Anna Gets Her Braces Off and a Family Broncos Game

The last photo ever taken of Anna with braces on

After two and a half years Anna got her braces off this week. She had been counting down the days as she was so excited to get her regular teeth back again.

The after photo showing her pearly whites

Marcy made her a caramel apple to celebrate as that is one of the foods Anna has not been able to eat for the past two and a half years.

Munching in to a caramel apple the day the braces came off

Most years for the past decade Jude and I have gone to a Broncos game, courtesy of a friend of mine who has season tickets. But he only had two tickets so Marcy and Anna have not been.

A family Broncos game

So, when our neighbor asked if we wanted four tickets to see the game today against the Packers, we jumped at the chance. This was the first time all four of us got to see a Broncos game and it was Marcy’s first Broncos game.
Despite the weather not being great (we got rained on during the second quarter) we had a blast. The Broncos won easily and had some great plays. And we were able to ride our bikes down to see the game.