When the kids were we little we spent a lot of time at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. I mean a lot of time. There were some weeks we would go 4-5 times. The kids loved the dioramas with the animals and Jude loved the dinosaur exhibit.
There is a Stonehenge exhibit that is at the museum right now and Marcy just loves Stonehenge. So, for Mother’s Day I bought her family passes for the day. It was a real trip down memory lane for all of us as we hadn’t been back in several years. And the Stonehenge exhibit was excellent.
After the museum we went to some of our favorite Park Hill places from when we lived there. Lunch at Chop Shop and then on to Nuggs for ice cream.
It was quite a dreary weekend with lots of cloud cover and a little rain. Jude’s soccer was still on and he played quite well. But we spent a lot of time indoors.
The other big news of the week was covid shots. Both kids had their first shot on Friday with the next scheduled for three weeks time. So, when they go off to camp in mid-June they will be fully vaccinated.