A Funeral, Elitch’s and a Rockies Game

Mark, Robyn, me, Sarah, Leila and Ian outside the chapel

Mark, Robyn, me, Sarah, Leila and Ian outside the chapel (Mark had just cracked a joke)

This week began for me in Sydney where we laid my father to rest. It was a beautiful ceremony and I think Dad would have been happy. I had a few of my friends come and some of Dad’s old friends made the effort as well.

Great photo of Jude on his camp in Breckenridge

Great photo of Jude at his camp in Breckenridge

I returned home on Wednesday and it was a little strange because Jude was away at his 6th grade camp. At his new school all the 6th graders go to Breckenridge for three nights in the second week of school. They had lots of fun activities to help all the kids get to know each other. Jude said that he had a good time and that most of the kids in his class are nice.

The favorite ride for everyone was the Shipwreck Falls ride and we all got wet

The favorite ride for everyone was Shipwreck Falls and we all got really wet

This weekend we had a lazy day on Saturday. We all needed it after a pretty hectic week. Sunday we rode our bikes to Elitch’s and spent the day there. Lots of rides, bad food and some time in the water park and we made it home just before dark. Both kids were troopers, it was a full day and they did not complain much at all riding their bikes home.

Anna convinced me to go on the "Brain Drain" where you do about 10 loop-the-loop

Anna convinced me to go on the “Brain Drain” where you do about 10 loop-the-loops

Today, we decided to go see this street art fair in the River North district near downtown. Again we rode our bikes and had lunch on the way. It turned out that even though the festival officially started today, it wouldn’t get moving until later in the day. So on the ride home we passed Coors Field where the Rockies were playing. It was the 6th inning and we decided to all go in to watch the end of the game. It was a close game and we all had a great time (the Rockies won 9-8). This was a great way to do a family baseball outing.

At the Rockies game

At the Rockies game


The First Week of School

Anna's first day of fourth grade

Anna’s first day of fourth grade

Both kids have started new schools this past week. Anna was very excited and somewhat nervous for her new school. After being at Waldorf for seven years this was a big change for her. A new learning system, new people, new teachers, new campus, it was all new to her. While she liked her first day by day four she was really missing her old school. After a weekend break with a lot of time to chill at home, she seems ready to go back and give it a go.

Anna got to ring the school bell on her first day of school

Anna got to ring the school bell on her first day of school

Jude had an extra three days of school vacation as his school did not start until Thursday. So he and Marcy had a little fun together before he began middle school on Thursday. He also liked his new school and had a great first two days.

Jude on his first day of sixth grade

Jude on his first day of sixth grade

I am down in Sydney for my father’s funeral which is tomorrow. I have caught up with some friends and family already and we are preparing for the service tomorrow.

With my niece Sarah on Saturday night

With my niece Sarah on Saturday night


The Annual Summer Vacation in Keystone

Ella, Lily, Chloe and Anna head off to Keystone Science School camp

Chloe, Lily, Ella and Anna head off to Keystone Science School camp

Monday morning began in Keystone with four of the kids heading off to camp. Jude decided he did not want to do Keystone Science School camp this year so he was a free agent all week. The four girls all had a great time in camp and as it was the last one of the summer it was very much a celebration.

Jude went bowling in Vail

Jude went bowling in Vail

Jude did a variety of activities this week. Marcy took him on a long bike ride one day, fourteen miles around Lake Dillon from Keystone to Frisco, he did tennis lessons, mountain biking, a golf lesson and he went bowling one day. Nathan and I took him golfing for nine holes at the River Course at Keystone one day which he really liked as well.

Anna, Ella and Chloe go canoeing on Keystone Lake

Anna, Ella and Chloe go canoeing on Keystone Lake

Saturday was our last full day together. In the morning the weather wasn’t great but Jude and I went for a short hike before settling in to watch the Arsenal game. The others went to River Run and tried to stay dry. The weather cleared up in the afternoon and we all went down to the lake. There was some canoeing and kayaking as well as playing on the sand beach. Keystone even provided free s’mores for the kids.

Enjoying smores after dinner at Keystone Lake

Enjoying smores after dinner at Keystone Lake

We used to take photos of all the kids under the kitchen counter when they could stand underneath it easily. They are all too big for that now but Marcy took this photo to keep the tradition going.

All five cousins under the kitchen counter

All five cousins under the kitchen counter

This week was a rough one for me. My father had been in decline for some time but after a minor hip operation 10 days ago he went downhill fast. Every day, I would check in with the hospital expecting the worst. Then on Friday morning our time my brother called me to say our father had passed away. He had a good innings, he was almost 92. Regardless it has been a very difficult time for me. I will be heading back to Sydney on Thursday night for the funeral.

Me and dad at the nursing home

Me and dad at the nursing home in 2016

Elitch’s and the Beginning of the Annual Summer Trip to Keystone

Enjoy their treats at Elitch's

Jude and Anna enjoy their treats at Elitch’s: Dippin’ Dots and Funnel cake

I have been away for much of the last two weeks. The kids were in camp this past week, it was called Avid4Adventure and they both really enjoyed it. This was Jude’s only non-soccer camp of the summer and we are glad he had a good time.

The kids had been asking about Elitch’s all summer. I had promised them I would take them, so Saturday was the day. We got there before it opened and were one of the first people in the park. They went on plenty of rides in the morning and then headed to the water park in the afternoon.

On the Shipwreck Falls ride you get wet, really wet

On the Shipwreck Falls ride you get wet, really wet

We couldn’t stay as late as we wanted at Elitch’s because we had to head to Keystone on Saturday evening. Marcy had stayed home to help get the house ready and pack for our trip.The Dahlens drove out from Iowa on Saturday and we met at the condo on Saturday evening.

Jude, Chloe and Ella in the paddleboat with Anna canoeing in the background on Keystone Lake

Jude, Chloe and Ella in the paddleboat with Anna kayaking in the background on Keystone Lake

We had a pretty quiet first day of the vacation. Jude watched some of the Arsenal game in the morning and then we went down to Keystone Lake in the afternoon. We ended the day watching the PGA Championship golf.

A Family Hike and Anna’s Drinks Store

Anna at her drinks store at the trailhead for Grays and Torreys

Anna at her drinks store at the trailhead for Grays and Torreys

After last weekend when Jude did his drinks store Anna wanted to do the same thing. So, on Saturday morning we were up early and we headed up to the exact same spot as last Saturday: the trailhead for Grays and Torreys. The weather was not quite as nice but Anna did a brisk trade and ended with $104 in total revenue about 20% of which were tips. Her profits were $74 which she was thrilled with. On the way back home we stopped in Idaho Springs for a late lunch.

Family selfie on the Beaver Brook Trail hike in Genesee Park

Family selfie on the Beaver Brook Trail hike in Genesee Park

This morning we decided it was time we went for a family hike since we hadn’t done one all summer. Last year Marcy discovered this great hike in Genesee Park just 30 minutes from home that she did with the kids when I was away. So, we decided to make this our family hike and it was great. Just over 5 miles and 1,000 feet of elevation which the kids can handle with ease now.

Taking a dip in the little rock pool

Taking a dip in the little rock pool

The weather was great, not too hot or cold – Jude and Anna decided it was certainly warm enough for a quick dip in one of the rock pools. I put my feet in and the water was really cold but that didn’t stop Jude from completely submerging himself in the water. It was a nice refreshing break at about the halfway point.

Closeup of a butterfly landing on a flower

Closeup of a butterfly landing on a flower

Anna decided that she wanted to take a lot of photos on the hike and make a calendar. So, she spent a lot of time doing closeups and other nature photos. She said no people or man made objects were to be in the photos. Jude decided to take just one photo, but it was a good one below. The iPhones take pretty good closeup photos these days.

Jude's closeup of the butterfly and flower

Jude’s closeup of the butterfly and flower

A Full Week of Camps and Jude’s Entrepreneurial Adventure

Jude riding through the sprinklers on the way back from soccer camp

Jude riding through the sprinklers on the way back from soccer camp

Jude had Challenger Sports this week, the regular soccer camp he has been in several times before. This was the Wash Park version so he could ride his bike every day which was handy. Anna had a new camp, 2-4-1 Sports and she absolutely loved it, saying it was the best camp ever. The idea behind it is that you can choose multiple sports to do during the week (their theme is “life is 2 short 4 just 1 sport). Anna chose tennis, soccer and universal which included archery, flag rugby, golf and volleyball.

Jude wanted to make some money this summer so for several weeks we had been discussing what he should do. When I suggested we buy some drinks at Costco and then sell them at the base of a 14er he loved that idea.

Jude manning his drinks shop at the Gray's Peak trailhead

Jude manning his drinks shop at the Grays Peak trailhead

On Saturday, Jude and I were up early making a sign, getting ice and packing everything into coolers. We drove to the base of Grays Peak arriving about 10am where, as I suspected, there was a great parking spot as the really early risers were leaving already. We had our store ready to go about half an hour later and started selling our ice cold water and Gatorade. We worked for just over two hours netting $99 in revenue (including tips) and about $68 in profit. Most importantly, Jude loved the experience and wants to do it again some time.

Anna hard at work in the basement

Anna hard at work in the basement

While Jude and I were away Anna and Marcy got to work on some odd jobs around the house. Anna was a big helper with spackling and some painting. Anna enjoyed helping out there. We had a relaxing afternoon and a lovely dinner on our back deck.

On the hammock on a hot Saturday afternoon

Relaxing on the hammock on a hot afternoon this week

Today, I watched the British Open golf with Jude in the morning and then this afternoon I went for a run with Jude and then Anna, Jude and I played putt putt golf. We capped the weekend off with my favorite, a night out for sushi.

Kid Goats and the World Cup

At the farm with the baby goats

At the farm with the baby goats

In Iowa for our second week the cousins were all away at camp, although the twins did come back late Tuesday. But Anna and Jude had their grandparents to themselves for a couple of days. On Monday they took them to a farm that has a bunch of baby goats. They were able to feed, hold and pet them and they just loved it. So much so, they went back again a couple of days later for a second term.

Jude just loved petting the kid goats

Jude just loved petting the kid goats

For Jude the highlight of his week, as it has been for several weeks now, was watching the World Cup. We organized his days around watching the games and he got to see every minutes of both semi-finals while in Iowa. He even got Baba into it who was cheering for whoever Jude was supporting.

Jude celebrating Croatia's win in the World Cup semi-final

Jude celebrating Croatia’s win in the World Cup semi-final

The trip was over all too quick and we drove back to Denver on Thursday. Of course, this weekend was spent watching the World Cup, both the third place game on Saturday and the final on Sunday. Jude was really disappointed to see Croatia lose, he couldn’t even watch the game towards the end.

Anna and Marcy have a tea party on the back deck

Anna and Marcy have a tea party on the back deck

Yesterday was super hot so we spent the afternoon at the JCC by the pool. Today was 20+ degrees cooler and it rained all afternoon. Before the rain Anna got out her miniature tea set and she and Marcy had a tea party and then Anna filled a picnic basket with they had lunch in the park.

The Annual Summer Trip to Iowa

The five grandkids in their now traditional photo by the pool

The five grandkids in their now traditional photo by the pool

On Tuesday of this week we began our annual trip to Iowa. We stopped halfway in Kearney and we pulled in to Marcy’s parents house in West Des Moines, Iowa around 2pm on July 4. Less than a minute after arriving, as usual the kids were in the pool and they spent a good chunk of their time there for the rest of the week.

Lighting sparklers on July 4

Lighting sparklers on July 4

The kids have loved being here and I think the cousins have gotten along better than what is typical. On Friday, they all went to Adventureland, the local amusement park with Baba and Grandpa. They stayed out all day, leaving at 9:30am and not getting home until 12 hours later. They went on rollercoasters, spent time in the water park, had lots of treats and had a great time. Needless to say they were all extremely tired, Anna slept in until 10am the next morning.

Watching a movie together

Watching a movie together

Jude is still very much focused on the World Cup and while he missed Friday’s games he was able to watch the Saturday games. Baba even joined in and watched one with him.

Watching England play Sweden in the World Cup quarter final

Watching England play Sweden in the World Cup quarter final

I have played golf with Nathan a few times, including 36 holes yesterday. Both Nathan and I took out Jude for a Par-3 this afternoon and then we had dinner at a sports bar with Grandpa for a boys night. Meanwhile the twins and Lily have gone away to camp so Jude and Anna will have their grandparents to themselves for the next couple of days.

A Family Trip to Cleveland

Marcy had been talking about this trip for years. She wanted to go back to Cleveland, where she was born, to visit her family and see the places where she grew. The excuse came when it was time to celebrate her grandpa John’s 100th birthday. Now, he has been dead for more than 20 years but Marcy really wanted to go and celebrate his life with her extended family there.

At the gravesite of Marcy's maternal grandparents

At the gravesite of Marcy’s maternal grandparents

So, we left Denver Thursday afternoon for a long weekend in Cleveland. Friday, we had to ourselves so we went to visit the cemetery where Marcy’s grandparents are buried. Then we went to the place where Marcy grew up and Marcy had a trip down memory lane wandering around the property. In the afternoon we went to Vermillion, which is the place where Marcy’s grandfather kept his boat. The kids got to play in Lake Erie before we went to the same ice cream place that Marcy often visited after her day on her boat with her cousins and grandfather.

Playing in Lake Erie at Vermillion

Playing in Lake Erie at a beach in Vermillion

Friday night was spent at Uncle Don and Aunt Linda’s house back in Avon Lake where all of Marcy’s Cleveland family gathered. There were four other kids similar in age to Jude and Anna and Jude was delighted that this time there were a couple of boys in the mix.

All the kids playing on a giant chair at a restaurant on the river

All the kids playing on a giant chair at a restaurant on the river

Saturday, we went downtown to the Cleveland Aquarium in the morning before meeting everyone for lunch at this great restaurant right on the river. Then we went to West Side Market which is a Cleveland institution and again a place where Marcy’s grandfather used to frequent. Saturday night was spent at the home of Marcy’s cousin Kim and her family. Another fun night was had as more stories about Grandpa John were told.

Zbin Landscaping is the family business that has been in Marcy's family for 100 years

Zbin Landscaping is the family business that has been in Marcy’s Cleveland family for 100 years

This morning was our last morning and we went to brunch in Rocky River. This is the town where Zbin Landscaping has been operating for close to 100 years. The restaurant was literally right next door.

The Zbin family of Cleveland with the Renton family of Denver

The Zbin family of Cleveland with the Renton family of Denver

The time was over quickly and we were all sad to leave. Marcy loved connecting with the Cleveland family and the kids had a great time too. We invited everyone to Colorado but I could easily see another trip to Cleveland in our future.

The First Two Weeks of Summer Break and Fathers Day

Anna doing her gymnastics performance at the end of camp

Anna doing her gymnastics performance at the end of camp

Well the first two weeks of summer break have just flown by. I spent most of last week in Dublin for a conference so we missed last week’s update.

The first week of summer break Anna had gymnastics camp at DU that she just loved. Meanwhile Jude was in a morning tennis camp with a friend from school but he had the afternoons free. He has joined the First Tee summer golf program so I have taken him out a couple of times. Last weekend I took Jude to the local course and he had his first ever regulation sized 9 hole round. He did well, although the par 5’s were challenging. The most important thing is he enjoyed it and wanted to do it again.

Jude playing his first 9 holes on a regulation golf course at Overland

Jude playing his first 9 holes on a regulation golf course at Overland

We have rejoined the JCC for the summer and the kids have already had a few days at the pool. I joined everyone yesterday and we had a great time. Both kids have become strong swimmers over the past year and they wanted to race. Anna is now the fastest in the family at freestyle and Jude is the fastest at breaststroke.

Anna fooling around by the pool at the JCC

Anna fooling around by the pool at the JCC

Today was Fathers Day and Marcy made me a lovely breakfast of french toast and bacon. Then we went for a long family bike ride downtown. It ended being 12.5 miles, the longest ride the kids have ever done but they both did well. It helped that it was not very hot. After we got home Jude and I watched some World Cup soccer and then the US Open golf. We ended with a dinner at my favorite Mexican place, Benny’s.

Climbing the rock outside REI on our Fathers Day bike ride

Climbing the rock outside REI on our Fathers Day bike ride