Happy Mother’s Day


On Friday Jude’s kindergarten held a Mother’s Day party. There was a cute ceremony where all the kids handed their mothers a present they had all made. Jude had created a beautiful metal trivet with a star on it. Then they had morning tea and danced around the maypole outside.

Yesterday, Jude and Anna did a kid’s fun run with one of Jude’s school friends. After being a bit unsure about it at first, when all the kids started running Jude wanted to join in. He did great and ran all the way around the lake there. They also had lots of kids activities there including a kids climbing wall. Jude always likes to practice his climbing skills.IMG_0510

Today was Mother’s Day and Marcy called the shots all day. We went out for a picnic lunch in the park and then afterwards biked (Anna and me) and scootered (Jude and Marcy) to our favorite local gelato place. It was a beautiful warm day so after that we decided to go to the pool at the gym. Then it was sushi for dinner. A fine way to spend Mother’s Day.
