Our second week in Iowa began with the kids doing something they had not done before. Baba drove them to Adventureland, the amusement park, and left them. They had the place to themselves with no adult supervision. They had a great time and it sounds like it wasn’t that different to what they did when they had parents there.
As always as Baba’s house there were lots of games. One afternoon they did an Oreo balancing competition. You had to see how many Oreos you could balance on your forehead. Anna and Jude topped out at six cookies while Lily managed seven. There were lots of Oreo pieces to enjoy afterwards. The other game was trying to move one Oreo from your forehead to your mouth without using your hands. That left them with chocolate crumbs all over their faces.
Today we all went bowling. Kids bowl free all summer at the local bowling alley so all five kids were joined by a few adults this time. This was the third time the kids had been bowling in the last 10 days.
Yesterday Nathan and I spent the day golfing 36 holes, just beating the severe storm that was threatening all afternoon. Jude and I spent time watching international soccer: Brazil vs Argentina last night and England vs Italy today. They were both exciting matches. We also spent more time down at the Dahlens helping them get ready for their kitchen remodel that begins tomorrow.
Jude has also been to the park a lot to play soccer. I have been with him sometimes but he has been very happy to go by himself. He broke his juggling record this week, keeping the ball off the ground 459 times.