Jude playing with Olive in the snow
Anna had the entire week of Thanksgiving off school but Jude was supposed to go on Monday and Tuesday. On Monday afternoon a big snow storm came through, dumping over a foot of snow – the biggest storm in three years in Denver. This meant a snow day for Jude on Tuesday which he was thrilled about.

Anna doing some shoveling as the storm continued
After the storm the weather continued to be cold and cloudy most of the week. So while the kids spent a lot of time indoors they were also able to get out and do some sledding at the park. They also took Olive out a lot who just absolutely loves the snow. The neighbors also came over and played on the trampoline after Jude shoveled all the snow off.

Heading off to do the Turkey Trot 4-mile road race around Wash Park
Thanksgiving morning was another cold and cloudy day. But before we feasted Jude and I had a race to run. We entered the Turkey Trot which is a large road race around our local park. It is a big race with close to 10,000 people and it was a little bit treacherous given the snow and ice on the roads. But we both finished well with good times.
Then it was on to Thanksgiving dinner. Marcy spent a good part of Wednesday and most of Thursday preparing the meal. My job was the turkey and gravy. We sat down to our first family Thanksgiving dinner in Denver since 2013 and it was really nice to spend the holiday at home.

About to dig in to our Thanksgiving feast
We didn’t have a whole lot planned the rest of the weekend and as I said the weather was not great. Anna and Elsie had an entire camp planned with the neighbors with a range of activities so that occupied quite a bit of the long weekend. One of the activities was community service which involved us taking trash bags out and cleaning up trash in the neighborhood. It was not an easy task given all the snow but we did manage to half fill a couple of trash bags.

Doing community service over Thanksgiving weekend
The other big job this weekend was hanging our new TV. We bought a new 55″ OLED TV last weekend and installed it this weekend. We had a couple of issues with the installers so Marcy and I ended up doing it ourselves. The TV looks fantastic hanging on our wall now.