Back to School for our Senior and Sophomore

First day of Senior Year

After a great summer break it was back to school this year for Jude and Anna. They both started their new school year on Tuesday. Jude kicked off the year bright and early as the seniors all went to Red Rocks to watch the sunrise, so he was out the door just after 5am.

Anna starting her sophomore year

Anna started her sophomore year and is delighted to no longer be a freshman. This year, instead of being a cheerleader on the South Varsity cheer team, she decided she wanted to be an assistant coach, and they were delighted to have her. So, she is still attending all the practices, just in a different capacity.

Jude’s first competitive soccer match of the new season was on Thursday night. He is the starting right back on the South Varsity team, and they started the season with a solid win. There is a lot of room for improvement, and no doubt they will get better as the season goes on, but it was great to start with a win.

Since this is Jude’s last year of high school, I decided to create a slideshow of every first day of school since 2009 when he started preschool.

Anna Gets Her Braces Off and a Family Broncos Game

The last photo ever taken of Anna with braces on

After two and a half years Anna got her braces off this week. She had been counting down the days as she was so excited to get her regular teeth back again.

The after photo showing her pearly whites

Marcy made her a caramel apple to celebrate as that is one of the foods Anna has not been able to eat for the past two and a half years.

Munching in to a caramel apple the day the braces came off

Most years for the past decade Jude and I have gone to a Broncos game, courtesy of a friend of mine who has season tickets. But he only had two tickets so Marcy and Anna have not been.

A family Broncos game

So, when our neighbor asked if we wanted four tickets to see the game today against the Packers, we jumped at the chance. This was the first time all four of us got to see a Broncos game and it was Marcy’s first Broncos game.
Despite the weather not being great (we got rained on during the second quarter) we had a blast. The Broncos won easily and had some great plays. And we were able to ride our bikes down to see the game.

Jude’s Tenth Annual Fourteener Hike: Pikes Peak

At the summit of Pikes Peak on the balcony of the visitor center

Yesterday, Jude and I hiked to the summit of Pikes Peak. This was no regular 14er hike. For a start, it was our tenth annual hike, haring started when Jude was eight on the Grays Peak hike. But Pikes Peak is also the 14er with the most vertical feet of hiking. It is 7,500 vertical hike over almost 12 miles from the town of Manitou Springs to get to the summit.

The sunrise over the clouds around 6:15am

Jude and I awoke at 3:30am on Saturday morning to drive down to Manitou Springs with the goal of being on the trail at 5am. Unfortunately, when we arrived at the trailhead, the parking lot was full so we had to park in town and then walk up. This added a mile and 20 extra minutes to the hike. But we were on the trail by 5:30am when it was just light enough to see.

Right after we made the summit at noon

It was a beautiful morning and the trail was busy but not like the popular 14ers in the front range. It was all uphill with virtually no respite and we were tired when we made it to the summit at noon. Pikes Peak is unique among 14ers in that it has a fully staffed visitor center and cafe at the summit as well as a train. It was a little jarring to see hundreds of people at the summit, almost all of whom had either driven or caught the train while we had put in a hard 6.5 hours of work. But the good part was that we were able to catch the train back down to Manitou Springs. This made a huge different to how exhausted I felt at the end.

Getting ready for Olivia Rodrigo

Meanwhile, Anna and Marcy went to see Olivia Rodrigo when she came through Denver recently. Anna has become a huge fan and she enjoyed it every bit as much as the Taylor Swift concert last year, maybe even more. She finished her lifeguard shift at 7:15pm and then went directly downtown for the show.