Anna playing the cello in her school concert
As school is winding down for the year, we went to the last concert of the school year. Both Jude and Anna played their instruments with their class for the last time, and Jude even got to play the drum for When the Saints Go Marching In. It was a bittersweet moment because both kids are moving on to new schools next year. Anna is heading to Ricks Center and Jude is heading to the International School of Denver. So, this was our last event with the school where we have been for eight years..

Jude playing the clarinet in his school concert
One of the funny things about ending at Waldorf is that both Jude and Anna’s teachers are leaving. They announced it after we had already made the decision to leave. After five years as the teacher for Jude’s class, the kids decided to throw a surprise farewell for Ms Faustina. There was a lot of crying and even Jude was sad that she was leaving. For Anna, Ms Gaillot had been their teacher for three years, although Anna also had her as an assistant teacher in kindergarten, so there was sadness there too.

Anna with her teacher since kindergarten, Ms Gaillot
Jude’s half birthday happened on Wednesday this week but we all forgot about it. Jude reminded us on the following day. So, as we do for every half birthday, we went out for donuts but we waited until this weekend. Jude is now less than six months away from his 12th birthday, a fact that feels a little surreal sometimes.

Jude enjoy his LaMar’s bar donut to celebrate his 11 1/2 birthday
This weekend we had no major plans. Marcy worked in the garden for a lot of the weekend. On Saturday she took Anna to see the new Star Wars movie, Solo, while Jude and I stayed home to watch the Champions League final. It was a really hot day and we rode our bikes to one of favorite sushi restaurants on Saturday night.

Anna and Reed working on creating a birdhouse
On Sunday, Anna had her friend Reed over for a play date that ended in a 24-hour sleepover. They were busy beavers working on creating a birdhouse for a good chunk of time. They actually slept surprisingly well sleeping in past 7:30am.

Jude showing his golf style at the Kennedy Par-3
On Sunday afternoon I booked a tee time at one of our local Par-3 courses. We invited one of Jude’s best school friends and his dad and so we had a foursome. Jude had a great time, as did all of us. We had a bit of a rain delay so we went back to the clubhouse which worked out for the best because when we restarted we had the course pretty much to ourselves. Jude had some great shots sinking a 20-foot putt and striping a drive about 120 yards down the fairway.

Anna on the velcro wall at the Gaylord St fair
Every Memorial Day weekend they have a street fair just four blocks from our house. I took the kids along as well as one of Jude’s school friends who came over for the day. Anna went on the bungee and all the kids enjoyed a few of the other attractions. Their favorite was the velcro wall where they donned a special suit and jump on to a wall and stayed stuck.
It was a good long weekend and the kids now just have 3 1/2 days of school left for the year. And then it is summer break for 10+ weeks.