekend

Finally, the kids bought these tiny little Pacman games out of their own money. They played with them obsessively for a couple of days and now the novelty looks like it has worn off. Below is a picture of Anna with her new game sitting in a special chair.

Anna sitting on the chair that was made for hew grandma (Baba) when she was a little girl

Anna sitting on the chair that was made for her grandma (Baba) when she was a little girl

A Recital and Superbowl Sunday

Anna playing her cello during her school recital

Anna playing her cello with her teacher during her school recital

I spent a few days in New York City this week but I was back late Thursday night. This time Marcy took Anna up for ski team and I stayed home with Jude. We got take out Italian and watched The Waterboy. Jude laughed hysterically at parts of it but overall he said it was only average.

On Saturday, Jude went to a playdate at our old neighbors house so I was able to get caught up on some work. Marcy and Anna came home late afternoon and we started preparing for our annual Superbowl Party.

With the Superbowl I am in charge of cooking and I make three different chilis. Before the Superbowl Anna had a cello recital at her school. Thankfully, she was one of the early ones on so we made it home in time for me to finish cooking and to get ready for the big game.

And what a game it was. The entire house was cheering for the Eagles and were so happy to see them win. It was one of the best games I have ever seen.

It was pretty loud at our house throughout the game so Pickles spent the evening under our bed.

Anna giving Pickles some love this week

Anna giving Pickles some love this week

Anna Has a Big Role in Her Third Grade Play

Anna in her Noah outfit celebrating the end of the play

Anna in her Noah outfit celebrating the end of the play

This week was Anna’s third grade play. This was a big deal because for the first time ever they were on the big stage in the festival hall. Anna took this all very seriously. The play was the story of Noah’s Ark and Anna was given the role of Noah. She practiced her lines every evening until she had it completely down. But she was still nervous when Friday rolled around.

We went to watch the play at 5pm on Friday evening. There was a role (or two) for every kid but Anna had by far the largest part. She acted her part beautifully, not stumbling on any lines and of course, I am biased, but I think she was the star of the show. Many of the parents came up afterwards to tell her how amazing she was. She was so pleased because she had worked so hard for it.

Anna after the play with some roses Marcy bought for her

Anna after the play with some roses Marcy bought for her

After the play we kept our regular routine with Anna and I heading up to Keystone. Anna slept well on Friday night, getting almost 11 hours. She was happy to get to ski team and from what her coach said she had her best day on the slopes yet. She is definitely becoming a more accomplished skier as the season goes on.

We drove back to Denver on Saturday night and today we had another lazy Sunday. Anna didn’t get out of her pajamas until 3pm while Jude spent a lot of the day playing with the neighbor kids. The big project of the day was setting up my old computer for Jude so he can use it for school work. He has a major report on Mississippi and will be typing it on the computer. We are even going to try to use Siri so he can speak the words into the computer rather than typing them.

Pickles in her new bed

Pickles in her new bed

Finally, we have had Pickles two weeks now and she is already part of the family. She has a new bed and she spends most nights (we think) sleeping on it downstairs. The kids especially love having a kitty around the house – they are constantly giving her attention. And they are doing well on their chores of feeding her (Anna) and cleaning up after her and grooming (Jude).

First Big Snowstorm and Night Skiing

Anna goes night skiing for the first time

Anna goes night skiing for the first time

On Friday night Anna and I went up for our regular trip to the mountains for Anna’s ski team. This time, though, we decided to go night skiing at Keystone. It was a nice warm night and there was hardly anyone on the slopes so we had a good time.

Then on Saturday Anna had ski team in A-Basin for the first time. She had what sounded like the worst fall she has ever had hitting her head on a tree. She was ok (thank god for helmets) but she was a little shaken up. After a relaxing bath we drove back to Denver where there was a winter storm coming.

Anna sleeping with Pickles in our bed on a lazy Sunday

Anna sleeping with Pickles in our bed on a lazy Sunday

We awoke on Sunday to a blanket of snow. It continued snowing throughout the day and it was windy so we did not venture out much. Anna laid low as she was not feeling 100% after her fall on Saturday. Jude was full of energy, though, and went sledding with the neighbor kids for a couple of hours.

Jude shows his style over a jump they made sledding at the park

Jude shows his style over a jump they made sledding at the park

It was nice to have a low key Sunday where we could relax at home and watch some football.

We Have a New Cat!

Our new arrival, Pickles, explores her new home

Our new arrival, Pickles, explores her new home

Our weekend began on Friday as I arrived home from my work trip to San Francisco at 6pm. Then it was off with Anna to the mountains for Saturday’s ski team. I looked at the weather and there was supposed to be snow by 10pm so I thought leaving at 7pm we would be fine. I was wrong. It was a nightmare drive with two major accidents and we didn’t arrive until just after 10pm. When Anna awoke on Saturday morning she was exhausted and didn’t feel up for ski team. So, we hung out in the morning and then drove home Saturday afternoon.

Anna trying out Pickles at the pet store

Anna trying out Pickles at the pet store

But the big news of the weekend was our new cat. We have been thinking about it seriously since the New Year and then Marcy and Jude went to the pet store (they are a satellite adoption location from the Denver Dumb Friends League) on Saturday and discovered Pickles. Then this afternoon Marcy took Anna to the store to see if she would react because of her allergies. But she was fine. So, we brought home our new cat. The kids are both beside themselves with excitement.

Jude loves Pickles

Jude loves Pickles

Anna’s First Ski Race and Jude Shadows at a New School

Ice skating in front of the huge Christmas tree on Keystone Lake

Ice skating in front of the huge Christmas tree on Keystone Lake

This week actually began in Des Moines, Iowa where we awoke on New Years Day to the coldest temperature I think I have ever experienced: -17 degrees. That’s fahrenheit (it would actually be -27 celsius). We packed up the car and drove back to Denver. The temperature slowly climbed as we drove west and when we arrived in Denver it was a relatively balmy 20 degrees.

The kids did not have school this week so the kids had various play dates with school friends during the week. Then on Thursday Jude spent the day at a new school, The International School of Denver, shadowing their sixth grade class. It is very different to Waldorf but Jude reported it was a positive experience. We are looking at various options for Jude for next year as he enters sixth grade, which is the middle school years.

This weekend I drove up on Friday afternoon with Anna in preparation for her ski team on Saturday. We had renters staying at our condo so we had to book a resort room. It was by Keystone Lake and Anna loved it. We went out for dinner and then ice skated on the lake. Then we were up bright and early for ski team on Saturday morning.

Marcy served Jude breakfast in bed for the first time

Marcy served Jude breakfast in bed for the first time

Meanwhile back in Denver it was just Jude and Marcy. She spoiled him on Saturday morning by giving him breakfast in bed. It looks like he enjoyed it. They also had a fun time with one of the neighbor kids who often comes over. They played this game where you had to see how many marshmallows you could put in your mouth and still say “fluffy bunny”. The answer for both kids was four.

Jude and our neighbor stuffing marshmallows in their mouth

Jude and our neighbor stuffing marshmallows in their mouth

Marcy and Jude came up late on Saturday and we moved back to our condo. Then today Anna and I were up bright and early for her first ever ski race meet. I was the volunteer starter so I was able to see Anna at the start of both her races. She had giant slalom in the morning and slalom in the afternoon. I thought she did really well, she was certainly one of the faster kids for her age but she was disappointed not to get a medal (there were 30 girls in her age group). Still, she enjoyed the experience and is keen to keep racing.

At the medal presentation for the ski race

At the medal presentation for the ski race