Back to School for our Senior and Sophomore

First day of Senior Year

After a great summer break it was back to school this year for Jude and Anna. They both started their new school year on Tuesday. Jude kicked off the year bright and early as the seniors all went to Red Rocks to watch the sunrise, so he was out the door just after 5am.

Anna starting her sophomore year

Anna started her sophomore year and is delighted to no longer be a freshman. This year, instead of being a cheerleader on the South Varsity cheer team, she decided she wanted to be an assistant coach, and they were delighted to have her. So, she is still attending all the practices, just in a different capacity.

Jude’s first competitive soccer match of the new season was on Thursday night. He is the starting right back on the South Varsity team, and they started the season with a solid win. There is a lot of room for improvement, and no doubt they will get better as the season goes on, but it was great to start with a win.

Since this is Jude’s last year of high school, I decided to create a slideshow of every first day of school since 2009 when he started preschool.