Baba and Grandpa came to visit this week, on Thursday afternoon. It also coincided with my arrival back in town after a very quick trip to London. I went straight from the airport to Jude’s school soccer game. His team had an easy win (10-1) and Jude scored three goals (a hat trick) including a penalty to start off the scoring.
Baba and Grandpa went to see Jude referee on Saturday – he had a full day of four games. He was a little tired by the end of the day but he said he enjoyed it and he felt fine. Grandpa also spent a lot of time on Friday and Saturday helping us install a new toilet and some other odd jobs around the house. Marcy loves having help and advice in all the projects around the house.
Today we thought about going to a Rockies game but instead I decided to head to Elitch’s. I had promised Anna I would take her before the end of the year and today was going to be a nice day. So, we invited Anna’s friend, Reed, and the four of us went off to Elitch’s. Anna and Reed liked to do the wild and crazy rides so they went off for a lot of afternoon while Jude and I did a few more of the reasonable rides which I appreciated. The big hit with all four of us was Shipwreck Falls where you get completely drenched.