Off to Camp They Go

Jude about to head off to Windy Peak for two weeks

Today, we did something we had never done before. We sent both kids off to camp on the same day. For the next two weeks Anna is going to be at Geneva Glen and Jude will be at  Windy Peak. Yes, both kids will be away at the same time, the first time that has ever happened.

Anna ready to head off for two weeks at Geneva Glen

We dropped Anna off first as she was on the way to Jude’s camp. It was quite the process with all the Covid protocols but we were out of there in 30 minutes. Jude’s was a little easier and by 4pm it was just us and Olive. We decided to do a late afternoon hike and we discovered the Colorado Trail ran right by Jude’s camp so we did a two hour hike there.

Jude and the victorious Rapids burgundy team (he is in the front, third boy from the right)

Jude has been playing on the white level Rapids team for some time. He is now one of the best players on the team and he has been wanting to go up to the next level for some time. The call up finally came this week. He was invited to practice with the burgundy team and then play in their season ending tournament this weekend.

He made the most of his opportunity getting better with each game. This morning, the third game, he set up the game winning goal and it was great to hear all the parents yelling out, “Great job Jude!” Needless to say, he was very satisfied with his performance and he hopes he has done enough to earn a permanent spot on the team.

Anna and Daddy date at Urban Putt downtown

Anna and I used to go on date nights semi-regularly but the pandemic put a stop to that. But with Anna now fully vaccinated (well, the two weeks after the final shot is this Friday) we decided to head downtown for a date night. We rode our bikes downtown and went to a burger place, then Urban Putt for some indoor golf and finally to an ice cream place. It was a great night.


Jude Graduates Middle School

Jude addressing the crowd at his graduation ceremony

On Wednesday this past week Jude graduated eighth grade at the International School of Denver. The past three years have flown by and we find it hard to believe we are about to have a high schooler. Jude really enjoyed his time at ISD, it was a good fit for him and we were really pleased with the school. He has become very proficient in French, his favorite subject. He ended his middle school strongly with his best grades of his entire time there.

The family photo after the ceremony

The ceremony it itself was really cool. Rather than just call each student’s name the teachers get together and decide on one word that best describes each of the students. Jude’s word was “candid” as he is always forthright in telling the truth, a quality his teachers clearly valued.

Throwing the caps in the air

This weekend was all about soccer with the annual end of season tournament at Aurora Sports Park. Jude’s team played four matches over two days. They won one, lost one, and drew one and that was enough to make the final. But they lost to a team from New Mexico who were really good. Jude played really well.

Jude gets around this defender and has a breakaway up the field

Tonight, Marcy, Jude and I went to see the US Mens National Soccer Team play Mexico in the final of the Nations Cup which happened to be in Denver. It was a wild and crazy game which the US won 3-2 after a penalty from Christian Pulisic (our biggest star). The fans were wild, in a negative way, and the game had to be stopped a number of times because of objects on the field. But it was an epic match and we were all glad we went.

Watching the USA play Mexico at Mile High Stadium

Summer Break for Anna and a 10K

Anna is officially on summer break…relaxing with a video game

Anna had her last day of school on Friday so she is done with 6th grade. She is out on summer break now and has two weeks until her first camp starts. We have been lenient this long weekend on screen time so she spent a good part of this weekend playing video games, mainly Minecraft Bed Wars with friends.

Jude still has two days of school left before he graduates middle school. More on that next week.

Jude and I completed the Bolder Boulder 10k in Greenland Open Space

Today, Jude and I competed in a 10k. The Bolder Boulder is a huge race that happens every Memorial day in Boulder. It was canceled last year and this year they decided to have it in multiple locations. We chose the all-dirt trail in Greenland Open Space. While the weather looked dicey it ended being perfect for running. No rain, cool weather and soft ground. Jude ran it in 49:41 minutes and I did 58:50 (my goal was to break the hour). We went out for a celebratory Mexican lunch in Castle Rock afterwards.

Marcy doing gardening in the rain

Marcy spent most of this weekend in the garden. She bought a number of plants yesterday and has been planting like crazy since Saturday morning. Even though we had steady rain all afternoon that didn’t stop her, she still spent several hours in the garden.

Back to the Museum

Outside the museum on the wolves

When the kids were we little we spent a lot of time at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. I mean a lot of time. There were some weeks we would go 4-5 times. The kids loved the dioramas with the animals and Jude loved the dinosaur exhibit.

Back in the dinosaur exhibit

There is a Stonehenge exhibit that is at the museum right now and Marcy just loves Stonehenge. So, for Mother’s Day I bought her family passes for the day. It was a real trip down memory lane for all of us as we hadn’t been back in several years. And the Stonehenge exhibit was excellent.

After the museum we went to some of our favorite Park Hill places from when we lived there. Lunch at Chop Shop and then on to Nuggs for ice cream.

Enjoying ice cream at Nuggs

It was quite a dreary weekend with lots of cloud cover and a little rain. Jude’s soccer was still on and he played quite well. But we spent a lot of time indoors.

The other big news of the week was covid shots. Both kids had their first shot on Friday with the next scheduled for three weeks time. So, when they go off to camp in mid-June they will be fully vaccinated.

Showing off her first covid shot

Mother’s Day 2021

Mother’s Day lunch in Boulder

On this Mother’s Day we started with an early soccer game. Marcy decided she wanted to come so all four of us piled into the car at 8:20am this morning to drive to Jude’s soccer game in Boulder. He had a good game and his team won 2-0. It was a cold day and we had some rain but not for the game thankfully.

Then Marcy decided we would have Mexican food for lunch and we found a dog-friendly restaurant not far from the game. We sat outside despite the cold so Olive could be with us. The meal was delicious.

We arrived back home to rain so the rest of the day was spent mostly inside. We did a few odd jobs around the house and Marcy got to workout and also get some rest.

Hiking in White Ranch Park

On Thursday of this week Marcy and I took the day off and went for a hike in the foothills. We hiked in White Ranch Park, a nice challenging hike that is normally really crowded on weekends but it wasn’t too bad during the week.

Jude practicing juggling the soccer ball

At the start of April Jude decided that he wanted to focus on juggling the soccer ball better. His record then was just 24 juggles with his feet. He has practiced almost every day since then and now his record is 309 and he regularly gets over 100 now. It is making him a better soccer player and it gives him a reason to get to the park.

Our First Night Out in 15 Months

First night out to a restaurant in 15 months. Jax was awesome!

Last week I flew to New York for our big annual conference. While it was a virtual conference we were using a production studio in New York City and so we needed to be there, It was my first flight since March of last year and it was a little strange. But I managed to get there and back without incident. It was great to get the event behind me as it has occupied so much of my time and energy since the start of the year.

Toasting the end of another successful LendIt event

This weekend was all about rest and recreation. It started when I picked Anna up from school and we went to get Ben and Jerry’s. Then we had a Friday night picnic in the park which was just lovely. Saturday, Jude and I went for a hike in the foothills in Apex Park, it is the closest hike to our house that is rated as hard on AllTrails. It really wasn’t that hard and we did the 8+ miles in around 3 hours.

On the top of the mountain at Apex Park

We arrived back at home and then an hour later we were all riding our bikes downtown for dinner. We went to Jax, known for the oysters, a place we had been several times but not for several years. It was a fantastic dinner, I was commenting to Marcy afterwards that I think it might have been the nicest meal we had ever had out as a family. It was so nice to be out at a restaurant again.

Jude running strong in the Cinco de Mayo 5K

This morning we had the Cinco de Mayo 5K in Wash Park. Jude did really well with a time of 22:22, coming second in his age group and 20th overall (out of 600 runners). I was several minutes behind in 27:12 but it was good to be out racing again.

Taking a break in the hammock with Olive

Marcy spent much of the weekend working in the garden. She got a lot done and the yard is starting to look good.

Road Trip for a Soccer Game

Hiking the Red Hill trail outside Carbondale

We found out on Tuesday of this week that Jude was going to be playing soccer in Glenwood Springs on Saturday, a three hour drive. It turned out to be lucky for Jude because Denver got 6″ of snow on Thursday night and all games here were canceled. But Glenwood Springs just got a dusting and the game was on. So, Jude and I made the long drive leaving at 9:15am for a 12:45pm kickoff.

I didn’t want to drive all that way without getting at least some time on a hiking trail. So, after his match Jude and I found a hiking close to the soccer ground and did a nice 90 minute hike before heading home. On the way back we stopped at Jude’s favorite restaurant, Chimayo in Dillon.

Getting ready to shoot audition videos

Marcy got her second covid shot on Saturday in Colorado Springs so Anna went along and they did some shopping along the way in Castle Rock. Then Anna went to Defy, a trampoline place, in the afternoon with her old Waldorf friend Reed.

Today, Anna had to shoot her audition videos. She has been taking these acting classes for the last several months and graduation is coming up in a couple of weeks. Before they graduate they need to shoot a few videos of themselves acting and talking about themselves. Anna did a nice job and I helped her get everything uploaded this evening. She is excited to start acting in commercials which will hopefully come later this year.

A Half Birthday and a Social

Anna enjoying her half-birthday donut

Anna turned 12 1/2 this week and as we have done every year on April 7, we celebrated her half birthday with a donut. She chose an apple fritter. As Marcy pointed out this makes her half way to 25.

Anna’s 6th grade class at their school social

On Friday night Anna had a school social, the first organized activity they had all school year. Anna helped organize the event and had a blast doing it. It brought a little sense of normalcy to the school year.

Anna with one of her best friends

On Saturday it was all about Jude’s soccer. He refereed two games in the morning and in the afternoon he played his own game. This is the first game I have watched this season and his team is really quite good and they won a hard fought game 3-2.

Today, Jude and I ran the Donut Dash 5K, the first one of the season. It was good to get out there and a beautiful day for it.

Playing with water balloons on the trampoline

Meanwhile Anna spent a lot of time with the neighbor kids this weekend. For some reason, they decided water balloon fights on the trampoline would be fun.

Happy Easter 2021

Easter morning with their packed baskets

Easter weekend was very much a home-bound affair. Although Saturday we went our separate ways with my driving to Colorado Springs to get my covid vaccine (the J&J, one shot!) while Marcy took Jude for his soccer match. I was bummed to miss his match but super excited to get vaccinated. Marcy got her first Pfizer shot last weekend.

My excitement turned to misery today as I woke up feeling horrible. Every muscle ached and I had no energy. I was no fun to be around and I spent the day watching tv and doing taxes. Thankfully, Marcy was 100% and had a wonderful Easter planned. She worked until late last night packing eggs for the Easter egg hunt and also filling their baskets with goodies.

Starting the Easter egg hunt

Anna is still really into the Easter egg hunt and Jude got into it after it started but said he would be ok if we skipped it next year. Marcy included poker chips this year instead of change which made it easier to put together.

Anna and Elsie leading the three-legged race

Anna and one of the neighbors put together a whole program for the afternoon that included a treasure hunt, three-legged races, an egg and spoon race, and egg tossing. I was feeling so horrible that I couldn’t really participate but everyone else had a blast. They put in a big effort and did a really nice job. As you can see it was really nice weather, in fact, it was a record hot day for April 4.

Snuggling with Olive

A Birthday and More Skiing

Anna skiing the powder on Keystone’s North Bowl on my birthday

On Wednesday of this week I had a birthday. I decided to take the day off work and go skiing with Anna who was on spring break. We drove up in the morning with a bit of a late start but we had a fantastic day. Keystone had received 7″ of fresh snow in the previous 36 hours so it was pristine. We hiked back in the North Bowl where there was a ton of untracked powder which was so fun. Anna skied really well on it.

Celebrating with my two favorite kids and some birthday cheesecake

We finished around 4pm and then it was back to Denver for my birthday celebration. We ordered Thai food which was delicious and then Marcy made her classic cheesecake with some cherry sauce. Yum!

This weekend it was back up to the mountains. Jude’s soccer on Saturday was canceled because the ground was still too wet from the last snowstorm. He did manage to get a game in on turf on Friday night, his first game of the season which made him happy.

We met up in Keystone with an old friend of Anna’s from Waldorf and his dad. They were also good skiers so we did more powder and tree runs as well as some cruisers. It was a a full day and I was beat by the end of it. It was my third ski day in the past seven days.

Hiking on a snow covered trail was hard going

This morning I didn’t want to go skiing so Jude and I decided to try a hike on the south facing mountain behind our condo. Anna wanted more skiing so we dropped her off at 9am and told her we would meet her back at 11:30am. We wanted to leave for home by lunchtime to avoid the traffic.

Jude and I had an adventure. The first mile the snow was really packed down and it was easy hiking. But at the four wheel drive road after going about half a mile it became impossible. Each step would sink me down to my thighs so we decided to turn back. Keystone has had over 18 feet of snow so far this season and even on the south facing mountain there was still plenty of snow.

Anna’s official school photo for sixth grade

We end this week with Anna’s school photo that we received this week.