Jude and His Dinosaur Book


On Jude’s fourth birthday he received this dinosaur book from Aunt Mandy. For the next 2+ years he has been pretty much inseparable from it. It has been quite staggering to me how much he enjoyed looking through this book.

So when we went to Mexico last month naturally the book came with us. But then tragedy struck. When we went to the bathroom at the Denver airport we left it on the counter, not realizing our mistake until we were already on the plane. Marcy called Lost and Found from Mexico but no one had turned it in. I tried looking for it on Amazon but couldn’t find it.

But Aunt Mandy came to the rescue again. She found the book on Amazon and sent us a replacement book. Jude was very happy to be reunited with his very favorite book again.


Jude and Anna have been going to creative movement classes for the last few weeks and today they had their performance. They were both pretty excited beforehand so they took to running around the dance hall as we waited for the performances to start. Both kids did great in their routine and seemed to enjoy themselves.

Last weekend we were in Keystone where both Jude and Anna spent Saturday in a ski lesson. This was their 5th lesson and I think they really made progress. Jude is very confident now and can turn and stop with relative ease. Marcy and I had the day to ourselves to ski and then we checked in on them late in the day and they were both doing great. Here is Jude powering down the slopes.
