Jude Meets Peyton Manning

Jude finished refereeing the son of Peyton Manning, he meets him after the game

Jude after refereeing the son of Peyton Manning (red arrow), he meets him after the game

Jude had his third day of refereeing. He is doing U9’s, so kids born in 2011, and it just so happens that Peyton Manning’s son is playing in this league. Jude and I both saw him before the game although we didn’t bother him. But after the game Peyton walked across the field and Jude introduced himself. It was a thrill for him to meet one of the best quarterbacks of all time.

Hanging out on the Pearl Street Mall in Boulder

Hanging out on the Pearl Street Mall in Boulder

Anna had Monday and Tuesday off school so on Tuesday she and Marcy went and got their nails done and did a trip to Boulder, where they visited the Liberty Puzzle Factory, and the Celestial Seasonings Factory as well.

Jude finished his cross country race

Jude after the finish of his cross country race

Friday afternoon Jude had a cross country race. I went and saw him run and he did well. He wasn’t feeling 100% but he still finished in 40th place out of 100 boys in the “A” flight (including 6th-8th graders) and was the first from his school to finish.

Jude playing with Olive at the park

Jude playing with Olive at the park

Saturday night we went to the DU women’s soccer game. Anna’s Skyline soccer team played a scrimmage during the half time show and then Anna and her friend Clara were ballgirls in the second half.

Today, Jude had soccer tryouts for Colorado Select, but after from that it was a pretty quiet day. He and I watched the second half of the Arsenal game, a little bit of the Broncos game and then he had about three hours of homework to do. Marcy and I put the ping pong table together (Marcy did most of the work) and the four of us played on it just before bed.

A Visit From Baba and Grandpa and a Trip to Elitch’s

Jude taking a break from refereeing

Jude taking a break from refereeing

Baba and Grandpa came to visit this week, on Thursday afternoon. It also coincided with my arrival back in town after a very quick trip to London. I went straight from the airport to Jude’s school soccer game. His team had an easy win (10-1) and Jude scored three goals (a hat trick) including a penalty to start off the scoring.

Grandpa giving Olive some love

Grandpa giving Olive some love

Baba and Grandpa went to see Jude referee on Saturday – he had a full day of four games. He was a little tired by the end of the day but he said he enjoyed it and he felt fine. Grandpa also spent a lot of time on Friday and Saturday helping us install a new toilet and some other odd jobs around the house. Marcy loves having help and advice in all the projects around the house.

Jude running away from the spray at Elitch's

Jude running away from the spray at Elitch’s

Today we thought about going to a Rockies game but instead I decided to head to Elitch’s. I had promised Anna I would take her before the end of the year and today was going to be a nice day. So, we invited Anna’s friend, Reed, and the four of us went off to Elitch’s. Anna and Reed liked to do the wild and crazy rides so they went off for a lot of afternoon while Jude and I did a few more of the reasonable rides which I appreciated. The big hit with all four of us was Shipwreck Falls where you get completely drenched.

After getting drenched on Shipwreck Falls

After getting drenched on Shipwreck Falls


Jude Starts Refereeing and a Sunday Hike

Jude getting set to start refereeing

Jude getting set to start refereeing

For some time now we have looked forward to when Jude could referee youth games for the Rapids. It is a way to earn money doing something he enjoys. So, he completed a training session with the Colorado Rapids and yesterday was his first day on the job. He had three soccer games back to back in the hot sun. The first game he was shadowing a grownup referee but games 2 and 3 he did by himself with the referee watching. He did really well and most importantly he enjoyed it.

Jude playing with Olive at Anna's soccer game

Jude playing with Olive at Anna’s soccer game

After a quick lunch it was on to Anna’s soccer game where her team played really well to win the game. Jude spent most of the game playing with Olive while also cheering on Anna.

At the top of the Manitou Incline

At the top of the Manitou Incline

Today, Jude and I were going to do another 14er with one of his friends but the weather looked a bit iffy so we canceled those plans. So, we had a free Sunday and decided to do a family hike. Marcy had been wanting to do the Manitou Incline, a very steep climb just outside Colorado Springs. This was an old cable car track that has been converted into a challenging hike.

Basically, this is a 2,768 step staircase, going up 2,000 feet in about a mile. It was a great workout and we all made it to the top with no problems. We then hiked the 4-mile trail back down to the base. We walked through the really cute town of Manitou Springs where we had a snack before heading home. We all loved it and vowed to make this an annual trip.

In the meantime, since we were going to be gone more than four hours we needed someone to check in on Olive, as that is the longest we like to leave her in her crate during the day. So our neighbors agreed to come get her after her four hour crate time and let her play with their dog. Olive enjoyed her play time, but they told us it took quite a while for her to warm to the idea of staying there. It’s a good experience for her though, as we want her to be comfortable in different settings.


Olive Turns Six Months and a Labor Day Party

Olive with her happy birthday treat

Olive with her happy birthday treat

This past week Olive turned six months and the kids wanted to mark the occasion with treats. So, they both went to the pet store and chose something for her. Olive enjoyed the treats, munching happily on her birthday cookie for much of the day.

This weekend we didn’t do a whole lot. Marcy had Ridhwan Saturday and Sunday and Jude was a bit sick with a cold so it was good to have a low key long weekend. It was super hot so we did take a trip to the pool yesterday. And the other thing we did, well Anna and I did, is get ready for the big party today.

Anna and Elsie preparing the pinata for the party

Anna and Elsie working into the night preparing the pinata for the party

This was an idea that Anna and Elsie, one of the neighbor kids, had last weekend. They thought it would be fun if they hosted an end of summer party with the neighbors. It worked out that the three families all had time on Monday afternoon so we spent a lot of the weekend preparing. Anna created a list of games she wanted to play and she and Elsie made a piñata from scratch. We bought the candy to fill it. We bought balloons and streamers and the girls had all the party games worked out. .

Jude taking the successful shot that brought down the pinata

Jude taking the successful shot that brought down the pinata

All the kids took turns at the piñata from youngest to oldest and Jude brought it down on the second round. Then it was lunch time where Anna had planned the menu – hot dogs for kids and sandwiches for grownups. After lunch we had a water balloon fight. This was a parents versus kids fight and everyone got wet – which was totally fine given it was a 100 degree day.

Anna about to let one fly in the kids versus parents water balloon fight

Anna about to let one fly in the kids versus parents water balloon fight

Then it was time for bobbing for apples. We filled the kiddie pool up with water and placed several apples inside. The kids were quite good at it with everyone getting their apple quickly, then throwing them back in to do it again.

Bobbing for apples

Bobbing for apples

Unfortunately, it was all over by 3:30pm as the other kids had to go home. Anna was particularly sad to see it come to an end. She had put so much thought and effort into the planning that she found it hard to accept it was all over. But she recognized that the party was a big success because everyone had a great time.

Back to School and a Busy Weekend

First day of 5th grade, Anna is back to school

First day of 5th grade, Anna is back to school

It was back to school week in our house this week. Anna went back on Monday and Jude on Wednesday. It was a big deal for Anna because 5th grade at Ricks is the start of middle school so she had to have a computer (we bought a Dell early in the summer) and there is a more rigorous academic program.

A quick selfie before Jude was out the door on his first day of 7th grade

A quick selfie before Jude was out the door on his first day of 7th grade

Jude entered 7th grade and his second year at ISD. He liked his new home room teacher as well as many of the kids in his class. He seemed to be looking forward to going back and he said he liked the first three days. Sports start this coming week and he is signed up for both cross country and soccer.

Anna pouncing on the ball in her first competitive soccer game

Anna pouncing on the ball in her first competitive soccer game

Last season Anna played soccer in the Skyline recreational league. She decided she wanted to step it up a notch and play in the competitive league this season. She is up to three practices a week now and they have been going at it since early August. Yesterday was the first game of the season and we were up bright and early to make the hour drive to Fort Collins for her first game. She played well against a good team and they lost 5-2.

Anna transitioning from the swim to the bike in the Stapleton triathlon

Anna transitioning from the swim to the bike in the Stapleton triathlon

This morning was the Stapleton kids triathlon. The kids have entered this a couple of times but it has been about three years. They wanted to do a triathlon again this year so we signed them up. After doing a training swim Jude decided to pull out because he felt like 100 meters was too far and he has not been swimming laps at all this summer. So, Anna was our sole entrant and we all went to cheer her on. She did great on the swim and the bike but the run was a bit of a struggle (she had forgotten to take her inhaler). But she finished strong and was glad she had done it.

At the summit of Mt Evans (and yes, we hiked it from Summit Lake)

At the summit of Mt Evans (and yes, we hiked it from Summit Lake)

Jude has been wanting to do our annual 14er and given how great the weather was supposed to be today I thought we could do Mt Evans given the late start we were getting. So, we headed from Anna’s triathlon to Mt Evans, or more accurately to Summit Lake a couple of thousand feet below the summit. We did the Mt Evans-Mt Spaulding loop which was surprisingly challenging, particularly the route down off Mt Evans. We started just after 12pm. Jude was a rock star, he is so much fitter than me now so he carried the back pack on the way up and I carried it on the way down. The 5.3 miles took us just under 4 hours of actual hiking time. Then we stopped at Echo Lake Lodge for dinner on the way back, we were starving and exhausted but satisfied after this strenuous hike.


Jude Wins His First 5K

Jude receiving his first place medal for the Race for Research 5K

Jude receiving his first place medal for the Race for Research 5K

This morning we all participated in the Cancer League of Colorado Race for Research 5K. One of our old Waldorf friends always organizes a big team and we did this race a few years ago. But this time Jude and I both trained for it. Jude had a fantastic race and won his age group (12 and under boys) with a time of 23:08. I had my fastest time in about 20 years with 26:51 but I couldn’t keep up with Jude. Marcy and Anna both walked the race and finished in under an hour.

Jude mountain biking near Bear Creek

Jude mountain biking near Bear Creek

This was the last full week of school vacation for both Anna and Jude. Marcy did lots of activities including a mountain bike ride with Jude. Ever since his Avid 4 Adventure camp he has wanted to go mountain biking, so Marcy took him on a trail in the foothills. She even went and bought a used mountain bike so she could lead him.

Anna next to her new middle school locker all ready for the start of 5th grade

Anna next to her new middle school locker all ready for the start of 5th grade

Anna had a couple of play dates during the week and she also had three soccer practices in the afternoons. Then she had the annual back to school picnic for families on Thursday night and after soccer practice she really wanted to go to Target to get everything ready for the middle school orientation on Friday morning. Marcy was at the Mumford & Sons concert so I took her shopping. This worked in Anna’s favor because I basically let her buy whatever she felt she needed.

Anna paddle boarding with Olive

Marcy paddle boarding with Olive

Friday, I took off early from work and joined everyone for some stand up paddle boarding at Big Soda Lake in Bear Creek Lake Park. We even took Olive along and she had her first taste of paddle boarding. She was not a fan at first. She fell in the water a couple of times and Marcy had to pull her out (she was wearing a life jacket so we knew she would be ok). She was out on the water with Marcy for well over 30 minutes though and settled in by the end, sitting on the board and enjoying the sun.

Anna treated us all to Dairy Queen to say thanks for a great summer

Anna treated us all to Dairy Queen to say thanks for a great summer

Tonight was the last night of school vacation for Anna (Jude goes back on Wednesday). She wanted to buy everyone Dairy Queen with her own money as a way of saying thanks for a great summer. Olive was happy to come along too. Anna and Marcy also spent several hours today at Ikea and they bought a desk and chair for Anna the office so she can do her homework. So, now Jude, Anna and I all have desks in the office.


Winding Down Summer With a Week at Home


Anna and Reed floating down the creek near Lyons

I had my first work trip in more than six weeks as I had to go to New York for three nights this week. And the kids ended up with nothing scheduled so it was a completely open week. They went standup paddle boarding one day at Bear Lake but they got rained out after an hour or two. They also took a trip to Lyons to go tubing with Anna’s friend Reed, They went down the creek many times and also did some cliff jumping off about a 15 foot cliff.

Anna started soccer practice at Skyline this week and she had her first friendly game this weekend against one of the really good teams. Anna was able to hold her own and played really well, setting up her team’s only goal.

Jude had refereeing class today. He is training to be a referee which you do at the Rapids once you are 12 years of age. He will start refereeing his first games after Labor Day, for 9 and 10 year olds and he gets paid $8 per game. If he likes it, when he turns 13 he can get certified and earn $20 per game. Jude is quite excited about this as an avenue to make some money.

Teeing off on #18 at Bethpage Black

Teeing off on #18 at Bethpage Black in New York

While I was in New York I took a morning off to play golf with my work colleague Todd. He lives just 5 minutes away from Bethpage State Park which has five golf courses including the famous Bethpage Black Course, which has hosted several majors including this year’s PGA championship.

Olive trying desperately to play with Pickles

Olive trying desperately to play with Pickles

Olive is starting to get along a little better with Pickles. She tries to play with her but Pickles, being a typical cat, is generally not interested. But that doesn’t stop from Olive from continuing to try to play.

A Great Week in Keystone

Cooking smores on the makeshift campfire in the driveway

Roasting marshmallows on the makeshift campfire in the driveway

The past week with the Dahlens went by so quickly. It was a busy week with the kids in camp all week. The girls all did Keystone Science School and Jude did his last Challenger Soccer camp (they are only open to kids 12 and under). They all said they loved their camps.

Hiking Chihuahua Gulch after a big snow season meant lots of water

Hiking Chihuahua Gulch trail after a big snow season meant lots of (very cold) water

Nate and I played a lot of golf this week including two rounds at Red Sky Ranch, a truly beautiful course about 40 miles west of Keystone. On Tuesday, Marcy and I did a great hike with Mandy and Nate near Keystone. We did the Chihuahua Gulch trail, one of of favorite hikes (and also the hike where I proposed to Marcy). But with the great ski season we had there was a ton of snow melt which meant way more water than usual. What were usually easily navigable creeks were roaring torrents that posed some difficultly in getting across. It also meant we missed a turnoff on the trail because it was flooded so we didn’t make it to the lake. But it was still a beautiful hike and I know Mandy and Nate were blown away by it.

We took the kids golfing (twice) at The River Course at Keystone

We took the kids golfing (twice) at The River Course at Keystone

While Nate and I played a lot of golf, the kids (except Lily) decided they wanted to get in on the action. Kids golf for free at the River after 5pm, so on two of the evenings after camp this past week we headed out with the kids. Anna and Chloe loved it, Jude played well but was not that into it and Ella just liked coming along for the ride.

The family Five Crowns Championship

The family Five Crowns Championship

Over the past year we have played a lot of the card game, Five Crowns. And four members of the family have all had a perfect score in different games. So, the idea was conceived of a family championship among those four. We had planned to do it in Iowa over July 4 but had never got around to it, so it happened at Keystone this past week. Mandy came out at number one, and now we are back to the beginning with everyone getting the chance to achieve a perfect score this year and compete in next year’s championship round.

The kids all used to be able to stand under the kitchen counter...no more

The kids all used to be able to stand under the kitchen counter…no more

The Dahlens drove back on Saturday morning. Jude had a soccer tryout on at 11am so we also left then. Marcy and Anna drove back later that afternoon. We didn’t do much the rest of the weekend. Jude was so happy to be home having spent only six days out of the past 34 days at home. Olive was also glad to be home.


Olive back in her dog bed at home


The Annual Keystone Trip – What a Weekend

Anna and the Dahlens go for a hike in Breckenridge

Anna and the Dahlens go for a hike in Breckenridge

The annual trip to Keystone began on Friday night when the Dahlens arrived from Iowa. Saturday Marcy and I had to go and pick Jude from camp in Bailey. It was a 2 hour drive each way so that occupied most of our Saturday. It was so great to see Jude after 2 weeks, we had really missed him. His camp went really well, even the backpacking trip they did. He said his favorite part of the trip was “cowboy camping” where they slept under the stars. Jude said he had never seen so many stars before and he was mesmerized by it. Meanwhile, Anna went with the Dahlens and Olive to Breckenridge for a hike.

Jude enjoying his first lunch at Chimayo after camp

Jude enjoying his first lunch at Chimayo after camp

We didn’t get back from picking up Jude, after a late lunch at Chimayo, until 3:30pm. The rest of the day was pretty low key. Jude watched a movie and played video games after going screen-free for two weeks.

Fitting on the giant chair at River Run

Fitting on the giant chair at River Run

Sunday ended up being a big day. We walked over to River Run in the morning where they had an art show. Then we all went to lunch at Chimayo (Jude’s idea). After lunch, we decided to rent bikes but first it was done to Keystone Lake for a stint on the kayaks and standup paddleboards.

Lily, Jude and Anna at Keystone Lake

Lily, Jude and Anna at Keystone Lake

Then we were off on an epic bike ride. We intended to ride all the way around Lake Dillon to the Frisco Marina, around 14 miles. We didn’t know whether we would all make it but the kids (Lily, Jude and Anna) did really well and made it there easily.

We made it the 14 miles to Frisco Marina

We made it the 14 miles to Frisco Marina

The kids refueled at the Island Grill right on the lake as well as at the candy store and then it was time for the big ride back. We took it a bit slower on the way back and Anna struggled for some of it. She was trying to keep up with the older kids and had an asthma attack part of the way back. But we had her inhaler and she was able to recover well. She really pushed herself hard.

Anna was a trooper on the 28 mile bike ride, the longest of her life

Anna was a trooper on the 28 mile bike ride, the longest of her life

It was after 7:30pm by the time we made it back but we did it. It was the longest bike ride of the kids lives and they were rightly proud of themselves. Marcy, Jude and Lily waited for Anna and I several times and right at the end they waited at the top of our street so we could all finish the ride together.

Finishing the epic bike ride just before sunset

Finishing the epic bike ride just before sunset

Meanwhile Mandy and Nate had Olive and the twins. They all went on the paddle boats, including Olive who seemed to enjoy herself out on the water for the first time.

Olive and Nate paddle boating on Keystone Lake

Olive and Nate paddle boating on Keystone Lake

It was a great start to the week in Keystone. The kids are all really tired tonight, especially Anna whose little legs and lungs got a real workout today.


A Sprained Ankle and Olive’s First Hike

Anna with her new crutches

Anna with her new crutches and sprained ankle

Anna had 2-4-1 Sports camp this week, one of her favorites from last summer. She had a great time on Monday and most of Tuesday. She played tennis, soccer, handball, spike ball and others – they are really in to providing a variety of sports at this camp. Unfortunately, on Tuesday afternoon Marcy got a text from the camp administrator: Anna had sprained her ankle and could not put any weight  on it. So, Marcy picked her up and took her to get crutches so she could at least get around. Anna was a trooper and went to camp Wednesday to Friday to participate where she could and watch her campmates. She still said it was a good week.

Hanging out at the gas station waiting for the spare key

Hanging out at the gas station waiting for the spare key

I had Ridhwan class this weekend so Anna and Marcy (and Olive) were on their own. Yesterday, they hung out at home and today they decided to go to Lair o’ the Bear, a favorite hiking trail in the foothills. It was Olive’s first time out hiking.

Unfortunately, it did not go smoothly. They stopped to get gas on the way and Marcy dropped her car key in the sink while she was washing her hands in the bathroom. When she tried to start back up the car it didn’t work. She called AAA and they could not help. So, I left class at lunchtime, drove home to get the spare key and then dropped it off at the gas station. They continued on to Lair o’ the Bear, getting there a couple of hours later than expected.

Olive had a great time in the creek at Lair o' the Bear

Olive had a great time in the creek at Lair o’ the Bear

Olive went crazy at Lair o’ the Bear. It was first time out in nature like this and it was incredibly stimulating for her. She absolutely loved playing in the water and was running and leaping all over the place. They hiked only a short while because Olive was well and truly getting her exercise.

Jude conquered this rock climbing cliff at his camp

Jude got in some rock climbing at his camp

We did not hear from Jude all week but we could follow along with some photos. We saw him canoeing, standup paddle boarding, rock climbing, tree climbing, mountain biking and more. He seemed to get having a good time, we all can’t wait to find out all about it when we pick him up on Saturday.