After several weeks of practice, this weekend marked the opening of the soccer season. Jude is playing in a more competitive league this season with six players a side including a goalie. He enjoyed the game although he would liked to have had more playing time. With 10 players on the team he spends almost as much time on the sideline as he did on the field.
Jude is settling in to school well. Every day when he comes home now he says that school was great. They are learning the Jewish traditions and holidays, so now Jude wants to do Shabbat on Friday nights where we bless some bread and have grape juice. He is also playing the viola now and this week the school library was opened to him for first time. He loves books and was excited to be able to go there and check out books. He has been practicing his reading every day and this weekend started reading through his new library books.
Anna is also enjoying school. I chatted with her teacher this week, who Anna loves, and said that Anna is very engaged and is one of the most friendly students in the class. She is very inclusive and goes out of her way to make the others feel at home. She also says she enjoys school.
Last week they did the annual field trip to Berry Patch Farms. I think Anna has been there every year since she was two years old, because she used to tag alone with Jude’s preschool class back in the day. All the first graders picked berries and played on the farm equipment there.
Today, was the start of the football season and Jude was excited to see the Packers play and I was excited for the Broncos. But before there was any football we had to get out and do some exercise. I took Jude to the soccer field and we played a 30-minute one-on-one game (it is quite the workout for both of us). Then I came back and took Anna to the ice skating rink. Then we watched some football.